"Your storage is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" => "Vaše úložiště je téměř plné ({usedSpacePercent}%)",
"Encryption was disabled but your files are still encrypted. Please go to your personal settings to decrypt your files." => "Šifrování bylo vypnuto, vaše soubory jsou však stále zašifrované. Běžte prosím do osobního nastavení, kde soubory odšifrujete.",
"Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "Vaše soubory ke stažení se připravují. Pokud jsou velké, může to chvíli trvat.",
+"Error moving file" => "Chyba při přesunu souboru",
"Name" => "Název",
"Size" => "Velikost",
"Modified" => "Upraveno",
"Missing a temporary folder" => "Manca una cartella temporanea",
"Failed to write to disk" => "Scrittura su disco non riuscita",
"Not enough storage available" => "Spazio di archiviazione insufficiente",
-"Upload failed. Could not get file info." => "Upload fallito. Impossibile ottenere informazioni sul file",
-"Upload failed. Could not find uploaded file" => "Upload fallit. Impossibile trovare file caricato",
+"Upload failed. Could not get file info." => "Caricamento non riuscito. Impossibile ottenere informazioni sul file.",
+"Upload failed. Could not find uploaded file" => "Caricamento non riuscito. Impossibile trovare il file caricato.",
"Invalid directory." => "Cartella non valida.",
"Files" => "File",
-"Unable to upload {filename} as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Impossibile caricare {filename} poiché è una cartella oppure è di 0 byte",
+"Unable to upload {filename} as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Impossibile caricare {filename} poiché è una cartella oppure ha una dimensione di 0 byte.",
"Not enough space available" => "Spazio disponibile insufficiente",
"Upload cancelled." => "Invio annullato",
"Could not get result from server." => "Impossibile ottenere il risultato dal server.",
"Missing a temporary folder" => "一時保存フォルダが見つかりません",
"Failed to write to disk" => "ディスクへの書き込みに失敗しました",
"Not enough storage available" => "ストレージに十分な空き容量がありません",
+"Upload failed. Could not get file info." => "アップロードに失敗。ファイル情報を取得できませんでした。",
+"Upload failed. Could not find uploaded file" => "アップロードに失敗。アップロード済みのファイルを見つけることができませんでした。",
"Invalid directory." => "無効なディレクトリです。",
"Files" => "ファイル",
+"Unable to upload {filename} as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "ディレクトリもしくは0バイトのため {filename} をアップロードできません",
"Not enough space available" => "利用可能なスペースが十分にありません",
"Upload cancelled." => "アップロードはキャンセルされました。",
+"Could not get result from server." => "サーバから結果を取得できませんでした。",
"File upload is in progress. Leaving the page now will cancel the upload." => "ファイル転送を実行中です。今このページから移動するとアップロードが中止されます。",
"URL cannot be empty." => "URLは空にできません。",
"Invalid folder name. Usage of 'Shared' is reserved by ownCloud" => "無効なフォルダ名です。'Shared' の利用はownCloudで予約済みです",
"Your storage is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" => "あなたのストレージはほぼ一杯です({usedSpacePercent}%)",
"Encryption was disabled but your files are still encrypted. Please go to your personal settings to decrypt your files." => "暗号化の機能は無効化されましたが、ファイルはすでに暗号化されています。個人設定からファイルを複合を行ってください。",
"Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "ダウンロードの準備中です。ファイルサイズが大きい場合は少し時間がかかるかもしれません。",
+"Error moving file" => "ファイルの移動エラー",
"Name" => "名前",
"Size" => "サイズ",
"Modified" => "変更",
"Could not move %s - File with this name already exists" => "%s 항목을 이동시키지 못하였음 - 파일 이름이 이미 존재함",
"Could not move %s" => "%s 항목을 이딩시키지 못하였음",
+"Unable to set upload directory." => "업로드 디렉터리를 정할수 없습니다",
+"Invalid Token" => "잘못된 토큰",
"No file was uploaded. Unknown error" => "파일이 업로드되지 않았습니다. 알 수 없는 오류입니다",
"There is no error, the file uploaded with success" => "파일 업로드에 성공하였습니다.",
"The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini: " => "업로드한 파일이 php.ini의 upload_max_filesize보다 큽니다:",
"Missing a temporary folder" => "임시 폴더가 없음",
"Failed to write to disk" => "디스크에 쓰지 못했습니다",
"Not enough storage available" => "저장소가 용량이 충분하지 않습니다.",
+"Upload failed. Could not get file info." => "업로드에 실패했습니다. 파일 정보를 가져올수 없습니다.",
+"Upload failed. Could not find uploaded file" => "업로드에 실패했습니다. 업로드할 파일을 찾을수 없습니다",
"Invalid directory." => "올바르지 않은 디렉터리입니다.",
"Files" => "파일",
+"Unable to upload {filename} as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "{filename}을 업로드 할수 없습니다. 폴더이거나 0 바이트 파일입니다.",
"Not enough space available" => "여유 공간이 부족합니다",
"Upload cancelled." => "업로드가 취소되었습니다.",
+"Could not get result from server." => "서버에서 결과를 가져올수 없습니다.",
"File upload is in progress. Leaving the page now will cancel the upload." => "파일 업로드가 진행 중입니다. 이 페이지를 벗어나면 업로드가 취소됩니다.",
"URL cannot be empty." => "URL을 입력해야 합니다.",
+"Invalid folder name. Usage of 'Shared' is reserved by ownCloud" => "유효하지 않은 폴더명입니다. \"Shared\" 이름의 사용은 OwnCloud 가 이미 예약하고 있습니다.",
"Error" => "오류",
"Share" => "공유",
"Delete permanently" => "영원히 삭제",
"cancel" => "취소",
"replaced {new_name} with {old_name}" => "{old_name}이(가) {new_name}(으)로 대체됨",
"undo" => "되돌리기",
-"_%n folder_::_%n folders_" => array(""),
-"_%n file_::_%n files_" => array(""),
-"_Uploading %n file_::_Uploading %n files_" => array(""),
+"_%n folder_::_%n folders_" => array("폴더 %n"),
+"_%n file_::_%n files_" => array("파일 %n 개"),
+"{dirs} and {files}" => "{dirs} 그리고 {files}",
+"_Uploading %n file_::_Uploading %n files_" => array("%n 개의 파일을 업로드중"),
"'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' 는 올바르지 않은 파일 이름 입니다.",
"File name cannot be empty." => "파일 이름이 비어 있을 수 없습니다.",
"Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "폴더 이름이 올바르지 않습니다. 이름에 문자 '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '? ', '*'는 사용할 수 없습니다.",
"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" => "저장 공간이 가득 찼습니다. 파일을 업데이트하거나 동기화할 수 없습니다!",
"Your storage is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" => "저장 공간이 거의 가득 찼습니다 ({usedSpacePercent}%)",
+"Encryption was disabled but your files are still encrypted. Please go to your personal settings to decrypt your files." => "암호화는 해제되어 있지만, 파일은 아직 암호화 되어 있습니다. 개인 설저에 가셔서 암호를 해제하십시오",
"Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "다운로드가 준비 중입니다. 파일 크기가 크다면 시간이 오래 걸릴 수도 있습니다.",
+"Error moving file" => "파일 이동 오류",
"Name" => "이름",
"Size" => "크기",
"Modified" => "수정됨",
+"%s could not be renamed" => "%s 의 이름을 변경할수 없습니다",
"Upload" => "업로드",
"File handling" => "파일 처리",
"Maximum upload size" => "최대 업로드 크기",
"Missing a temporary folder" => "Nėra laikinojo katalogo",
"Failed to write to disk" => "Nepavyko įrašyti į diską",
"Not enough storage available" => "Nepakanka vietos serveryje",
+"Upload failed. Could not get file info." => "Įkėlimas nepavyko. Nepavyko gauti failo informacijos.",
+"Upload failed. Could not find uploaded file" => "Įkėlimas nepavyko. Nepavyko rasti įkelto failo",
"Invalid directory." => "Neteisingas aplankas",
"Files" => "Failai",
+"Unable to upload {filename} as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Nepavyksta įkelti {filename}, nes tai katalogas arba yra 0 baitų dydžio",
"Not enough space available" => "Nepakanka vietos",
"Upload cancelled." => "Įkėlimas atšauktas.",
+"Could not get result from server." => "Nepavyko gauti rezultato iš serverio.",
"File upload is in progress. Leaving the page now will cancel the upload." => "Failo įkėlimas pradėtas. Jei paliksite šį puslapį, įkėlimas nutrūks.",
"URL cannot be empty." => "URL negali būti tuščias.",
"Invalid folder name. Usage of 'Shared' is reserved by ownCloud" => "Negalimas aplanko pavadinimas. 'Shared' pavadinimas yra rezervuotas ownCloud",
"Your storage is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" => "Jūsų vieta serveryje beveik visa užimta ({usedSpacePercent}%)",
"Encryption was disabled but your files are still encrypted. Please go to your personal settings to decrypt your files." => "Šifravimas buvo išjungtas, bet Jūsų failai vis dar užšifruoti. Prašome eiti į asmeninius nustatymus ir iššifruoti savo failus.",
"Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "Jūsų atsisiuntimas yra paruošiamas. tai gali užtrukti jei atsisiunčiamas didelis failas.",
+"Error moving file" => "Klaida perkeliant failą",
"Name" => "Pavadinimas",
"Size" => "Dydis",
"Modified" => "Pakeista",
"Missing a temporary folder" => "Brak folderu tymczasowego",
"Failed to write to disk" => "Błąd zapisu na dysk",
"Not enough storage available" => "Za mało dostępnego miejsca",
+"Upload failed. Could not get file info." => "Nieudane przesłanie. Nie można pobrać informacji o pliku.",
+"Upload failed. Could not find uploaded file" => "Nieudane przesłanie. Nie można znaleźć przesyłanego pliku",
"Invalid directory." => "Zła ścieżka.",
"Files" => "Pliki",
+"Unable to upload {filename} as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Nie można przesłać {filename} być może jest katalogiem lub posiada 0 bajtów",
"Not enough space available" => "Za mało miejsca",
"Upload cancelled." => "Wczytywanie anulowane.",
+"Could not get result from server." => "Nie można uzyskać wyniku z serwera.",
"File upload is in progress. Leaving the page now will cancel the upload." => "Wysyłanie pliku jest w toku. Jeśli opuścisz tę stronę, wysyłanie zostanie przerwane.",
"URL cannot be empty." => "URL nie może być pusty.",
"Invalid folder name. Usage of 'Shared' is reserved by ownCloud" => "Nieprawidłowa nazwa folderu. Wykorzystanie 'Shared' jest zarezerwowane przez ownCloud",
"Your storage is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" => "Twój magazyn jest prawie pełny ({usedSpacePercent}%)",
"Encryption was disabled but your files are still encrypted. Please go to your personal settings to decrypt your files." => "Szyfrowanie zostało wyłączone, ale nadal pliki są zaszyfrowane. Przejdź do ustawień osobistych i tam odszyfruj pliki.",
"Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "Pobieranie jest przygotowywane. Może to zająć trochę czasu jeśli pliki są duże.",
+"Error moving file" => "Błąd prz przenoszeniu pliku",
"Name" => "Nazwa",
"Size" => "Rozmiar",
"Modified" => "Modyfikacja",
+"The password is wrong. Try again." => "비밀번호가 틀립니다. 다시 입력해주세요.",
"Password" => "암호",
"Submit" => "제출",
+"Sorry, this link doesn’t seem to work anymore." => "죄송합니다만 이 링크는 더이상 작동되지 않습니다.",
+"Reasons might be:" => "이유는 다음과 같을 수 있습니다:",
+"the item was removed" => "이 항목은 삭제되었습니다",
+"the link expired" => "링크가 만료되었습니다",
+"sharing is disabled" => "공유가 비활성되었습니다",
+"For more info, please ask the person who sent this link." => "더 자세한 설명은 링크를 보내신 분에게 여쭤보십시오",
"%s shared the folder %s with you" => "%s 님이 폴더 %s을(를) 공유하였습니다",
"%s shared the file %s with you" => "%s 님이 파일 %s을(를) 공유하였습니다",
"Download" => "다운로드",
+"Couldn't delete %s permanently" => "%s를 영구적으로 삭제할수 없습니다",
+"Couldn't restore %s" => "%s를 복원할수 없습니다",
+"perform restore operation" => "복원 작업중",
"Error" => "오류",
+"delete file permanently" => "영구적으로 파일 삭제하기",
"Delete permanently" => "영원히 삭제",
"Name" => "이름",
-"_%n folder_::_%n folders_" => array(""),
-"_%n file_::_%n files_" => array(""),
+"Deleted" => "삭제됨",
+"_%n folder_::_%n folders_" => array("폴더 %n개"),
+"_%n file_::_%n files_" => array("파일 %n개 "),
+"restored" => "복원됨",
+"Nothing in here. Your trash bin is empty!" => "현재 휴지통은 비어있습니다!",
"Restore" => "복원",
-"Delete" => "삭제"
+"Delete" => "삭제",
