content_tag(:a, name, {:href => '#', :onclick => "#{function}; return false;"}.merge(html_options))
+ def link_to_context_menu
+ link_to l(:button_actions), '#', title: l(:button_actions), class: 'icon-only icon-actions js-contextmenu'
+ end
# Helper to render JSON in views
def raw_json(arg)
arg.to_json.to_s.gsub('/', '\/').html_safe
content_tag('td', link_to_issue(child, :project => (issue.project_id != child.project_id)), :class => 'subject', :style => 'width: 50%') +
content_tag('td', h(child.status), :class => 'status') +
content_tag('td', link_to_user(child.assigned_to), :class => 'assigned_to') +
- content_tag('td', child.disabled_core_fields.include?('done_ratio') ? '' : progress_bar(child.done_ratio), :class=> 'done_ratio'),
+ content_tag('td', child.disabled_core_fields.include?('done_ratio') ? '' : progress_bar(child.done_ratio), :class=> 'done_ratio') +
+ content_tag('td', link_to_context_menu, :class => 'buttons'),
:class => css)
s << '</table>'
relations.each do |relation|
other_issue = relation.other_issue(issue)
css = "issue hascontextmenu #{other_issue.css_classes}"
- link = manage_relations ? link_to(l(:label_relation_delete),
+ buttons = manage_relations ? link_to(l(:label_relation_delete),
:remote => true,
:method => :delete,
:data => {:confirm => l(:text_are_you_sure)},
:title => l(:label_relation_delete),
:class => 'icon-only icon-link-break'
- ) : nil
+ ) :"".html_safe
+ buttons << link_to_context_menu
s << content_tag('tr',
content_tag('td', check_box_tag("ids[]",, false, :id => nil), :class => 'checkbox') +
content_tag('td', other_issue.start_date, :class => 'start_date') +
content_tag('td', other_issue.due_date, :class => 'due_date') +
content_tag('td', other_issue.disabled_core_fields.include?('done_ratio') ? '' : progress_bar(other_issue.done_ratio), :class=> 'done_ratio') +
- content_tag('td', link, :class => 'buttons'),
+ content_tag('td', buttons, :class => 'buttons'),
:id => "relation-#{}",
:class => css)
<% query.inline_columns.each do |column| %>
<%= column_header(query, column, query_options) %>
<% end %>
+ <th class="buttons"></th>
<% if group_name %>
<% reset_cycle %>
<tr class="group open">
- <td colspan="<%= query.inline_columns.size + 1 %>">
+ <td colspan="<%= query.inline_columns.size + 2 %>">
<span class="expander" onclick="toggleRowGroup(this);"> </span>
<span class="name"><%= group_name %></span> <span class="count"><%= group_count %></span> <span class="totals"><%= group_totals %></span>
<%= link_to_function("#{l(:button_collapse_all)}/#{l(:button_expand_all)}",
<% query.inline_columns.each do |column| %>
<%= content_tag('td', column_content(column, issue), :class => column.css_classes) %>
<% end %>
+ <td class="buttons"><%= link_to_context_menu %></td>
<% query.block_columns.each do |column|
if (text = column_content(column, issue)) && text.present? -%>
<tr class="<%= current_cycle %>">
- <td colspan="<%= query.inline_columns.size + 1 %>" class="<%= column.css_classes %>">
+ <td colspan="<%= query.inline_columns.size + 2 %>" class="<%= column.css_classes %>">
<% if query.block_columns.count > 1 %>
<span><%= column.caption %></span>
<% end %>
<th><%= l(:label_project) %></th>
<th><%= l(:field_comments) %></th>
<th><%= l(:field_hours) %></th>
<% entries_by_day.keys.sort.reverse_each do |day| %>
<td><strong><%= day == ? l(:label_today).titleize : format_date(day) %></strong></td>
<td colspan="2"></td>
<td class="hours"><em><%= html_hours(format_hours(entries_by_day[day].sum(&:hours))) %></em></td>
+ <td></td>
<% entries_by_day[day].each do |entry| -%>
