--- /dev/null
+AspectJ Figures Exercises
+THIS FILE IS OUT-OF-DATE !!! (2003-3-17)
+These exercises are designed to be used with AspectJ 1.0.6.
+There may be licence issues with just sticking the junit jar in there
+that I don't understand.
+To build distribution zips, use ant -f build.xml. This will create
+ EV-exercises.zip -- the contents of these exercises, minus AspectJ
+ EV-answers.zip -- some answers to these exercises.
+ EV-setup.zip -- the exercises bundled with AspectJ
+ EV-allcontent.zip -- the exercises bundled with the answers
+If you don't want to be bothered with specifying where AspectJ is,
+feel free to just do ant -f build.xml answers.zip. By default it will
+build both exercises and answers.
+Required environment
+In order to actually do the exercises, the three very important files
+to have are:
+ EV-exercises.zip
+ aspectj-tools-1.0.6.jar
+ <some installer of java>
+It is almost certainly a good idea to hope that Java is already
+installed on the students' systems, but to provide two installers
+(windows and linux) anyway.
+ http://java.sun.com
+You may want to also include the rest of the AspectJ installers as
+well, but that might be a bit of a distraction
+ http://aspectj.org/dl
+These require junit.jar. I've included a copy in with the two zip
+files, but they might want to be refreshed every now and again.
+ http://junit.org
+It would be really nice to have an automated solution to generate the
+documents, but no such luck.
+* index.html should print out with useful page breaks. It should be
+ separated into four chunks if possible.
+* answers in four chunks.
+* quick reference sheets.
+Remember to have a one-sided copy of everything as a separate
+ /j2sdk-1_4_1_01-linux-i586.bin
+ /j2sdk-1_4_1_01-windows-i586.exe
+ /exercises.zip containing:
+ aj-EV/src/figures.zip
+ aj-EV/src/aspectj-tools-1.0.6.jar
+ aj-EV/src/aspectj-docs-1.0.6.jar
+ aj-EV/<exploded version of figures.zip>
+ aj-EV/aspectj/<exploded version of aspectj-tools>
+ aj-EV/aspectj/<exploded version of aspectj-docs>
+ aj-EV/setpaths
+ aj-EV/setpaths.bat
+/bin/ajc, are edited to make sure that JAVA_HOME is used, as the
+defaults will almost certainly be wrong. setpaths scripts do what
+they look like they do. All six of these scripts are stored in
+scripts under CVS.
+---- Instructors
+Since the only difference is the answers, just overwrite the
+extraction directory with answers.zip.
-<project name="build" default="dist" basedir=".">
+This build script will create a directory called burn that is
+_almost_ suitable for burning onto a CD. However, there
+are a number of things that should be done to this directory
+before actually burning:
+The PDFs in the print directory need to be manually generated.
+Use the content of foo.pdf.contents to generate foo.pdf, and
+and then delete the foo.pdf.contents directory.
+The powerpoint and packages directory should be populated
+with whatever you want to populate it with. The
+packages directory is typically filled with Linux installers
+and a clean AspectJ installer.
+<project name="build" default="burn" basedir=".">
- Build the exercises we do at various conferences
+ Build a CD image containing AspectJ exercises.
- <!-- this directory needs to hold tools and docs, unpacked -->
- <property name="aj.home" value="c:/apps/aspectj106" />
- <!-- this is the name of the tutorial event -->
- <property name="aj.event" value="aosd2003" />
+ <!-- this directory should hold a clean unpacked AspectJ release -->
+ <property name="aj.home" value="c:/apps/aspectj11" />
+ <!-- this is the name of the event -->
+ <property name="aj.event" value="oopsla2003" />
+ <property name="burndir" value="burn" />
+ <property name="eventdir" value="${burndir}/aj-${aj.event}" />
+ <property name="packagedir" value="${burndir}/packages" />
+ <property name="printdir" value="${burndir}/print" />
+ <property name="powerpointdir" value="${burndir}/powerpoint" />
<!-- now real targets -->
+ <target name="burn" depends="clean,skeleton,event,answers,printables" />
- <target name="dist"
- depends="clean,distdir,exercises.zip,answers.zip" />
+ <target name="printables" depends="skeleton">
+ <delete dir="${printdir}/answers.pdf.contents" />
+ <mkdir dir="${printdir}/answers.pdf.contents" />
+ <copy toDir="${printdir}/answers.pdf.contents">
+ <fileset dir="answers" includes="*.java" excludes="Answer.java"/>