+"Deleted Files" => "삭제된 파일들"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=1; plural=0;";
"Could not revert: %s" => "되돌릴 수 없습니다: %s",
"Versions" => "버전",
+"Failed to revert {file} to revision {timestamp}." => "{timestamp} 판의 {file}로 돌리는데 실패했습니다.",
+"More versions..." => "더 많은 버전들...",
+"No other versions available" => "다른 버전을 사용할수 없습니다",
"Restore" => "복원"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=1; plural=0;";
"User Home Folder Naming Rule" => "A home könyvtár elérési útvonala",
"Leave empty for user name (default). Otherwise, specify an LDAP/AD attribute." => "Hagyja üresen, ha a felhasználónevet kívánja használni. Ellenkező esetben adjon meg egy LDAP/AD attribútumot!",
"Internal Username" => "Belső felhasználónév",
+"By default the internal username will be created from the UUID attribute. It makes sure that the username is unique and characters do not need to be converted. The internal username has the restriction that only these characters are allowed: [ a-zA-Z0-9_.@- ]. Other characters are replaced with their ASCII correspondence or simply omitted. On collisions a number will be added/increased. The internal username is used to identify a user internally. It is also the default name for the user home folder. It is also a part of remote URLs, for instance for all *DAV services. With this setting, the default behavior can be overridden. To achieve a similar behavior as before ownCloud 5 enter the user display name attribute in the following field. Leave it empty for default behavior. Changes will have effect only on newly mapped (added) LDAP users." => "Alapértelmezetten a belső felhasználónév az UUID tulajdonságból jön létre. Ez biztosítja a felhasználónév egyediségét és hogy a nem kell konvertálni a karaktereket benne. A belső felhasználónévnél a megkötés az, hogy csak a következő karakterek engdélyezettek benne: [ a-zA-Z0-9_.@- ]. Ezeken a karaktereken kivül minden karakter le lesz cserélve az adott karakter ASCII kódtáblában használható párjára vagy ha ilyen nincs akkor egyszerűen ki lesz hagyva. Ha így mégis ütköznének a nevek akkor hozzá lesz füzve egy folyamatosan növekvő számláló rész. A belső felhasználónevet lehet használni a felhasználó azonosítására a programon belül. Illetve ez lesz az alapáértelmezett neve a felhasználó kezdő könyvtárának az ownCloud-ban. Illetve...............................",
"Internal Username Attribute:" => "A belső felhasználónév attribútuma:",
"Override UUID detection" => "Az UUID-felismerés felülbírálása",
"UUID Attribute:" => "UUID attribútum:",
-"WebDAV Authentication" => "WebDAV hitelesítés"
+"WebDAV Authentication" => "WebDAV hitelesítés",
+"Address: " => "Címek:",
+"The user credentials will be sent to this address. This plugin checks the response and will interpret the HTTP statuscodes 401 and 403 as invalid credentials, and all other responses as valid credentials." => "A felhasználói hitelesítő adatai el lesznek küldve erre a címre. Ez a bővítőmodul leellenőrzi a választ és ha a HTTP hibakód nem 401 vagy 403 azaz érvénytelen a hitelesítő adat, akkor minden más válasz érvényes lesz."
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";
"Error loading message template: {error}" => "Chyba při nahrávání šablony zprávy: {error}",
"_{count} file conflict_::_{count} file conflicts_" => array("","",""),
"One file conflict" => "Jeden konflikt souboru",
+"Which files do you want to keep?" => "Které soubory chcete ponechat?",
"Cancel" => "Zrušit",
+"Continue" => "Pokračovat",
"The object type is not specified." => "Není určen typ objektu.",
"Error" => "Chyba",
"The app name is not specified." => "Není určen název aplikace.",
"%s shared »%s« with you" => "%s megosztotta Önnel ezt: »%s«",
"group" => "csoport",
+"Turned on maintenance mode" => "A karbantartási mód bekapcsolva",
+"Turned off maintenance mode" => "A karbantartási mód kikapcsolva",
+"Updated database" => "Frissítet adatbázis",
+"Updating filecache, this may take really long..." => "A filecache frissítése folyamatban, ez a folyamat hosszabb ideig is eltarthat...",
+"Updated filecache" => "Filecache frissítve",
+"... %d%% done ..." => "... %d%% kész ...",
"Category type not provided." => "Nincs megadva a kategória típusa.",
"No category to add?" => "Nincs hozzáadandó kategória?",
"This category already exists: %s" => "Ez a kategória már létezik: %s",
"Error adding %s to favorites." => "Nem sikerült a kedvencekhez adni ezt: %s",
"No categories selected for deletion." => "Nincs törlésre jelölt kategória",
"Error removing %s from favorites." => "Nem sikerült a kedvencekből törölni ezt: %s",
+"No image or file provided" => "Nincs kép vagy file megadva",
+"Unknown filetype" => "Ismeretlen file tipús",
+"Invalid image" => "Hibás kép",
+"No temporary profile picture available, try again" => "Az átmeneti profil kép nem elérhető, próbáld újra",
+"No crop data provided" => "Vágáshoz nincs adat megadva",
"Sunday" => "vasárnap",
"Monday" => "hétfő",
"Tuesday" => "kedd",
"last year" => "tavaly",
"years ago" => "több éve",
"Choose" => "Válasszon",
+"Error loading file picker template: {error}" => "Nem sikerült betölteni a fájlkiválasztó sablont: {error}",
"Yes" => "Igen",
"No" => "Nem",
"Ok" => "Ok",
+"Error loading message template: {error}" => "Nem sikerült betölteni az üzenet sablont: {error}",
"_{count} file conflict_::_{count} file conflicts_" => array("",""),
+"One file conflict" => "Egy file ütközik",
+"Which files do you want to keep?" => "Melyik file-okat akarod megtartani?",
+"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name." => "Ha kiválasztod mindazokaz a verziókat, a másolt fileok neve sorszámozva lesz.",
"Cancel" => "Mégsem",
+"Continue" => "Folytatás",
+"(all selected)" => "(all selected)",
+"({count} selected)" => "({count} kiválasztva)",
+"Error loading file exists template" => "Hiba a létező sablon betöltésekor",
"The object type is not specified." => "Az objektum típusa nincs megadva.",
"Error" => "Hiba",
"The app name is not specified." => "Az alkalmazás neve nincs megadva.",
"Email sent" => "Az emailt elküldtük",
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud community</a>." => "A frissítés nem sikerült. Kérem értesítse erről a problémáról az <a href=\"https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud közösséget</a>.",
"The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." => "A frissítés sikeres volt. Visszairányítjuk az ownCloud szolgáltatáshoz.",
+"%s password reset" => "%s jelszó visszaállítás",
"Use the following link to reset your password: {link}" => "Használja ezt a linket a jelszó ismételt beállításához: {link}",
"The link to reset your password has been sent to your email.<br>If you do not receive it within a reasonable amount of time, check your spam/junk folders.<br>If it is not there ask your local administrator ." => "Emailben fog kapni egy linket, amivel új jelszót tud majd beállítani magának. <br>Ha a levél nem jött meg, holott úgy érzi, hogy már meg kellett volna érkeznie, akkor ellenőrizze a spam/levélszemét mappáját. <br>Ha ott sincsen, akkor érdeklődjön a rendszergazdánál.",
"Request failed!<br>Did you make sure your email/username was right?" => "A kérést nem sikerült teljesíteni! <br>Biztos, hogy jó emailcímet/felhasználónevet adott meg?",
"Unknown filetype" => "不明なファイルタイプ",
"Invalid image" => "無効な画像",
"No temporary profile picture available, try again" => "一時的なプロファイル用画像が利用できません。もう一度試して下さい",
+"No crop data provided" => "クロップデータは提供されません",
"Sunday" => "日",
"Monday" => "月",
"Tuesday" => "火",
"No" => "いいえ",
"Ok" => "OK",
"Error loading message template: {error}" => "メッセージテンプレートの読み込みエラー: {error}",
-"_{count} file conflict_::_{count} file conflicts_" => array(""),
+"_{count} file conflict_::_{count} file conflicts_" => array("{count} ファイルが競合"),
+"One file conflict" => "1ファイルが競合",
+"Which files do you want to keep?" => "どちらのファイルを保持したいですか?",
+"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name." => "両方のバージョンを選択した場合は、ファイル名の後ろに数字を追加したファイルのコピーを作成します。",
"Cancel" => "キャンセル",
+"Continue" => "続ける",
+"(all selected)" => "(全て選択)",
+"({count} selected)" => "({count} 選択)",
+"Error loading file exists template" => "既存ファイルのテンプレートの読み込みエラー",
"The object type is not specified." => "オブジェクタイプが指定されていません。",
"Error" => "エラー",
"The app name is not specified." => "アプリ名がしていされていません。",
"No" => "Ne",
"Ok" => "Gerai",
"Error loading message template: {error}" => "Klaida įkeliant žinutės ruošinį: {error}",
-"_{count} file conflict_::_{count} file conflicts_" => array("","",""),
+"_{count} file conflict_::_{count} file conflicts_" => array("{count} failas konfliktuoja","{count} failai konfliktuoja","{count} failų konfliktų"),
+"One file conflict" => "Vienas failo konfliktas",
+"Which files do you want to keep?" => "Kuriuos failus norite laikyti?",
+"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name." => "Jei pasirenkate abi versijas, nukopijuotas failas turės pridėtą numerį pavadinime.",
"Cancel" => "Atšaukti",
+"Continue" => "Tęsti",
+"(all selected)" => "(visi pažymėti)",
+"({count} selected)" => "({count} pažymėtų)",
+"Error loading file exists template" => "Klaida įkeliant esančių failų ruošinį",
"The object type is not specified." => "Objekto tipas nenurodytas.",
"Error" => "Klaida",
"The app name is not specified." => "Nenurodytas programos pavadinimas.",
"Error adding %s to favorites." => "Błąd podczas dodawania %s do ulubionych.",
"No categories selected for deletion." => "Nie zaznaczono kategorii do usunięcia.",
"Error removing %s from favorites." => "Błąd podczas usuwania %s z ulubionych.",
+"Unknown filetype" => "Nieznany typ pliku",
+"Invalid image" => "Nieprawidłowe zdjęcie",
"Sunday" => "Niedziela",
"Monday" => "Poniedziałek",
"Tuesday" => "Wtorek",
"Yes" => "Tak",
"No" => "Nie",
"Ok" => "OK",
-"_{count} file conflict_::_{count} file conflicts_" => array("","",""),
+"_{count} file conflict_::_{count} file conflicts_" => array("{count} konfliktów plików","{count} konfliktów plików","{count} konfliktów plików"),
+"One file conflict" => "Konflikt pliku",
"Cancel" => "Anuluj",
+"Continue" => "Kontynuuj ",
+"(all selected)" => "(wszystkie zaznaczone)",
+"({count} selected)" => "({count} zaznaczonych)",
"The object type is not specified." => "Nie określono typu obiektu.",
"Error" => "Błąd",
"The app name is not specified." => "Nie określono nazwy aplikacji.",
# Translators:
# janinko <janinko.g@gmail.com>, 2013
+# dibalaj <dibalaj@dibalaj.cz>, 2013
# Honza K. <honza889@gmail.com>, 2013
# Martin <fireball@atlas.cz>, 2013
# pstast <petr@stastny.eu>, 2013
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-27 00:01-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-25 10:50+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: pstast <petr@stastny.eu>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-30 10:16-0400\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-29 16:57+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: dibalaj <dibalaj@dibalaj.cz>\n"
"Language-Team: Czech (Czech Republic) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/cs_CZ/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:367
msgid "Which files do you want to keep?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Které soubory chcete ponechat?"
