- -- Now we can verify all signatures
+ --[[
+ 1. Collect all ARC Sets currently attached to the message. If there
+ are none, the Chain Validation Status is "none" and the algorithm
+ stops here. The maximum number of ARC Sets that can be attached
+ to a message is 50. If more than the maximum number exist the
+ Chain Validation Status is "fail" and the algorithm stops here.
+ In the following algorithm, the maximum ARC instance value is
+ referred to as "N".
+ 2. If the Chain Validation Status of the highest instance value ARC
+ Set is "fail", then the Chain Validation status is "fail" and the
+ algorithm stops here.
+ 3. Validate the structure of the Authenticated Received Chain. A
+ valid ARC has the following conditions:
+ 1. Each ARC Set MUST contain exactly one each of the three ARC
+ header fields (AAR, AMS, and AS).
+ 2. The instance values of the ARC Sets MUST form a continuous
+ sequence from 1..N with no gaps or repetition.
+ 3. The "cv" value for all ARC-Seal header fields must be non-
+ failing. For instance values > 1, the value must be "pass".
+ For instance value = 1, the value must be "none".
+ * If any of these conditions are not met, the Chain Validation
+ Status is "fail" and the algorithm stops here.
+ 4. Validate the AMS with the greatest instance value (most recent).
+ If validation fails, then the Chain Validation Status is "fail"
+ and the algorithm stops here.
+ 5 - 7. Optional, not implemented
+ 8. Validate each AS beginning with the greatest instance value and
+ proceeding in decreasing order to the AS with the instance value
+ of 1. If any AS fails to validate, the Chain Validation Status
+ is "fail" and the algorithm stops here.
+ 9. If the algorithm reaches this step, then the Chain Validation
+ Status is "pass", and the algorithm is complete.
+ ]]--
local processed = 0
- local sig = cbdata.sigs[#cbdata.sigs]
+ local sig = cbdata.sigs[#cbdata.sigs] -- last AMS
local ret,err = dkim_verify(task, sig.header, arc_signature_cb, 'arc-sign')
if not ret then