| If your build process cannot tolerate these changes we recommend creating a second build job for SonarQube analysis.
### Build
-Between the `begin` and `end` steps, you need to build your project, execute tests and generate code coverage data. This part is specific to your needs and it is not detailed here.
+Between the `begin` and `end` steps, you need to build your project, execute tests and generate code coverage data. This part is specific to your needs and it is not detailed here. This guide may help: [[Coverage & Test Data] Generate Reports for C#, VB.net](https://community.sonarsource.com/t/coverage-test-data-generate-reports-for-c-vb-net/9871).
### End
The end step is executed when you add the "end" command line argument. It cleans the MSBuild hooks, collects the analysis data generated by the build, the test results, the code coverage and then uploads everything to SonarQube.