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:368
msgid ""
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:386
msgid "Continue"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Pokračovat"
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:433 js/oc-dialogs.js:446
msgid "(all selected)"
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
+# dibalaj <dibalaj@dibalaj.cz>, 2013
# Honza K. <honza889@gmail.com>, 2013
# cvanca <mrs.jenkins.oh.yeah@gmail.com>, 2013
# pstast <petr@stastny.eu>, 2013
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-20 10:44-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-20 14:45+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-30 10:14-0400\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-29 16:54+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: dibalaj <dibalaj@dibalaj.cz>\n"
"Language-Team: Czech (Czech Republic) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/cs_CZ/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
msgid "Invalid directory."
msgstr "Neplatný adresář"
-#: appinfo/app.php:12
+#: appinfo/app.php:11
msgid "Files"
msgstr "Soubory"
#: js/files.js:507 js/files.js:545
msgid "Error moving file"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Chyba při přesunu souboru"
#: js/files.js:558 templates/index.php:61
msgid "Name"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-22 12:55-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-20 15:01+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-30 10:16-0400\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-30 00:42+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: ebela <bela@dandre.hu>\n"
"Language-Team: Hungarian (Hungary) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/hu_HU/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
#: ajax/update.php:11
msgid "Turned on maintenance mode"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "A karbantartási mód bekapcsolva"
#: ajax/update.php:14
msgid "Turned off maintenance mode"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "A karbantartási mód kikapcsolva"
#: ajax/update.php:17
msgid "Updated database"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Frissítet adatbázis"
#: ajax/update.php:20
msgid "Updating filecache, this may take really long..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "A filecache frissítése folyamatban, ez a folyamat hosszabb ideig is eltarthat..."
#: ajax/update.php:23
msgid "Updated filecache"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Filecache frissítve"
#: ajax/update.php:26
#, php-format
msgid "... %d%% done ..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "... %d%% kész ..."
#: ajax/vcategories/add.php:26 ajax/vcategories/edit.php:25
msgid "Category type not provided."
#: avatar/controller.php:62
msgid "No image or file provided"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nincs kép vagy file megadva"
#: avatar/controller.php:81
msgid "Unknown filetype"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ismeretlen file tipús"
#: avatar/controller.php:85
msgid "Invalid image"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hibás kép"
#: avatar/controller.php:115 avatar/controller.php:142
msgid "No temporary profile picture available, try again"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Az átmeneti profil kép nem elérhető, próbáld újra"
#: avatar/controller.php:135
msgid "No crop data provided"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vágáshoz nincs adat megadva"
#: js/config.php:32
msgid "Sunday"
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:146
msgid "Error loading file picker template: {error}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nem sikerült betölteni a fájlkiválasztó sablont: {error}"
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:172
msgid "Yes"
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:219
msgid "Error loading message template: {error}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nem sikerült betölteni az üzenet sablont: {error}"
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:347
msgid "{count} file conflict"
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:361
msgid "One file conflict"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Egy file ütközik"
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:367
msgid "Which files do you want to keep?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Melyik file-okat akarod megtartani?"
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:368
msgid ""
"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its"
" name."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ha kiválasztod mindazokaz a verziókat, a másolt fileok neve sorszámozva lesz."
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:376
msgid "Cancel"
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:386
msgid "Continue"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Folytatás"
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:433 js/oc-dialogs.js:446
msgid "(all selected)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "(all selected)"
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:436 js/oc-dialogs.js:449
msgid "({count} selected)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "({count} kiválasztva)"
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:457
msgid "Error loading file exists template"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hiba a létező sablon betöltésekor"
#: js/oc-vcategories.js:5 js/oc-vcategories.js:85 js/oc-vcategories.js:102
#: js/oc-vcategories.js:117 js/oc-vcategories.js:132 js/oc-vcategories.js:162
#: js/oc-vcategories.js:110 js/oc-vcategories.js:125 js/oc-vcategories.js:136
#: js/oc-vcategories.js:172 js/oc-vcategories.js:189 js/oc-vcategories.js:195
#: js/oc-vcategories.js:199 js/share.js:129 js/share.js:142 js/share.js:149
-#: js/share.js:645 js/share.js:657
+#: js/share.js:656 js/share.js:668
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Hiba"
msgid "Share"
msgstr "Megosztás"
-#: js/share.js:131 js/share.js:685
+#: js/share.js:131 js/share.js:696
msgid "Error while sharing"
msgstr "Nem sikerült létrehozni a megosztást"
msgid "share"
msgstr "megoszt"
-#: js/share.js:400 js/share.js:632
+#: js/share.js:400 js/share.js:643
msgid "Password protected"
msgstr "Jelszóval van védve"
-#: js/share.js:645
+#: js/share.js:656
msgid "Error unsetting expiration date"
msgstr "Nem sikerült a lejárati időt törölni"
-#: js/share.js:657
+#: js/share.js:668
msgid "Error setting expiration date"
msgstr "Nem sikerült a lejárati időt beállítani"
-#: js/share.js:672
+#: js/share.js:683
msgid "Sending ..."
msgstr "Küldés ..."
-#: js/share.js:683
+#: js/share.js:694
msgid "Email sent"
msgstr "Az emailt elküldtük"
#: lostpassword/controller.php:62
#, php-format
msgid "%s password reset"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%s jelszó visszaállítás"
#: lostpassword/templates/email.php:2
msgid "Use the following link to reset your password: {link}"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-16 11:33-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-16 15:34+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-30 10:16-0400\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-30 00:50+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: ebela <bela@dandre.hu>\n"
"Language-Team: Hungarian (Hungary) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/hu_HU/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Language: hu_HU\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: app.php:239
+#: app.php:237
#, php-format
msgid ""
"App \"%s\" can't be installed because it is not compatible with this version"
" of ownCloud."
msgstr ""
-#: app.php:250
+#: app.php:248
msgid "No app name specified"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nincs az alkalmazás név megadva."
-#: app.php:361
+#: app.php:352
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Súgó"
-#: app.php:374
+#: app.php:365
msgid "Personal"
msgstr "Személyes"
-#: app.php:385
+#: app.php:376
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Beállítások"
-#: app.php:397
+#: app.php:388
msgid "Users"
msgstr "Felhasználók"
-#: app.php:410
+#: app.php:401
msgid "Admin"
msgstr "Adminsztráció"
-#: app.php:839
+#: app.php:832
#, php-format
msgid "Failed to upgrade \"%s\"."
msgstr "Sikertelen Frissítés \"%s\"."
#: avatar.php:64
msgid "Unknown filetype"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ismeretlen file tipús"
#: avatar.php:69
msgid "Invalid image"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hibás kép"
#: defaults.php:35
msgid "web services under your control"
#: installer.php:125
msgid "App does not provide an info.xml file"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Az alkalmazás nem szolgáltatott info.xml file-t"
#: installer.php:131
msgid "App can't be installed because of not allowed code in the App"
msgid ""
"App can't be installed because it is not compatible with this version of "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Az alalmazás nem telepíthető, mert nem kompatibilis az ownClod ezzel a verziójával."
#: installer.php:146
msgid ""
#: installer.php:162
msgid "App directory already exists"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Az alkalmazás mappája már létezik"
#: installer.php:175
#, php-format
msgid "Can't create app folder. Please fix permissions. %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nem lehetett létrehozni az alkalmzás mappáját. Kérlek ellenőrizd a jogosultásgokat. %s"
#: json.php:28
msgid "Application is not enabled"
msgid "Token expired. Please reload page."
msgstr "A token lejárt. Frissítse az oldalt."
-#: search/provider/file.php:17 search/provider/file.php:35
+#: search/provider/file.php:18 search/provider/file.php:36
msgid "Files"
msgstr "Fájlok"
-#: search/provider/file.php:26 search/provider/file.php:33
+#: search/provider/file.php:27 search/provider/file.php:34
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Szöveg"
-#: search/provider/file.php:29
+#: search/provider/file.php:30
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Képek"
msgid "Please double check the <a href='%s'>installation guides</a>."
msgstr "Kérjük tüzetesen tanulmányozza át a <a href='%s'>telepítési útmutatót</a>."
+#: tags.php:194
+#, php-format
+msgid "Could not find category \"%s\""
+msgstr "Ez a kategória nem található: \"%s\""
#: template/functions.php:96
msgid "seconds ago"
msgstr "pár másodperce"
#: template.php:297
msgid "Caused by:"
msgstr "Okozta:"
-#: vcategories.php:188 vcategories.php:249
-#, php-format
-msgid "Could not find category \"%s\""
-msgstr "Ez a kategória nem található: \"%s\""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-20 10:45-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-20 14:45+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-30 10:17-0400\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-30 00:21+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: ebela <bela@dandre.hu>\n"
"Language-Team: Hungarian (Hungary) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/hu_HU/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
#: changepassword/controller.php:20
msgid "Wrong password"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hibás jelszó"
#: changepassword/controller.php:42
msgid "No user supplied"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nincs felhasználó által mellékelve"
#: changepassword/controller.php:74
msgid ""
"Please provide an admin recovery password, otherwise all user data will be "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Add meg az admin helyreállító jelszót, máskülönben az összes felhasználói adat elveszik."
#: changepassword/controller.php:79
msgid ""
"Wrong admin recovery password. Please check the password and try again."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hibás admin helyreállítási jelszó. Ellenörizd a jelszót és próbáld újra."
#: changepassword/controller.php:87
msgid ""
"Back-end doesn't support password change, but the users encryption key was "
"successfully updated."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "A back-end nem támogatja a jelszó módosítást, de felhasználó titkosítási kulcsa sikeresen frissítve lett."
#: changepassword/controller.php:92 changepassword/controller.php:103
msgid "Unable to change password"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nem sikerült megváltoztatni a jelszót"
#: js/apps.js:43
msgid "Update to {appversion}"
msgstr "Frissítés erre a verzióra: {appversion}"
-#: js/apps.js:49 js/apps.js:82 js/apps.js:108
+#: js/apps.js:49 js/apps.js:82 js/apps.js:110
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Letiltás"
-#: js/apps.js:49 js/apps.js:89 js/apps.js:102 js/apps.js:117
+#: js/apps.js:49 js/apps.js:90 js/apps.js:103 js/apps.js:119
msgid "Enable"
msgstr "engedélyezve"
msgid "Please wait...."
msgstr "Kérem várjon..."
-#: js/apps.js:79 js/apps.js:80 js/apps.js:100
+#: js/apps.js:79 js/apps.js:80 js/apps.js:101
msgid "Error while disabling app"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hiba az alkalmazás kikapcsolása közben"
-#: js/apps.js:99 js/apps.js:112 js/apps.js:113
+#: js/apps.js:100 js/apps.js:114 js/apps.js:115
msgid "Error while enabling app"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hiba az alalmazás engedélyezése közben"
-#: js/apps.js:123
+#: js/apps.js:125
msgid "Updating...."
msgstr "Frissítés folyamatban..."
