package org.aspectj.systemtest.ajc162;
import junit.framework.Test;
+import org.aspectj.asm.AsmManager;
import org.aspectj.testing.XMLBasedAjcTestCase;
public class Ajc162Tests extends org.aspectj.testing.XMLBasedAjcTestCase {
// AspectJ1.6.2
+ // When faulting in the binary hierarchy:
+ // <root> [java source file]
+ // [java source file] C:\temp\ajcSandbox\aspectj16_2\ajcTest3344.tmp\
+ // import declarations [import reference]
+ // Clazz [class] C:\temp\ajcSandbox\aspectj16_2\ajcTest3344.tmp\
+ // foo() [method] C:\temp\ajcSandbox\aspectj16_2\ajcTest3344.tmp\
+ // Asp.class (binary) [class] C:\temp\ajcSandbox\aspectj16_2\ajcTest3344.tmp\binaryaspect.jar!Asp.class:1::0
+ // import declarations [import reference]
+ // Asp [aspect] C:\temp\ajcSandbox\aspectj16_2\ajcTest3344.tmp\binaryaspect.jar!Asp.class:1::0
+ // before(): <anonymous pointcut> [advice] C:\temp\ajcSandbox\aspectj16_2\ajcTest3344.tmp\binaryaspect.jar!Asp.class:2::0
+ // Hid:1:(targets=1) [Asp.class (binary)}Asp&before (advises) {[Clazz~foo
+ // Hid:2:(targets=1) {[Clazz~foo (advised by) [Asp.class (binary)}Asp&before
+ // without faulting in the model they stop at the top level (the class level)
+ // Hid:1:(targets=1) "{[Clazz~foo" (advised by) "{Asp.class"
+ // Hid:2:(targets=1) "{Asp.class" (advises) "{[Clazz~foo"
+ // what I want for the hid is:
+ // <somethingIndicatingBinary>"[Asp.class}Asp&before"
+ public void testBinaryAspectModeling() throws Exception {
+ runTest("binary aspects model");
+ AsmManager.dumptree(AsmManager.getDefault().getHierarchy().getRoot(), 0);
+ PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(System.out);
+ AsmManager.getDefault().dumprels(pw);
+ pw.flush();
+ }
public void testPerClause() {
runTest("ltw perclause");
<!-- AspectJ v1.6.2 Tests -->
+ <ajc-test dir="bugs162/IntoBinary" title="binary aspects model">
+ <compile options="-1.5 -emacssym" files="" aspectpath="binaryaspect.jar"/>
+ </ajc-test>
<ajc-test dir="bugs162/pr246918" title="ltw perclause">
<compile options="-1.5" files="" outjar="code.jar"/>
<compile options="-1.5 -Xlint:ignore" files="" outjar="aspects.jar"/>