<tr id="time-entry-<%= %>" class="time-entry hascontextmenu">
<td class="subject"><%= entry.project %> <%= h(' - ') + link_to_issue(entry.issue, :truncate => 50) if entry.issue %></td>
<td class="comments"><%= entry.comments %></td>
<td class="hours"><%= html_hours(format_hours(entry.hours)) %></td>
+ <td class="buttons"><%= link_to_context_menu %></td>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
:title => l(:button_delete),
:class => 'icon-only icon-del' %>
<% end -%>
+ <%= link_to_context_menu %>
<% @query.block_columns.each do |column|
<tr class="hascontextmenu">
<td class="checkbox"><%= check_box_tag 'ids[]',, false, :id => nil %></td>
<td class="subject"><%= link_to_issue(issue, :project => (@project != issue.project)) %></td>
+ <td class="buttons"><%= link_to_context_menu %></td>
<% end -%>
<tr class="issue hascontextmenu">
<td class="checkbox"><%= check_box_tag 'ids[]',, false, :id => nil %></td>
<td class="subject"><%= link_to_issue(issue, :project => (@project != issue.project)) %></td>
+ <td class="buttons"><%= link_to_context_menu %></td>
<% end %>
button_update: Aktualisieren
button_view: Anzeigen
button_watch: Beobachten
+ button_actions: Aktionen
default_activity_design: Design
default_activity_development: Entwicklung
button_reopen: Reopen
button_import: Import
button_filter: Filter
+ button_actions: Actions
status_active: active
status_registered: registered
function contextMenuRightClick(event) {
var target = $(;
- if ('a')) {return;}
+ if ('a:not(.js-contextmenu)')) {return;}
var tr = target.closest('.hascontextmenu').first();
if (tr.length < 1) {return;}
if (!contextMenuObserving) {
+ $(document).on('click', '.js-contextmenu', contextMenuRightClick);
contextMenuObserving = true;
table.list td.checkbox input {padding:0px;}
table.list td.buttons, div.buttons { white-space:nowrap; text-align: right; }
table.list td.buttons a, div.buttons a { margin-right: 0.6em; }
+table.list td.buttons a:last-child, div.buttons a:last-child { margin-right: 0; }
table.list td.buttons img, div.buttons img {vertical-align:middle;}
table.list td.reorder {width:15%; white-space:nowrap; text-align:center; }
table.list table.progress td {padding-right:0px;}
#issue_tree table.issues, #relations table.issues { border: 0; }
#issue_tree td.checkbox, #relations td.checkbox {display:none;}
-#relations td.buttons {padding:0;}
+#relations td.buttons, #issue_tree td.buttons {padding:0;}
fieldset.collapsible {border-width: 1px 0 0 0;}
fieldset.collapsible>legend { padding-left: 16px; background: url(../images/arrow_expanded.png) no-repeat 0% 40%; cursor:pointer; }
.icon-project { background-image: url(../images/projects.png); }
.icon-add-bullet { background-image: url(../images/bullet_add.png); }
.icon-shared { background-image: url(../images/link.png); }
+.icon-actions { background-image: url(../images/3_bullets.png); }
.icon-file { background-image: url(../images/files/default.png); }
.icon-file.text-plain { background-image: url(../images/files/text.png); }
width: 33.33%; /* three columns for all cells that are not subject */
+ #issue_tree .issues, #issue_tree .issue,
#relations .issues, #relations .issue {
position: relative; /* needed for .buttons positioning */
/* positioniong of unline button */
+ #issue_tree .issue > td.buttons,
#relations .issue > td.buttons {
text-align: right;
position: absolute;
padding-right: 0;
+ #issue_tree .issue .buttons a,
#relations .issue .buttons a {
vertical-align: middle;
- padding-right: 5px;
+ #issue_tree .issue > td.subject,
#relations .issue > td.subject {