-#: js/apps.js:126
+#: js/apps.js:128
msgid "Error while updating app"
msgstr "Hiba történt a programfrissítés közben"
-#: js/apps.js:126
+#: js/apps.js:128
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Hiba"
-#: js/apps.js:127 templates/apps.php:43
+#: js/apps.js:129 templates/apps.php:43
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Frissítés"
-#: js/apps.js:130
+#: js/apps.js:132
msgid "Updated"
msgstr "Frissítve"
-#: js/personal.js:220
+#: js/personal.js:221
msgid "Select a profile picture"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Válassz profil képet"
-#: js/personal.js:265
+#: js/personal.js:266
msgid "Decrypting files... Please wait, this can take some time."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "File-ok kititkosítása folyamatban... Kérlek várj, ez hosszabb ideig is eltarthat ..."
-#: js/personal.js:287
+#: js/personal.js:288
msgid "Saving..."
msgstr "Mentés..."
#: templates/personal.php:90
msgid "Upload new"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Új feltöltése"
#: templates/personal.php:92
msgid "Select new from Files"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Új kiválasztása Fileokból"
#: templates/personal.php:93
msgid "Remove image"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kép eltávolítása"
#: templates/personal.php:94
msgid "Either png or jpg. Ideally square but you will be able to crop it."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Egyaránt png vagy jpg. Az ideális ha négyzet alaku, de késöbb még átszabható"
#: templates/personal.php:97
msgid "Abort"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Megszakítás"
#: templates/personal.php:98
msgid "Choose as profile image"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Válassz profil képet"
#: templates/personal.php:106 templates/personal.php:107
msgid "Language"
#: templates/personal.php:140
msgid "The encryption app is no longer enabled, decrypt all your file"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "A titkosító alkalmzás a továbbiakban nincs engedélyezve, kititkosítja az összes fileodat"
#: templates/personal.php:146
msgid "Log-in password"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bejelentkezési jelszó"
#: templates/personal.php:151
msgid "Decrypt all Files"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kititkosítja az összes file-t"
#: templates/users.php:21
msgid "Login Name"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-27 00:01-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-24 19:00+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Laszlo Tornoci <torlasz@gmail.com>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-30 10:16-0400\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-30 00:22+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: ebela <bela@dandre.hu>\n"
"Language-Team: Hungarian (Hungary) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/hu_HU/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"behavior as before ownCloud 5 enter the user display name attribute in the "
"following field. Leave it empty for default behavior. Changes will have "
"effect only on newly mapped (added) LDAP users."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Alapértelmezetten a belső felhasználónév az UUID tulajdonságból jön létre. Ez biztosítja a felhasználónév egyediségét és hogy a nem kell konvertálni a karaktereket benne. A belső felhasználónévnél a megkötés az, hogy csak a következő karakterek engdélyezettek benne: [ a-zA-Z0-9_.@- ]. Ezeken a karaktereken kivül minden karakter le lesz cserélve az adott karakter ASCII kódtáblában használható párjára vagy ha ilyen nincs akkor egyszerűen ki lesz hagyva. Ha így mégis ütköznének a nevek akkor hozzá lesz füzve egy folyamatosan növekvő számláló rész. A belső felhasználónevet lehet használni a felhasználó azonosítására a programon belül. Illetve ez lesz az alapáértelmezett neve a felhasználó kezdő könyvtárának az ownCloud-ban. Illetve..............................."
#: templates/settings.php:100
msgid "Internal Username Attribute:"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-07-27 01:56-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-07-27 05:57+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-30 10:16-0400\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-30 00:32+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: ebela <bela@dandre.hu>\n"
"Language-Team: Hungarian (Hungary) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/hu_HU/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
#: templates/settings.php:4
msgid "Address: "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Címek:"
#: templates/settings.php:7
msgid ""
"The user credentials will be sent to this address. This plugin checks the "
"response and will interpret the HTTP statuscodes 401 and 403 as invalid "
"credentials, and all other responses as valid credentials."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "A felhasználói hitelesítő adatai el lesznek küldve erre a címre. Ez a bővítőmodul leellenőrzi a választ és ha a HTTP hibakód nem 401 vagy 403 azaz érvénytelen a hitelesítő adat, akkor minden más válasz érvényes lesz."
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-22 12:51-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-21 17:50+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: polxmod <paolo.velati@gmail.com>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-30 10:14-0400\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-30 12:15+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Vincenzo Reale <vinx.reale@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Italian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/it/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
#: ajax/upload.php:120 ajax/upload.php:143
msgid "Upload failed. Could not get file info."
-msgstr "Upload fallito. Impossibile ottenere informazioni sul file"
+msgstr "Caricamento non riuscito. Impossibile ottenere informazioni sul file."
#: ajax/upload.php:136
msgid "Upload failed. Could not find uploaded file"
-msgstr "Upload fallit. Impossibile trovare file caricato"
+msgstr "Caricamento non riuscito. Impossibile trovare il file caricato."
#: ajax/upload.php:160
msgid "Invalid directory."
#: js/file-upload.js:244
msgid "Unable to upload {filename} as it is a directory or has 0 bytes"
-msgstr "Impossibile caricare {filename} poiché è una cartella oppure è di 0 byte"
+msgstr "Impossibile caricare {filename} poiché è una cartella oppure ha una dimensione di 0 byte."
#: js/file-upload.js:255
msgid "Not enough space available"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-20 10:45-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-20 14:45+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-30 10:17-0400\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-30 12:15+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Vincenzo Reale <vinx.reale@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Italian (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/it/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
msgid "Update to {appversion}"
msgstr "Aggiorna a {appversion}"
-#: js/apps.js:49 js/apps.js:82 js/apps.js:108
+#: js/apps.js:49 js/apps.js:82 js/apps.js:110
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Disabilita"
-#: js/apps.js:49 js/apps.js:89 js/apps.js:102 js/apps.js:117
+#: js/apps.js:49 js/apps.js:90 js/apps.js:103 js/apps.js:119
msgid "Enable"
msgstr "Abilita"
msgid "Please wait...."
msgstr "Attendere..."
-#: js/apps.js:79 js/apps.js:80 js/apps.js:100
+#: js/apps.js:79 js/apps.js:80 js/apps.js:101
msgid "Error while disabling app"
msgstr "Errore durante la disattivazione"
-#: js/apps.js:99 js/apps.js:112 js/apps.js:113
+#: js/apps.js:100 js/apps.js:114 js/apps.js:115
msgid "Error while enabling app"
msgstr "Errore durante l'attivazione"
-#: js/apps.js:123
+#: js/apps.js:125
msgid "Updating...."
msgstr "Aggiornamento in corso..."
-#: js/apps.js:126
+#: js/apps.js:128
msgid "Error while updating app"
msgstr "Errore durante l'aggiornamento"
-#: js/apps.js:126
+#: js/apps.js:128
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Errore"
-#: js/apps.js:127 templates/apps.php:43
+#: js/apps.js:129 templates/apps.php:43
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Aggiorna"
-#: js/apps.js:130
+#: js/apps.js:132
msgid "Updated"
msgstr "Aggiornato"
-#: js/personal.js:220
+#: js/personal.js:221
msgid "Select a profile picture"
msgstr "Seleziona un'immagine del profilo"
-#: js/personal.js:265
+#: js/personal.js:266
msgid "Decrypting files... Please wait, this can take some time."
msgstr "Decifratura dei file in corso... Attendi, potrebbe richiedere del tempo."
-#: js/personal.js:287
+#: js/personal.js:288
msgid "Saving..."
msgstr "Salvataggio in corso..."
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-22 12:55-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-20 15:01+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-30 10:16-0400\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-30 06:25+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Daisuke Deguchi <ddeguchi@nagoya-u.jp>\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese (Japan) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/ja_JP/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
#: avatar/controller.php:135
msgid "No crop data provided"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "クロップデータは提供されません"
#: js/config.php:32
msgid "Sunday"
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:347
msgid "{count} file conflict"
msgid_plural "{count} file conflicts"
-msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[0] "{count} ファイルが競合"
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:361
msgid "One file conflict"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "1ファイルが競合"
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:367
msgid "Which files do you want to keep?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "どちらのファイルを保持したいですか?"
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:368
msgid ""
"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its"
" name."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "両方のバージョンを選択した場合は、ファイル名の後ろに数字を追加したファイルのコピーを作成します。"
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:376
msgid "Cancel"
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:386
msgid "Continue"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "続ける"
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:433 js/oc-dialogs.js:446
msgid "(all selected)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "(全て選択)"
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:436 js/oc-dialogs.js:449
msgid "({count} selected)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "({count} 選択)"
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:457
msgid "Error loading file exists template"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "既存ファイルのテンプレートの読み込みエラー"
#: js/oc-vcategories.js:5 js/oc-vcategories.js:85 js/oc-vcategories.js:102
#: js/oc-vcategories.js:117 js/oc-vcategories.js:132 js/oc-vcategories.js:162
#: js/oc-vcategories.js:110 js/oc-vcategories.js:125 js/oc-vcategories.js:136
#: js/oc-vcategories.js:172 js/oc-vcategories.js:189 js/oc-vcategories.js:195
#: js/oc-vcategories.js:199 js/share.js:129 js/share.js:142 js/share.js:149
-#: js/share.js:645 js/share.js:657
+#: js/share.js:656 js/share.js:668
msgid "Error"
msgstr "エラー"
msgid "Share"
msgstr "共有"
-#: js/share.js:131 js/share.js:685
+#: js/share.js:131 js/share.js:696
msgid "Error while sharing"
msgstr "共有でエラー発生"
msgid "share"
msgstr "共有"
-#: js/share.js:400 js/share.js:632
+#: js/share.js:400 js/share.js:643
msgid "Password protected"
msgstr "パスワード保護"
-#: js/share.js:645
+#: js/share.js:656
msgid "Error unsetting expiration date"
msgstr "有効期限の未設定エラー"
-#: js/share.js:657
+#: js/share.js:668
msgid "Error setting expiration date"
msgstr "有効期限の設定でエラー発生"
-#: js/share.js:672
+#: js/share.js:683
msgid "Sending ..."
msgstr "送信中..."
-#: js/share.js:683
+#: js/share.js:694
msgid "Email sent"
msgstr "メールを送信しました"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-20 10:44-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-20 14:45+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-30 10:14-0400\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-30 06:27+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Daisuke Deguchi <ddeguchi@nagoya-u.jp>\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese (Japan) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/ja_JP/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
#: ajax/upload.php:120 ajax/upload.php:143
msgid "Upload failed. Could not get file info."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "アップロードに失敗。ファイル情報を取得できませんでした。"
#: ajax/upload.php:136
msgid "Upload failed. Could not find uploaded file"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "アップロードに失敗。アップロード済みのファイルを見つけることができませんでした。"
#: ajax/upload.php:160
msgid "Invalid directory."
msgstr "無効なディレクトリです。"
-#: appinfo/app.php:12
+#: appinfo/app.php:11
msgid "Files"
msgstr "ファイル"
#: js/file-upload.js:244
msgid "Unable to upload {filename} as it is a directory or has 0 bytes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ディレクトリもしくは0バイトのため {filename} をアップロードできません"
#: js/file-upload.js:255
msgid "Not enough space available"
#: js/file-upload.js:356
msgid "Could not get result from server."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "サーバから結果を取得できませんでした。"
#: js/file-upload.js:446
msgid ""
#: js/files.js:507 js/files.js:545
msgid "Error moving file"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ファイルの移動エラー"
#: js/files.js:558 templates/index.php:61
msgid "Name"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-20 10:45-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-20 14:45+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-30 10:17-0400\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-30 06:33+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Daisuke Deguchi <ddeguchi@nagoya-u.jp>\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese (Japan) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/ja_JP/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
#: changepassword/controller.php:20
msgid "Wrong password"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "無効なパスワード"
#: changepassword/controller.php:42
msgid "No user supplied"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ユーザが指定されていません"
#: changepassword/controller.php:74
msgid ""
"Please provide an admin recovery password, otherwise all user data will be "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "復元用の管理者パスワードを入力してください。そうでない場合は、全ユーザのデータが失われます。"
#: changepassword/controller.php:79
msgid ""
"Wrong admin recovery password. Please check the password and try again."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "無効な復元用の管理者パスワード。パスワードを確認して再度実行してください。"
#: changepassword/controller.php:87
msgid ""
"Back-end doesn't support password change, but the users encryption key was "
"successfully updated."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "バックエンドはパスワード変更をサポートしていませんが、ユーザの暗号化キーは正常に更新されました。"
#: changepassword/controller.php:92 changepassword/controller.php:103
msgid "Unable to change password"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "パスワードを変更できません"
#: js/apps.js:43
msgid "Update to {appversion}"
msgstr "{appversion} に更新"
-#: js/apps.js:49 js/apps.js:82 js/apps.js:108
+#: js/apps.js:49 js/apps.js:82 js/apps.js:110
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "無効"
-#: js/apps.js:49 js/apps.js:89 js/apps.js:102 js/apps.js:117
+#: js/apps.js:49 js/apps.js:90 js/apps.js:103 js/apps.js:119
msgid "Enable"
msgstr "有効化"
msgid "Please wait...."
msgstr "しばらくお待ちください。"
-#: js/apps.js:79 js/apps.js:80 js/apps.js:100
+#: js/apps.js:79 js/apps.js:80 js/apps.js:101
msgid "Error while disabling app"
msgstr "アプリ無効化中にエラーが発生"
-#: js/apps.js:99 js/apps.js:112 js/apps.js:113
+#: js/apps.js:100 js/apps.js:114 js/apps.js:115
msgid "Error while enabling app"
msgstr "アプリ有効化中にエラーが発生"
-#: js/apps.js:123
+#: js/apps.js:125
msgid "Updating...."
msgstr "更新中...."
