"@stylistic/dot-location": ["error", "property"],
"@stylistic/function-call-argument-newline": "off",
"@stylistic/indent": ["error", 4, { "SwitchCase": 1 }],
- "@stylistic/max-len": ["error", { "code": 120 }],
+ "@stylistic/max-len": ["error", { "code": 128 }],
"@stylistic/max-statements-per-line": ["error", { "max": 2 }],
"@stylistic/multiline-ternary": ["error", "always-multiline"],
"@stylistic/newline-per-chained-call": ["error", { "ignoreChainWithDepth": 5 }],
"@stylistic/function-paren-newline": "off",
"@stylistic/key-spacing": "off",
- "@stylistic/max-len": "off",
"@stylistic/one-var-declaration-per-line": "off"
const $tr = $("<tr>").append($td);
- const $span = $('<span class="map-link" data-bs-toggle="modal" data-bs-target="#modalDialog">' + item.uri + "</span>").data("item", item);
+ const $span = $('<span class="map-link" data-bs-toggle="modal" data-bs-target="#modalDialog">' +
+ item.uri + "</span>").data("item", item);
$("<td>" + item.description + "</td>").appendTo($tr);
// Highlighting a large amount of text is unresponsive
mode = (new Blob([data[0].data]).size > 5120) ? "basic" : $("input[name=editorMode]:checked").val();
- $("<" + editor[mode].elt + ' id="editor" class="' + editor[mode].class + '" data-id="' + item.map + '">' +
- "</" + editor[mode].elt + ">").appendTo("#modalBody");
+ $("<" + editor[mode].elt + ' id="editor" class="' + editor[mode].class + '" data-id="' + item.map +
+ '"></' + editor[mode].elt + ">").appendTo("#modalBody");
if (editor[mode].codejar) {
require(["codejar", "linenumbers", "prism"], function (CodeJar, withLineNumbers, Prism) {
// Time intervals that don't have data are excluded from average calculation as d3.mean()ignores nulls
const avg = d3.mean(curr, function (d) { return d.y; });
// To find an integral on the whole time interval we need to convert nulls to zeroes
- const value = d3.mean(curr, function (d) { return Number(d.y); }) * timeInterval / scaleFactor ^ 0; // eslint-disable-line no-bitwise
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise
+ const value = d3.mean(curr, function (d) { return Number(d.y); }) * timeInterval / scaleFactor ^ 0;
const yExtents = d3.extent(curr, function (d) { return d.y; });
total += value;
style: {"font-size": "11px", "width": 300, "maxWidth": 300},
sortValue: function (val) { return Number(val.options.sortValue); }
- {name:"type", title:"Worker type", breakpoints:"xs sm", style:{"font-size":"11px", "width":150, "maxWidth":150}},
+ {name:"type",
+ title:"Worker type",
+ breakpoints:"xs sm",
+ style:{"font-size":"11px", "width":150, "maxWidth":150}},
{name:"pid", title:"PID", breakpoints:"xs sm", style:{"font-size":"11px", "width":110, "maxWidth":110}},
{name:"module", title:"Module", style:{"font-size":"11px"}},
{name:"id", title:"Internal ID", style:{"font-size":"11px"}},
// Force options to be an object
const o = options || {};
Object.keys(o).forEach(function (option) {
- if (["complete", "data", "error", "errorMessage", "errorOnceId", "headers", "method", "params", "server", "statusCode",
- "success"]
+ if (["complete", "data", "error", "errorMessage", "errorOnceId", "headers", "method", "params", "server",
+ "statusCode", "success"]
.indexOf(option) < 0) {
throw new Error("Unknown option: " + option);
let rcpt = {};
if (!item.rcpt_mime.length) {
rcpt = format_rcpt(true, false);
- } else if ($(item.rcpt_mime).not(item.rcpt_smtp).length !== 0 || $(item.rcpt_smtp).not(item.rcpt_mime).length !== 0) {
+ } else if (
+ $(item.rcpt_mime).not(item.rcpt_smtp).length !== 0 ||
+ $(item.rcpt_smtp).not(item.rcpt_mime).length !== 0
+ ) {
rcpt = format_rcpt(true, true);
} else {
rcpt = format_rcpt(false, true);
if (max) {
const f = d3.format(".3f");
scan_times = {
- data: "<small>" + f(min) + "/</small>" + f(d3.mean(val.data.scan_times)) + "<small>/" + f(max) + "</small>",
+ data: "<small>" + f(min) + "/</small>" +
+ f(d3.mean(val.data.scan_times)) +
+ "<small>/" + f(max) + "</small>",
title: ' title="min/avg/max"'
} else {
$("#clusterTable tbody").append('<tr class="' + row_class + '">' +
- '<td class="align-middle"><input type="radio" class="form-check m-auto" name="clusterName" value="' + key + '"></td>' +
+ '<td class="align-middle"><input type="radio" class="form-check m-auto" name="clusterName" value="' +
+ key + '"></td>' +
"<td>" + key + "</td>" +
"<td>" + val.host + "</td>" +
'<td class="text-center"><span class="icon"><i class="' + glyph_status + '"></i></span></td>' +
{name:"symbol", title:"Symbol", style:{"font-size":"11px"}},
{name:"description", title:"Description", breakpoints:"xs sm", style:{"font-size":"11px"}},
{name:"weight", title:"Score", style:{"font-size":"11px"}},
- {name:"frequency", title:"Frequency", breakpoints:"xs sm", style:{"font-size":"11px"}, sortValue:function (value) { return Number(value).toFixed(2); }},
+ {name:"frequency",
+ title:"Frequency",
+ breakpoints:"xs sm",
+ style:{"font-size":"11px"},
+ sortValue:function (value) { return Number(value).toFixed(2); }},
{name:"time", title:"Avg. time", breakpoints:"xs sm", style:{"font-size":"11px"}},
{name:"save", title:"Save", style:{"font-size":"11px"}},
function enable_disable_scan_btn() {
- $("#scan button:not(#cleanScanHistory, #scanOptionsToggle)").prop("disabled", ($.trim($("textarea").val()).length === 0));
+ $("#scan button:not(#cleanScanHistory, #scanOptionsToggle)")
+ .prop("disabled", ($.trim($("textarea").val()).length === 0));
$("textarea").on("input", function () {