padding-right: 25px; /* this is the spaces that .buttons uses next to subject */
def test_index_with_columns
- columns = ['tracker', 'subject', 'assigned_to']
+ columns = ['tracker', 'subject', 'assigned_to', 'buttons']
get :index, :params => {
:set_filter => 1,
:c => columns
assert_select 'th.tracker'
assert_select 'th.subject'
assert_select 'th.assigned_to'
+ assert_select 'th.buttons'
# columns should be stored in session
:c => %w(subject description)
- assert_select 'table.issues thead th', 3 # columns: chekbox + id + subject
- assert_select 'td.description[colspan="3"]', :text => 'Unable to print recipes'
+ assert_select 'table.issues thead th', 4 # columns: chekbox + id + subject
+ assert_select 'td.description[colspan="4"]', :text => 'Unable to print recipes'
get :index, :params => {
:set_filter => 1,
assert_response :success
- assert_select 'table.issues thead th', 3 # columns: chekbox + id + subject
+ assert_select 'table.issues thead th', 4 # columns: chekbox + id + subject
- assert_select 'td.last_notes[colspan="3"]', :text => 'Some notes with Redmine links: #2, r2.'
- assert_select 'td.last_notes[colspan="3"]', :text => 'A comment with inline image: and a reference to #1 and r2.'
+ assert_select 'td.last_notes[colspan="4"]', :text => 'Some notes with Redmine links: #2, r2.'
+ assert_select 'td.last_notes[colspan="4"]', :text => 'A comment with inline image: and a reference to #1 and r2.'
get :index, :params => {
:set_filter => 1,
:c => %w(subject last_notes)
assert_response :success
- assert_select 'td.last_notes[colspan="3"]', :text => 'Privates notes'
+ assert_select 'td.last_notes[colspan="4"]', :text => 'Privates notes'
Role.find(1).remove_permission! :view_private_notes
:c => %w(subject last_notes)
assert_response :success
- assert_select 'td.last_notes[colspan="3"]', :text => 'Public notes'
+ assert_select 'td.last_notes[colspan="4"]', :text => 'Public notes'
def test_index_with_description_and_last_notes_columns_should_display_column_name
assert_response :success
- assert_select 'td.last_notes[colspan="3"] span', :text => 'Last notes'
- assert_select 'td.description[colspan="3"] span', :text => 'Description'
+ assert_select 'td.last_notes[colspan="4"] span', :text => 'Last notes'
+ assert_select 'td.description[colspan="4"] span', :text => 'Description'
def test_index_with_parent_column
assert_select '#block-issuequery' do
assert_select 'a[href=?]', "/issues?query_id=#{}"
# assert number of columns (columns from query + id column + checkbox column)
- assert_select 'table.issues th', 6
+ assert_select 'table.issues th', 7
# assert results limit
assert_select 'table.issues tr.issue', 10
assert_select 'table.issues td.assigned_to'
assert_select '#block-issuequery' do
assert_select 'a[href=?]', "/projects/ecookbook/issues?query_id=#{}"
# assert number of columns (columns from query + id column + checkbox column)
- assert_select 'table.issues th', 6
+ assert_select 'table.issues th', 7
# assert results limit
assert_select 'table.issues tr.issue', 10
assert_select 'table.issues td.assigned_to'
assert_select '#block-issuequery' do
# assert number of columns (columns from query + id column + checkbox column)
- assert_select 'table.issues th', 4
+ assert_select 'table.issues th', 5
assert_select 'table.issues th', :text => 'Due date'
# Return the columns that are displayed in the issue list
def columns_in_issues_list
- css_select('table.issues thead th:not(.checkbox)').map(&:text)
+ css_select('table.issues thead th:not(.checkbox)').map(&:text).select(&:present?)
# Return the columns that are displayed in the list