-#: js/apps.js:126
+#: js/apps.js:128
msgid "Error while updating app"
msgstr "アプリの更新中にエラーが発生"
-#: js/apps.js:126
+#: js/apps.js:128
msgid "Error"
msgstr "エラー"
-#: js/apps.js:127 templates/apps.php:43
+#: js/apps.js:129 templates/apps.php:43
msgid "Update"
msgstr "更新"
-#: js/apps.js:130
+#: js/apps.js:132
msgid "Updated"
msgstr "更新済み"
-#: js/personal.js:220
+#: js/personal.js:221
msgid "Select a profile picture"
msgstr "プロファイル画像を選択"
-#: js/personal.js:265
+#: js/personal.js:266
msgid "Decrypting files... Please wait, this can take some time."
msgstr "ファイルを複合中... しばらくお待ちください、この処理には少し時間がかかるかもしれません。"
-#: js/personal.js:287
+#: js/personal.js:288
msgid "Saving..."
msgstr "保存中..."
#: templates/personal.php:90
msgid "Upload new"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "新規にアップロード"
#: templates/personal.php:92
msgid "Select new from Files"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ファイルから新規に選択"
#: templates/personal.php:93
msgid "Remove image"
#: templates/personal.php:94
msgid "Either png or jpg. Ideally square but you will be able to crop it."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "png と jpg のいずれか。正方形が理想ですが、切り取って加工することも可能です。"
#: templates/personal.php:97
msgid "Abort"
# Translators:
# ujuc Gang <potopro@gmail.com>, 2013
# ujuc Gang <potopro@gmail.com>, 2013
+# smallsnail <bjh13579@gmail.com>, 2013
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-20 10:44-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-20 14:45+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-30 10:14-0400\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-29 10:06+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: smallsnail <bjh13579@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Korean (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/ko/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
#: ajax/upload.php:16 ajax/upload.php:45
msgid "Unable to set upload directory."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "업로드 디렉터리를 정할수 없습니다"
#: ajax/upload.php:22
msgid "Invalid Token"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "잘못된 토큰"
#: ajax/upload.php:59
msgid "No file was uploaded. Unknown error"
#: ajax/upload.php:120 ajax/upload.php:143
msgid "Upload failed. Could not get file info."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "업로드에 실패했습니다. 파일 정보를 가져올수 없습니다."
#: ajax/upload.php:136
msgid "Upload failed. Could not find uploaded file"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "업로드에 실패했습니다. 업로드할 파일을 찾을수 없습니다"
#: ajax/upload.php:160
msgid "Invalid directory."
msgstr "올바르지 않은 디렉터리입니다."
-#: appinfo/app.php:12
+#: appinfo/app.php:11
msgid "Files"
msgstr "파일"
#: js/file-upload.js:244
msgid "Unable to upload {filename} as it is a directory or has 0 bytes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "{filename}을 업로드 할수 없습니다. 폴더이거나 0 바이트 파일입니다."
#: js/file-upload.js:255
msgid "Not enough space available"
#: js/file-upload.js:356
msgid "Could not get result from server."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "서버에서 결과를 가져올수 없습니다."
#: js/file-upload.js:446
msgid ""
#: js/file-upload.js:525 lib/app.php:53
msgid "Invalid folder name. Usage of 'Shared' is reserved by ownCloud"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "유효하지 않은 폴더명입니다. \"Shared\" 이름의 사용은 OwnCloud 가 이미 예약하고 있습니다."
#: js/file-upload.js:557 js/file-upload.js:573 js/files.js:507 js/files.js:545
msgid "Error"
#: js/filelist.js:533 js/filelist.js:599 js/files.js:576
msgid "%n folder"
msgid_plural "%n folders"
-msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[0] "폴더 %n"
#: js/filelist.js:534 js/filelist.js:600 js/files.js:582
msgid "%n file"
msgid_plural "%n files"
-msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[0] "파일 %n 개"
#: js/filelist.js:541
msgid "{dirs} and {files}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "{dirs} 그리고 {files}"
#: js/filelist.js:731 js/filelist.js:769
msgid "Uploading %n file"
msgid_plural "Uploading %n files"
-msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[0] "%n 개의 파일을 업로드중"
#: js/files.js:25
msgid "'.' is an invalid file name."
msgid ""
"Encryption was disabled but your files are still encrypted. Please go to "
"your personal settings to decrypt your files."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "암호화는 해제되어 있지만, 파일은 아직 암호화 되어 있습니다. 개인 설저에 가셔서 암호를 해제하십시오"
#: js/files.js:296
msgid ""
#: js/files.js:507 js/files.js:545
msgid "Error moving file"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "파일 이동 오류"
#: js/files.js:558 templates/index.php:61
msgid "Name"
#: lib/app.php:73
#, php-format
msgid "%s could not be renamed"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%s 의 이름을 변경할수 없습니다"
#: lib/helper.php:11 templates/index.php:17
msgid "Upload"
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
+# smallsnail <bjh13579@gmail.com>, 2013
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-13 21:46-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-14 00:01+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-30 10:16-0400\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-29 10:14+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: smallsnail <bjh13579@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Korean (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/ko/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
#: templates/authenticate.php:4
msgid "The password is wrong. Try again."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "비밀번호가 틀립니다. 다시 입력해주세요."
#: templates/authenticate.php:7
msgid "Password"
#: templates/part.404.php:3
msgid "Sorry, this link doesn’t seem to work anymore."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "죄송합니다만 이 링크는 더이상 작동되지 않습니다."
#: templates/part.404.php:4
msgid "Reasons might be:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "이유는 다음과 같을 수 있습니다:"
#: templates/part.404.php:6
msgid "the item was removed"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "이 항목은 삭제되었습니다"
#: templates/part.404.php:7
msgid "the link expired"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "링크가 만료되었습니다"
#: templates/part.404.php:8
msgid "sharing is disabled"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "공유가 비활성되었습니다"
#: templates/part.404.php:10
msgid "For more info, please ask the person who sent this link."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "더 자세한 설명은 링크를 보내신 분에게 여쭤보십시오"
#: templates/public.php:15
#, php-format
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
+# smallsnail <bjh13579@gmail.com>, 2013
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-08-15 04:47-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-08-15 08:48+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-30 10:16-0400\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-29 07:38+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: smallsnail <bjh13579@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Korean (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/ko/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
#: ajax/delete.php:42
#, php-format
msgid "Couldn't delete %s permanently"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%s를 영구적으로 삭제할수 없습니다"
#: ajax/undelete.php:42
#, php-format
msgid "Couldn't restore %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%s를 복원할수 없습니다"
-#: js/trash.js:7 js/trash.js:100
+#: js/trash.js:7 js/trash.js:102
msgid "perform restore operation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "복원 작업중"
-#: js/trash.js:20 js/trash.js:48 js/trash.js:118 js/trash.js:146
+#: js/trash.js:20 js/trash.js:49 js/trash.js:120 js/trash.js:148
msgid "Error"
msgstr "오류"
-#: js/trash.js:36
+#: js/trash.js:37
msgid "delete file permanently"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "영구적으로 파일 삭제하기"
-#: js/trash.js:127
+#: js/trash.js:129
msgid "Delete permanently"
msgstr "영원히 삭제"
-#: js/trash.js:182 templates/index.php:17
+#: js/trash.js:190 templates/index.php:21
msgid "Name"
msgstr "이름"
-#: js/trash.js:183 templates/index.php:27
+#: js/trash.js:191 templates/index.php:31
msgid "Deleted"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "삭제됨"
-#: js/trash.js:191
+#: js/trash.js:199
msgid "%n folder"
msgid_plural "%n folders"
-msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[0] "폴더 %n개"
-#: js/trash.js:197
+#: js/trash.js:205
msgid "%n file"
msgid_plural "%n files"
-msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[0] "파일 %n개 "
-#: lib/trash.php:819 lib/trash.php:821
+#: lib/trashbin.php:814 lib/trashbin.php:816
msgid "restored"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "복원됨"
#: templates/index.php:9
msgid "Nothing in here. Your trash bin is empty!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "현재 휴지통은 비어있습니다!"
-#: templates/index.php:20 templates/index.php:22
+#: templates/index.php:24 templates/index.php:26
msgid "Restore"
msgstr "복원"
-#: templates/index.php:30 templates/index.php:31
+#: templates/index.php:34 templates/index.php:35
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "삭제"
#: templates/part.breadcrumb.php:9
msgid "Deleted Files"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "삭제된 파일들"
# Translators:
# Shinjo Park <kde@peremen.name>, 2013
+# smallsnail <bjh13579@gmail.com>, 2013
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-07-28 01:56-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-07-27 06:10+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-30 10:16-0400\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-29 10:18+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: smallsnail <bjh13579@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Korean (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/ko/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
#: js/versions.js:53
msgid "Failed to revert {file} to revision {timestamp}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "{timestamp} 판의 {file}로 돌리는데 실패했습니다."
#: js/versions.js:79
msgid "More versions..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "더 많은 버전들..."
#: js/versions.js:116
msgid "No other versions available"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "다른 버전을 사용할수 없습니다"
-#: js/versions.js:149
+#: js/versions.js:145
msgid "Restore"
msgstr "복원"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-16 11:33-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-16 15:34+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-30 10:16-0400\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-29 07:46+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: smallsnail <bjh13579@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Korean (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/ko/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Language: ko\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-#: app.php:239
+#: app.php:237
#, php-format
msgid ""
"App \"%s\" can't be installed because it is not compatible with this version"
" of ownCloud."
msgstr "현재 ownCloud 버전과 호환되지 않기 때문에 \"%s\" 앱을 설치할 수 없습니다."
-#: app.php:250
+#: app.php:248
msgid "No app name specified"
msgstr "앱 이름이 지정되지 않았습니다."
-#: app.php:361
+#: app.php:352
msgid "Help"
msgstr "도움말"
-#: app.php:374
+#: app.php:365
msgid "Personal"
msgstr "개인"
-#: app.php:385
+#: app.php:376
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "설정"
-#: app.php:397
+#: app.php:388
msgid "Users"
msgstr "사용자"
-#: app.php:410
+#: app.php:401
msgid "Admin"
msgstr "관리자"
-#: app.php:839
+#: app.php:832
#, php-format
msgid "Failed to upgrade \"%s\"."
msgstr "\"%s\" 업그레이드에 실패했습니다."
#: avatar.php:56
msgid "Custom profile pictures don't work with encryption yet"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "개개인의 프로필 사진은 아직은 암호화 되지 않습니다"
#: avatar.php:64
msgid "Unknown filetype"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "알수없는 파일형식"
#: avatar.php:69
msgid "Invalid image"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "잘못된 그림"
#: defaults.php:35
msgid "web services under your control"
msgid ""
"Download the files in smaller chunks, seperately or kindly ask your "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "작은 조각들 안에 들어있는 파일들을 받고자 하신다면, 나누어서 받으시거나 혹은 시스템 관리자에게 정중하게 물어보십시오"
#: installer.php:63
msgid "No source specified when installing app"
msgid "Token expired. Please reload page."
msgstr "토큰이 만료되었습니다. 페이지를 새로 고치십시오."
-#: search/provider/file.php:17 search/provider/file.php:35
+#: search/provider/file.php:18 search/provider/file.php:36
msgid "Files"
msgstr "파일"
-#: search/provider/file.php:26 search/provider/file.php:33
+#: search/provider/file.php:27 search/provider/file.php:34
msgid "Text"
msgstr "텍스트"
-#: search/provider/file.php:29
+#: search/provider/file.php:30
msgid "Images"
msgstr "그림"
msgid "Please double check the <a href='%s'>installation guides</a>."
msgstr "<a href='%s'>설치 가이드</a>를 다시 한 번 확인하십시오."
+#: tags.php:194
+#, php-format
+msgid "Could not find category \"%s\""
+msgstr "분류 \"%s\"을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다."
#: template/functions.php:96
msgid "seconds ago"
msgstr "초 전"
#: template.php:297
msgid "Caused by:"
msgstr "원인: "
-#: vcategories.php:188 vcategories.php:249
-#, php-format
-msgid "Could not find category \"%s\""
-msgstr "분류 \"%s\"을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다."
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-22 12:55-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-20 15:01+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-30 10:16-0400\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-29 07:58+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Liudas Ališauskas <liudas.alisauskas@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Lithuanian (Lithuania) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/lt_LT/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:347
msgid "{count} file conflict"
msgid_plural "{count} file conflicts"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-msgstr[2] ""
+msgstr[0] "{count} failas konfliktuoja"
+msgstr[1] "{count} failai konfliktuoja"
+msgstr[2] "{count} failų konfliktų"
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:361
msgid "One file conflict"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vienas failo konfliktas"
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:367
msgid "Which files do you want to keep?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kuriuos failus norite laikyti?"
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:368
msgid ""
"If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its"
" name."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Jei pasirenkate abi versijas, nukopijuotas failas turės pridėtą numerį pavadinime."
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:376
msgid "Cancel"
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:386
msgid "Continue"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tęsti"
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:433 js/oc-dialogs.js:446
msgid "(all selected)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "(visi pažymėti)"
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:436 js/oc-dialogs.js:449
msgid "({count} selected)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "({count} pažymėtų)"
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:457
msgid "Error loading file exists template"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Klaida įkeliant esančių failų ruošinį"
#: js/oc-vcategories.js:5 js/oc-vcategories.js:85 js/oc-vcategories.js:102
#: js/oc-vcategories.js:117 js/oc-vcategories.js:132 js/oc-vcategories.js:162
#: js/oc-vcategories.js:110 js/oc-vcategories.js:125 js/oc-vcategories.js:136
#: js/oc-vcategories.js:172 js/oc-vcategories.js:189 js/oc-vcategories.js:195
#: js/oc-vcategories.js:199 js/share.js:129 js/share.js:142 js/share.js:149
-#: js/share.js:645 js/share.js:657
+#: js/share.js:656 js/share.js:668
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Klaida"
msgid "Share"
msgstr "Dalintis"
-#: js/share.js:131 js/share.js:685
+#: js/share.js:131 js/share.js:696
msgid "Error while sharing"
msgstr "Klaida, dalijimosi metu"
msgid "share"
msgstr "dalintis"
-#: js/share.js:400 js/share.js:632
+#: js/share.js:400 js/share.js:643
msgid "Password protected"
msgstr "Apsaugota slaptažodžiu"
-#: js/share.js:645
+#: js/share.js:656
msgid "Error unsetting expiration date"
msgstr "Klaida nuimant galiojimo laiką"
-#: js/share.js:657
+#: js/share.js:668
msgid "Error setting expiration date"
msgstr "Klaida nustatant galiojimo laiką"
-#: js/share.js:672
+#: js/share.js:683
msgid "Sending ..."
msgstr "Siunčiama..."
-#: js/share.js:683
+#: js/share.js:694
msgid "Email sent"
msgstr "Laiškas išsiųstas"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-20 10:44-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-20 14:45+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-30 10:14-0400\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-29 08:46+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Liudas Ališauskas <liudas.alisauskas@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Lithuanian (Lithuania) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/lt_LT/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
#: ajax/upload.php:120 ajax/upload.php:143
msgid "Upload failed. Could not get file info."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Įkėlimas nepavyko. Nepavyko gauti failo informacijos."
#: ajax/upload.php:136
msgid "Upload failed. Could not find uploaded file"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Įkėlimas nepavyko. Nepavyko rasti įkelto failo"
#: ajax/upload.php:160
msgid "Invalid directory."
msgstr "Neteisingas aplankas"
-#: appinfo/app.php:12
+#: appinfo/app.php:11
msgid "Files"
msgstr "Failai"
#: js/file-upload.js:244
msgid "Unable to upload {filename} as it is a directory or has 0 bytes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nepavyksta įkelti {filename}, nes tai katalogas arba yra 0 baitų dydžio"
#: js/file-upload.js:255
msgid "Not enough space available"
#: js/file-upload.js:356
msgid "Could not get result from server."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nepavyko gauti rezultato iš serverio."
#: js/file-upload.js:446
msgid ""
#: js/files.js:507 js/files.js:545
msgid "Error moving file"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Klaida perkeliant failą"
#: js/files.js:558 templates/index.php:61
msgid "Name"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-20 10:45-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-20 14:45+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-30 10:17-0400\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-29 08:49+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Liudas Ališauskas <liudas.alisauskas@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Lithuanian (Lithuania) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/lt_LT/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
#: changepassword/controller.php:20
msgid "Wrong password"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Neteisingas slaptažodis"
#: changepassword/controller.php:42
msgid "No user supplied"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nepateiktas naudotojas"
#: changepassword/controller.php:74
msgid ""
"Please provide an admin recovery password, otherwise all user data will be "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prašome įvesti administratoriaus atkūrimo slaptažodį, kitaip visi naudotojo suomenys bus prarasti"
#: changepassword/controller.php:79
msgid ""
"Wrong admin recovery password. Please check the password and try again."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Netinkamas administratoriau atkūrimo slaptažodis. Prašome pasitikrinti ir bandyti vėl."
#: changepassword/controller.php:87
msgid ""
"Back-end doesn't support password change, but the users encryption key was "
"successfully updated."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sistema nepalaiko slaptažodžio keitimo, bet naudotojo šifravimo raktas buvo sėkmingai atnaujintas."
#: changepassword/controller.php:92 changepassword/controller.php:103
msgid "Unable to change password"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nepavyksta pakeisti slaptažodžio"
#: js/apps.js:43
msgid "Update to {appversion}"
msgstr "Atnaujinti iki {appversion}"
-#: js/apps.js:49 js/apps.js:82 js/apps.js:108
+#: js/apps.js:49 js/apps.js:82 js/apps.js:110
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Išjungti"
-#: js/apps.js:49 js/apps.js:89 js/apps.js:102 js/apps.js:117
+#: js/apps.js:49 js/apps.js:90 js/apps.js:103 js/apps.js:119
msgid "Enable"
msgstr "Įjungti"
msgid "Please wait...."
msgstr "Prašome palaukti..."
-#: js/apps.js:79 js/apps.js:80 js/apps.js:100
+#: js/apps.js:79 js/apps.js:80 js/apps.js:101
msgid "Error while disabling app"
msgstr "Klaida išjungiant programą"
-#: js/apps.js:99 js/apps.js:112 js/apps.js:113
+#: js/apps.js:100 js/apps.js:114 js/apps.js:115
msgid "Error while enabling app"
msgstr "Klaida įjungiant programą"
-#: js/apps.js:123
+#: js/apps.js:125
msgid "Updating...."
msgstr "Atnaujinama..."
-#: js/apps.js:126
+#: js/apps.js:128
msgid "Error while updating app"
msgstr "Įvyko klaida atnaujinant programą"
-#: js/apps.js:126
+#: js/apps.js:128
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Klaida"
-#: js/apps.js:127 templates/apps.php:43
+#: js/apps.js:129 templates/apps.php:43
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Atnaujinti"
-#: js/apps.js:130
+#: js/apps.js:132
msgid "Updated"
msgstr "Atnaujinta"
-#: js/personal.js:220
+#: js/personal.js:221
msgid "Select a profile picture"
msgstr "Pažymėkite profilio paveikslėlį"
-#: js/personal.js:265
+#: js/personal.js:266
msgid "Decrypting files... Please wait, this can take some time."
msgstr "Iššifruojami failai... Prašome palaukti, tai gali užtrukti."
-#: js/personal.js:287
+#: js/personal.js:288
msgid "Saving..."
msgstr "Saugoma..."
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-22 12:55-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-20 15:01+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-30 10:16-0400\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-30 12:27+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Cyryl Sochacki <cyrylsochacki@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Polish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/pl/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
#: avatar/controller.php:81
msgid "Unknown filetype"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nieznany typ pliku"
#: avatar/controller.php:85
msgid "Invalid image"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nieprawidłowe zdjęcie"
#: avatar/controller.php:115 avatar/controller.php:142
msgid "No temporary profile picture available, try again"
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:347
msgid "{count} file conflict"
msgid_plural "{count} file conflicts"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-msgstr[2] ""
+msgstr[0] "{count} konfliktów plików"
+msgstr[1] "{count} konfliktów plików"
+msgstr[2] "{count} konfliktów plików"
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:361
msgid "One file conflict"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Konflikt pliku"
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:367
msgid "Which files do you want to keep?"
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:386
msgid "Continue"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kontynuuj "
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:433 js/oc-dialogs.js:446
msgid "(all selected)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "(wszystkie zaznaczone)"
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:436 js/oc-dialogs.js:449
msgid "({count} selected)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "({count} zaznaczonych)"
#: js/oc-dialogs.js:457
msgid "Error loading file exists template"
#: js/oc-vcategories.js:110 js/oc-vcategories.js:125 js/oc-vcategories.js:136
#: js/oc-vcategories.js:172 js/oc-vcategories.js:189 js/oc-vcategories.js:195
#: js/oc-vcategories.js:199 js/share.js:129 js/share.js:142 js/share.js:149
-#: js/share.js:645 js/share.js:657
+#: js/share.js:656 js/share.js:668
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Błąd"
msgid "Share"
msgstr "Udostępnij"
-#: js/share.js:131 js/share.js:685
+#: js/share.js:131 js/share.js:696
msgid "Error while sharing"
msgstr "Błąd podczas współdzielenia"
msgid "share"
msgstr "współdziel"
-#: js/share.js:400 js/share.js:632
+#: js/share.js:400 js/share.js:643
msgid "Password protected"
msgstr "Zabezpieczone hasłem"
-#: js/share.js:645
+#: js/share.js:656
msgid "Error unsetting expiration date"
msgstr "Błąd podczas usuwania daty wygaśnięcia"
-#: js/share.js:657
+#: js/share.js:668
msgid "Error setting expiration date"
msgstr "Błąd podczas ustawiania daty wygaśnięcia"
-#: js/share.js:672
+#: js/share.js:683
msgid "Sending ..."
msgstr "Wysyłanie..."
-#: js/share.js:683
+#: js/share.js:694
msgid "Email sent"
msgstr "E-mail wysłany"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-20 10:44-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-20 14:45+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-30 10:14-0400\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-30 12:24+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Cyryl Sochacki <cyrylsochacki@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Polish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/pl/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
#: ajax/upload.php:120 ajax/upload.php:143
msgid "Upload failed. Could not get file info."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nieudane przesłanie. Nie można pobrać informacji o pliku."
#: ajax/upload.php:136
msgid "Upload failed. Could not find uploaded file"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nieudane przesłanie. Nie można znaleźć przesyłanego pliku"
#: ajax/upload.php:160
msgid "Invalid directory."
msgstr "Zła ścieżka."
-#: appinfo/app.php:12
+#: appinfo/app.php:11
msgid "Files"
msgstr "Pliki"
#: js/file-upload.js:244
msgid "Unable to upload {filename} as it is a directory or has 0 bytes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nie można przesłać {filename} być może jest katalogiem lub posiada 0 bajtów"
#: js/file-upload.js:255
msgid "Not enough space available"
#: js/file-upload.js:356
msgid "Could not get result from server."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nie można uzyskać wyniku z serwera."
#: js/file-upload.js:446
msgid ""
#: js/files.js:507 js/files.js:545
msgid "Error moving file"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Błąd prz przenoszeniu pliku"
#: js/files.js:558 templates/index.php:61
msgid "Name"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-16 11:33-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-16 15:34+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-30 10:16-0400\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-30 12:26+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Cyryl Sochacki <cyrylsochacki@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Polish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/pl/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Language: pl\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
-#: app.php:239
+#: app.php:237
#, php-format
msgid ""
"App \"%s\" can't be installed because it is not compatible with this version"
" of ownCloud."
msgstr "Aplikacja \"%s\" nie może zostać zainstalowana, ponieważ nie jest zgodna z tą wersją ownCloud."
-#: app.php:250
+#: app.php:248
msgid "No app name specified"
msgstr "Nie określono nazwy aplikacji"
-#: app.php:361
+#: app.php:352
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Pomoc"
-#: app.php:374
+#: app.php:365
msgid "Personal"
msgstr "Osobiste"
-#: app.php:385
+#: app.php:376
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Ustawienia"
-#: app.php:397
+#: app.php:388
msgid "Users"
msgstr "Użytkownicy"
-#: app.php:410
+#: app.php:401
msgid "Admin"
msgstr "Administrator"
-#: app.php:839
+#: app.php:832
#, php-format
msgid "Failed to upgrade \"%s\"."
msgstr "Błąd przy aktualizacji \"%s\"."
#: avatar.php:56
msgid "Custom profile pictures don't work with encryption yet"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Domyślny profil zdjęć nie działa z szyfrowaniem jeszcze"
#: avatar.php:64
msgid "Unknown filetype"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nieznany typ pliku"
#: avatar.php:69
msgid "Invalid image"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Błędne zdjęcie"
#: defaults.php:35
msgid "web services under your control"
msgid "Token expired. Please reload page."
msgstr "Token wygasł. Proszę ponownie załadować stronę."
-#: search/provider/file.php:17 search/provider/file.php:35
+#: search/provider/file.php:18 search/provider/file.php:36
msgid "Files"
msgstr "Pliki"
-#: search/provider/file.php:26 search/provider/file.php:33
+#: search/provider/file.php:27 search/provider/file.php:34
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Połączenie tekstowe"
-#: search/provider/file.php:29
+#: search/provider/file.php:30
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Obrazy"
msgid "Please double check the <a href='%s'>installation guides</a>."
msgstr "Sprawdź ponownie <a href='%s'>przewodniki instalacji</a>."
+#: tags.php:194
+#, php-format
+msgid "Could not find category \"%s\""
+msgstr "Nie można odnaleźć kategorii \"%s\""
#: template/functions.php:96
msgid "seconds ago"
msgstr "sekund temu"
#: template.php:297
msgid "Caused by:"
msgstr "Spowodowane przez:"
-#: vcategories.php:188 vcategories.php:249
-#, php-format
-msgid "Could not find category \"%s\""
-msgstr "Nie można odnaleźć kategorii \"%s\""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-20 10:45-0400\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-20 14:45+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: I Robot <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-30 10:17-0400\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-30 12:15+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Cyryl Sochacki <cyrylsochacki@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Polish (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/pl/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
#: changepassword/controller.php:20
msgid "Wrong password"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Złe hasło"
#: changepassword/controller.php:42
msgid "No user supplied"
#: changepassword/controller.php:92 changepassword/controller.php:103
msgid "Unable to change password"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nie można zmienić hasła"
#: js/apps.js:43
msgid "Update to {appversion}"
msgstr "Aktualizacja do {appversion}"
-#: js/apps.js:49 js/apps.js:82 js/apps.js:108
+#: js/apps.js:49 js/apps.js:82 js/apps.js:110
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Wyłącz"
-#: js/apps.js:49 js/apps.js:89 js/apps.js:102 js/apps.js:117
+#: js/apps.js:49 js/apps.js:90 js/apps.js:103 js/apps.js:119
msgid "Enable"
msgstr "Włącz"
msgid "Please wait...."
msgstr "Proszę czekać..."
-#: js/apps.js:79 js/apps.js:80 js/apps.js:100
+#: js/apps.js:79 js/apps.js:80 js/apps.js:101
msgid "Error while disabling app"
msgstr "Błąd podczas wyłączania aplikacji"
-#: js/apps.js:99 js/apps.js:112 js/apps.js:113
+#: js/apps.js:100 js/apps.js:114 js/apps.js:115
msgid "Error while enabling app"
msgstr "Błąd podczas włączania aplikacji"
-#: js/apps.js:123
+#: js/apps.js:125
msgid "Updating...."
msgstr "Aktualizacja w toku..."
-#: js/apps.js:126
+#: js/apps.js:128
msgid "Error while updating app"
msgstr "Błąd podczas aktualizacji aplikacji"
-#: js/apps.js:126
+#: js/apps.js:128
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Błąd"
-#: js/apps.js:127 templates/apps.php:43
+#: js/apps.js:129 templates/apps.php:43
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Aktualizuj"
-#: js/apps.js:130
+#: js/apps.js:132
msgid "Updated"
msgstr "Zaktualizowano"
-#: js/personal.js:220
+#: js/personal.js:221
msgid "Select a profile picture"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Wybierz zdjęcie profilu"
-#: js/personal.js:265
+#: js/personal.js:266
msgid "Decrypting files... Please wait, this can take some time."
msgstr "Odszyfrowuje pliki... Proszę czekać, to może zająć jakiś czas."
-#: js/personal.js:287
+#: js/personal.js:288
msgid "Saving..."
msgstr "Zapisywanie..."
#: templates/personal.php:90
msgid "Upload new"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Wczytaj nowe"
#: templates/personal.php:92
msgid "Select new from Files"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Wybierz nowe z plików"
#: templates/personal.php:93
msgid "Remove image"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Usuń zdjęcie"
#: templates/personal.php:94
msgid "Either png or jpg. Ideally square but you will be able to crop it."
#: templates/personal.php:98
msgid "Choose as profile image"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Wybierz zdjęcie profilu"
#: templates/personal.php:106 templates/personal.php:107
msgid "Language"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud Core 5.0.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@owncloud.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-29 00:02-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-30 10:16-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud Core 5.0.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@owncloud.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-29 00:02-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-30 10:14-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud Core 5.0.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@owncloud.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-29 00:02-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-30 10:15-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud Core 5.0.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@owncloud.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-29 00:02-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-30 10:16-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud Core 5.0.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@owncloud.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-29 00:02-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-30 10:16-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud Core 5.0.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@owncloud.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-29 00:02-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-30 10:16-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud Core 5.0.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@owncloud.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-29 00:02-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-30 10:16-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud Core 5.0.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@owncloud.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-29 00:02-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-30 10:16-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n"
-#: app.php:239
+#: app.php:237
#, php-format
msgid ""
"App \"%s\" can't be installed because it is not compatible with this version "
"of ownCloud."
msgstr ""
-#: app.php:250
+#: app.php:248
msgid "No app name specified"
msgstr ""
-#: app.php:361
+#: app.php:352
msgid "Help"
msgstr ""
-#: app.php:374
+#: app.php:365
msgid "Personal"
msgstr ""
-#: app.php:385
+#: app.php:376
msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""
-#: app.php:397
+#: app.php:388
msgid "Users"
msgstr ""
-#: app.php:410
+#: app.php:401
msgid "Admin"
msgstr ""
-#: app.php:839
+#: app.php:832
#, php-format
msgid "Failed to upgrade \"%s\"."
msgstr ""
msgid "Please double check the <a href='%s'>installation guides</a>."
msgstr ""
+#: tags.php:194
+#, php-format
+msgid "Could not find category \"%s\""
+msgstr ""
#: template/functions.php:96
msgid "seconds ago"
msgstr ""
#: template.php:297
msgid "Caused by:"
msgstr ""
-#: vcategories.php:188 vcategories.php:249
-#, php-format
-msgid "Could not find category \"%s\""
-msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud Core 5.0.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@owncloud.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-29 00:02-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-30 10:17-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud Core 5.0.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@owncloud.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-29 00:02-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-30 10:16-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ownCloud Core 5.0.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translations@owncloud.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-29 00:02-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-30 10:16-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
+"No app name specified" => "Nincs az alkalmazás név megadva.",
"Help" => "Súgó",
"Personal" => "Személyes",
"Settings" => "Beállítások",
"Users" => "Felhasználók",
"Admin" => "Adminsztráció",
"Failed to upgrade \"%s\"." => "Sikertelen Frissítés \"%s\".",
+"Unknown filetype" => "Ismeretlen file tipús",
+"Invalid image" => "Hibás kép",
"web services under your control" => "webszolgáltatások saját kézben",
"cannot open \"%s\"" => "nem sikerült megnyitni \"%s\"",
"ZIP download is turned off." => "A ZIP-letöltés nincs engedélyezve.",
"Back to Files" => "Vissza a Fájlokhoz",
"Selected files too large to generate zip file." => "A kiválasztott fájlok túl nagyok a zip tömörítéshez.",
"Download the files in smaller chunks, seperately or kindly ask your administrator." => "Tölts le a fileokat kisebb chunkokban, kölün vagy kérj segitséget a rendszergazdádtól.",
+"App does not provide an info.xml file" => "Az alkalmazás nem szolgáltatott info.xml file-t",
+"App can't be installed because it is not compatible with this version of ownCloud" => "Az alalmazás nem telepíthető, mert nem kompatibilis az ownClod ezzel a verziójával.",
+"App directory already exists" => "Az alkalmazás mappája már létezik",
+"Can't create app folder. Please fix permissions. %s" => "Nem lehetett létrehozni az alkalmzás mappáját. Kérlek ellenőrizd a jogosultásgokat. %s",
"Application is not enabled" => "Az alkalmazás nincs engedélyezve",
"Authentication error" => "Azonosítási hiba",
"Token expired. Please reload page." => "A token lejárt. Frissítse az oldalt.",
"Set an admin password." => "Állítson be egy jelszót az adminisztrációhoz.",
"Your web server is not yet properly setup to allow files synchronization because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken." => "Az Ön webkiszolgálója nincs megfelelően beállítva az állományok szinkronizálásához, mert a WebDAV-elérés úgy tűnik, nem működik.",
"Please double check the <a href='%s'>installation guides</a>." => "Kérjük tüzetesen tanulmányozza át a <a href='%s'>telepítési útmutatót</a>.",
+"Could not find category \"%s\"" => "Ez a kategória nem található: \"%s\"",
"seconds ago" => "pár másodperce",
"_%n minute ago_::_%n minutes ago_" => array("",""),
"_%n hour ago_::_%n hours ago_" => array("",""),
"_%n month ago_::_%n months ago_" => array("",""),
"last year" => "tavaly",
"years ago" => "több éve",
-"Caused by:" => "Okozta:",
-"Could not find category \"%s\"" => "Ez a kategória nem található: \"%s\""
+"Caused by:" => "Okozta:"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";
"Users" => "사용자",
"Admin" => "관리자",
"Failed to upgrade \"%s\"." => "\"%s\" 업그레이드에 실패했습니다.",
+"Custom profile pictures don't work with encryption yet" => "개개인의 프로필 사진은 아직은 암호화 되지 않습니다",
+"Unknown filetype" => "알수없는 파일형식",
+"Invalid image" => "잘못된 그림",
"web services under your control" => "내가 관리하는 웹 서비스",
"cannot open \"%s\"" => "\"%s\"을(를) 열 수 없습니다.",
"ZIP download is turned off." => "ZIP 다운로드가 비활성화되었습니다.",
"Files need to be downloaded one by one." => "파일을 개별적으로 다운로드해야 합니다.",
"Back to Files" => "파일로 돌아가기",
"Selected files too large to generate zip file." => "선택한 파일들은 ZIP 파일을 생성하기에 너무 큽니다.",
+"Download the files in smaller chunks, seperately or kindly ask your administrator." => "작은 조각들 안에 들어있는 파일들을 받고자 하신다면, 나누어서 받으시거나 혹은 시스템 관리자에게 정중하게 물어보십시오",
"No source specified when installing app" => "앱을 설치할 때 소스가 지정되지 않았습니다.",
"No href specified when installing app from http" => "http에서 앱을 설치할 대 href가 지정되지 않았습니다.",
"No path specified when installing app from local file" => "로컬 파일에서 앱을 설치할 때 경로가 지정되지 않았습니다.",
"Set an admin password." => "관리자 비밀번호 설정",
"Your web server is not yet properly setup to allow files synchronization because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken." => "WebDAV 인터페이스가 제대로 작동하지 않습니다. 웹 서버에서 파일 동기화를 사용할 수 있도록 설정이 제대로 되지 않은 것 같습니다.",
"Please double check the <a href='%s'>installation guides</a>." => "<a href='%s'>설치 가이드</a>를 다시 한 번 확인하십시오.",
+"Could not find category \"%s\"" => "분류 \"%s\"을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다.",
"seconds ago" => "초 전",
"_%n minute ago_::_%n minutes ago_" => array("%n분 전 "),
"_%n hour ago_::_%n hours ago_" => array("%n시간 전 "),
"_%n month ago_::_%n months ago_" => array("%n달 전 "),
"last year" => "작년",
"years ago" => "년 전",
-"Caused by:" => "원인: ",
-"Could not find category \"%s\"" => "분류 \"%s\"을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다."
+"Caused by:" => "원인: "
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=1; plural=0;";
"Users" => "Użytkownicy",
"Admin" => "Administrator",
"Failed to upgrade \"%s\"." => "Błąd przy aktualizacji \"%s\".",
+"Custom profile pictures don't work with encryption yet" => "Domyślny profil zdjęć nie działa z szyfrowaniem jeszcze",
+"Unknown filetype" => "Nieznany typ pliku",
+"Invalid image" => "Błędne zdjęcie",
"web services under your control" => "Kontrolowane serwisy",
"cannot open \"%s\"" => "Nie można otworzyć \"%s\"",
"ZIP download is turned off." => "Pobieranie ZIP jest wyłączone.",
"Set an admin password." => "Ustaw hasło administratora.",
"Your web server is not yet properly setup to allow files synchronization because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken." => "Serwer internetowy nie jest jeszcze poprawnie skonfigurowany, aby umożliwić synchronizację plików, ponieważ interfejs WebDAV wydaje się być uszkodzony.",
"Please double check the <a href='%s'>installation guides</a>." => "Sprawdź ponownie <a href='%s'>przewodniki instalacji</a>.",
+"Could not find category \"%s\"" => "Nie można odnaleźć kategorii \"%s\"",
"seconds ago" => "sekund temu",
"_%n minute ago_::_%n minutes ago_" => array("%n minute temu","%n minut temu","%n minut temu"),
"_%n hour ago_::_%n hours ago_" => array("%n godzinę temu","%n godzin temu","%n godzin temu"),
"_%n month ago_::_%n months ago_" => array("%n miesiąc temu","%n miesięcy temu","%n miesięcy temu"),
"last year" => "w zeszłym roku",
"years ago" => "lat temu",
-"Caused by:" => "Spowodowane przez:",
-"Could not find category \"%s\"" => "Nie można odnaleźć kategorii \"%s\""
+"Caused by:" => "Spowodowane przez:"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);";
"Unable to add user to group %s" => "A felhasználó nem adható hozzá ehhez a csoporthoz: %s",
"Unable to remove user from group %s" => "A felhasználó nem távolítható el ebből a csoportból: %s",
"Couldn't update app." => "A program frissítése nem sikerült.",
+"Wrong password" => "Hibás jelszó",
+"No user supplied" => "Nincs felhasználó által mellékelve",
+"Please provide an admin recovery password, otherwise all user data will be lost" => "Add meg az admin helyreállító jelszót, máskülönben az összes felhasználói adat elveszik.",
+"Wrong admin recovery password. Please check the password and try again." => "Hibás admin helyreállítási jelszó. Ellenörizd a jelszót és próbáld újra.",
+"Back-end doesn't support password change, but the users encryption key was successfully updated." => "A back-end nem támogatja a jelszó módosítást, de felhasználó titkosítási kulcsa sikeresen frissítve lett.",
+"Unable to change password" => "Nem sikerült megváltoztatni a jelszót",
"Update to {appversion}" => "Frissítés erre a verzióra: {appversion}",
"Disable" => "Letiltás",
"Enable" => "engedélyezve",
"Please wait...." => "Kérem várjon...",
+"Error while disabling app" => "Hiba az alkalmazás kikapcsolása közben",
+"Error while enabling app" => "Hiba az alalmazás engedélyezése közben",
"Updating...." => "Frissítés folyamatban...",
"Error while updating app" => "Hiba történt a programfrissítés közben",
"Error" => "Hiba",
"Update" => "Frissítés",
"Updated" => "Frissítve",
+"Select a profile picture" => "Válassz profil képet",
+"Decrypting files... Please wait, this can take some time." => "File-ok kititkosítása folyamatban... Kérlek várj, ez hosszabb ideig is eltarthat ...",
"Saving..." => "Mentés...",
"deleted" => "törölve",
"undo" => "visszavonás",
"Your email address" => "Az Ön email címe",
"Fill in an email address to enable password recovery" => "Adja meg az email címét, hogy jelszó-emlékeztetőt kérhessen, ha elfelejtette a jelszavát!",
"Profile picture" => "Profilkép",
+"Upload new" => "Új feltöltése",
+"Select new from Files" => "Új kiválasztása Fileokból",
+"Remove image" => "Kép eltávolítása",
+"Either png or jpg. Ideally square but you will be able to crop it." => "Egyaránt png vagy jpg. Az ideális ha négyzet alaku, de késöbb még átszabható",
+"Abort" => "Megszakítás",
+"Choose as profile image" => "Válassz profil képet",
"Language" => "Nyelv",
"Help translate" => "Segítsen a fordításban!",
"WebDAV" => "WebDAV",
"Use this address to <a href=\"%s/server/5.0/user_manual/files/files.html\" target=\"_blank\">access your Files via WebDAV</a>" => "Ezt a címet használja, ha <a href=\"%s/server/5.0/user_manual/files/files.html\" target=\"_blank\">WebDAV-on keresztül szeretné elérni az állományait</a>",
"Encryption" => "Titkosítás",
+"The encryption app is no longer enabled, decrypt all your file" => "A titkosító alkalmzás a továbbiakban nincs engedélyezve, kititkosítja az összes fileodat",
+"Log-in password" => "Bejelentkezési jelszó",
+"Decrypt all Files" => "Kititkosítja az összes file-t",
"Login Name" => "Bejelentkezési név",
"Create" => "Létrehozás",
"Admin Recovery Password" => "A jelszóvisszaállítás adminisztrációja",
"Unable to add user to group %s" => "ユーザをグループ %s に追加できません",
"Unable to remove user from group %s" => "ユーザをグループ %s から削除できません",
"Couldn't update app." => "アプリを更新出来ませんでした。",
+"Wrong password" => "無効なパスワード",
+"No user supplied" => "ユーザが指定されていません",
+"Please provide an admin recovery password, otherwise all user data will be lost" => "復元用の管理者パスワードを入力してください。そうでない場合は、全ユーザのデータが失われます。",
+"Wrong admin recovery password. Please check the password and try again." => "無効な復元用の管理者パスワード。パスワードを確認して再度実行してください。",
+"Back-end doesn't support password change, but the users encryption key was successfully updated." => "バックエンドはパスワード変更をサポートしていませんが、ユーザの暗号化キーは正常に更新されました。",
+"Unable to change password" => "パスワードを変更できません",
"Update to {appversion}" => "{appversion} に更新",
"Disable" => "無効",
"Enable" => "有効化",
"Your email address" => "あなたのメールアドレス",
"Fill in an email address to enable password recovery" => "※パスワード回復を有効にするにはメールアドレスの入力が必要です",
"Profile picture" => "プロフィール写真",
+"Upload new" => "新規にアップロード",
+"Select new from Files" => "ファイルから新規に選択",
"Remove image" => "画像を削除",
+"Either png or jpg. Ideally square but you will be able to crop it." => "png と jpg のいずれか。正方形が理想ですが、切り取って加工することも可能です。",
"Abort" => "中止",
"Choose as profile image" => "プロファイル画像として選択",
"Language" => "言語",
"Unable to add user to group %s" => "Nepavyko pridėti vartotojo prie grupės %s",
"Unable to remove user from group %s" => "Nepavyko ištrinti vartotojo iš grupės %s",
"Couldn't update app." => "Nepavyko atnaujinti programos.",
+"Wrong password" => "Neteisingas slaptažodis",
+"No user supplied" => "Nepateiktas naudotojas",
+"Please provide an admin recovery password, otherwise all user data will be lost" => "Prašome įvesti administratoriaus atkūrimo slaptažodį, kitaip visi naudotojo suomenys bus prarasti",
+"Wrong admin recovery password. Please check the password and try again." => "Netinkamas administratoriau atkūrimo slaptažodis. Prašome pasitikrinti ir bandyti vėl.",
+"Back-end doesn't support password change, but the users encryption key was successfully updated." => "Sistema nepalaiko slaptažodžio keitimo, bet naudotojo šifravimo raktas buvo sėkmingai atnaujintas.",
+"Unable to change password" => "Nepavyksta pakeisti slaptažodžio",
"Update to {appversion}" => "Atnaujinti iki {appversion}",
"Disable" => "Išjungti",
"Enable" => "Įjungti",
"Unable to add user to group %s" => "Nie można dodać użytkownika do grupy %s",
"Unable to remove user from group %s" => "Nie można usunąć użytkownika z grupy %s",
"Couldn't update app." => "Nie można uaktualnić aplikacji.",
+"Wrong password" => "Złe hasło",
+"Unable to change password" => "Nie można zmienić hasła",
"Update to {appversion}" => "Aktualizacja do {appversion}",
"Disable" => "Wyłącz",
"Enable" => "Włącz",
"Error" => "Błąd",
"Update" => "Aktualizuj",
"Updated" => "Zaktualizowano",
+"Select a profile picture" => "Wybierz zdjęcie profilu",
"Decrypting files... Please wait, this can take some time." => "Odszyfrowuje pliki... Proszę czekać, to może zająć jakiś czas.",
"Saving..." => "Zapisywanie...",
"deleted" => "usunięto",
"Your email address" => "Twój adres e-mail",
"Fill in an email address to enable password recovery" => "Podaj adres e-mail, aby uzyskać możliwość odzyskania hasła",
"Profile picture" => "Zdjęcie profilu",
+"Upload new" => "Wczytaj nowe",
+"Select new from Files" => "Wybierz nowe z plików",
+"Remove image" => "Usuń zdjęcie",
"Abort" => "Anuluj",
+"Choose as profile image" => "Wybierz zdjęcie profilu",
"Language" => "Język",
"Help translate" => "Pomóż w tłumaczeniu",
"WebDAV" => "WebDAV",