+ </copy>
- <target name="event.zip" depends="tools,exercises">
- <zip destfile="dist/${aj.event}.zip">
- <zipfileset dir="dist/aj-${aj.event}"
- prefix="aj-${aj.event}"
- excludes="answers/*.java"
- />
- <zipfileset dir="dist/aj-${aj.event}"
- prefix="aj-${aj.event}"
- includes="answers/Answer.java"
- />
- </zip>
+ <delete dir="${printdir}/exercises.pdf.contents" />
+ <mkdir dir="${printdir}/exercises.pdf.contents" />
+ <copy toDir="${printdir}/exercises.pdf.contents" file="index.html" />
+ <delete dir="${printdir}/install.pdf.contents" />
+ <mkdir dir="${printdir}/install.pdf.contents" />
+ <copy toDir="${printdir}/install.pdf.contents" file="install.txt" />
- <target name="exercises.zip" depends="exercises">
- <zip destfile="dist/${aj.event}-exercises.zip">
- <zipfileset dir="dist/aj-${aj.event}"
- prefix="aj-${aj.event}"
- includes="junit.jar,base.lst,guibase.lst,*.html,support/**/*.java,figures/**/*.java,tests/**/*.java,answers/Answer.java"
+ <target name="answers" depends="skeleton">
+ <zip destfile="${packagedir}/${aj.event}-answers.zip">
+ <zipfileset dir="answers"
+ prefix="aj-${aj.event}/answers"
+ includes="*.java"
+ excludes="Answer.java"
- </zip>
+ </zip>
+ </target>
+ <target name="event" depends="tools,exercises">
+ <filter token="aj.event" value="${aj.event}" />
+ <copy file="install.txt" toDir="${eventdir}" filtering="yes" />
- <target name="answers.zip" depends="answers">
- <zip destfile="dist/${aj.event}-answers.zip">
- <zipfileset dir="dist/aj-${aj.event}"
- prefix="aj-${aj.event}"
- includes="answers/*.java"
- excludes="answers/Answer.java"
+ <target name="exercises" depends="skeleton">
+ <copy toDir="${eventdir}">
+ <fileset dir="."
+ includes="junit.jar,base.lst,guibase.lst,*.html,support/**/*.java,figures/**/*.java,tests/**/*.java,answers/Answer.java"
- </zip>
+ </copy>
- <target name="tools" depends="eventdir">
- <mkdir dir="dist/aj-${aj.event}" />
- <mkdir dir="dist/aj-${aj.event}/aspectj" />
+ <target name="tools" depends="skeleton">
+ <mkdir dir="${eventdir}/aspectj" />
<filter token="aj.event" value="${aj.event}" />
- <copy toDir="dist/aj-${aj.event}/aspectj">
+ <copy toDir="${eventdir}/aspectj">
<fileset dir="${aj.home}" excludes="bin/**" />
- <copy toDir="dist/aj-${aj.event}/aspectj/bin" filtering="yes">
+ <copy toDir="${eventdir}/aspectj/bin" filtering="yes">
<fileset dir="scripts" excludes="setpaths*" />
- <copy toDir="dist/aj-${aj.event}" filtering="yes">
+ <copy toDir="${eventdir}" filtering="yes">
<fileset dir="scripts" includes="setpaths*" />
- <fixcrlf srcDir="dist/aj-${aj.event}"
+ <fixcrlf srcDir="${eventdir}"
eol="crlf" />
- <fixcrlf srcDir="dist/aj-${aj.event}"
+ <fixcrlf srcDir="${eventdir}"
eol="lf" />
- <target name="exercises" depends="eventdir">
- <filter token="aj.event" value="${aj.event}" />
- <copy file="install.txt" toDir="dist/aj-${aj.event}" filtering="yes" />
- <copy toDir="dist/aj-${aj.event}">
- <fileset dir="."
- includes="junit.jar,base.lst,guibase.lst,*.html,support/**/*.java,figures/**/*.java,tests/**/*.java,answers/Answer.java"
- />
- </copy>
- </target>
- <target name="answers" depends="eventdir">
- <copy toDir="dist/aj-${aj.event}">
- <fileset dir="."
- includes="answers/*.java"
- excludes="answers/Answer.java"
- />
- </copy>
- </target>
- <target name="allcontent.zip" depends="exercises.zip,answers.zip">
- <zip destfile="dist/${aj.event}-notools.zip">
- <zipfileset src="dist/${aj.event}-exercises.zip" />
- <zipfileset src="dist/${aj.event}-answers.zip" />
- </zip>
- </target>
- <target name="distdir">
- <mkdir dir="dist" />
- </target>
- <target name="eventdir" depends="distdir">
- <mkdir dir="dist/aj-${aj.event}" />
+ <target name="skeleton">
+ <mkdir dir="${burndir}" />
+ <mkdir dir="${eventdir}" />
+ <mkdir dir="${packagedir}" />
+ <mkdir dir="${printdir}" />
+ <mkdir dir="${powerpointdir}" />
<target name="clean">
- <delete dir="dist" />
+ <delete dir="burn" />
<target name="javaclean">
- <delete dir="dist" />
+ <delete dir="burn" />
--- /dev/null
+0. Install
+ Now get the directory "aj-@aj.event@/". Just copy the
+ "aj-@aj.event@/" directory from the provided CD.
+ If you're running a Windows machine, we recommend you copy into
+ "c:\". If you're running your favorite Unix (we've had success under
+ Linux and MacOS X), we recommend you install into "~\".
+1. Configure
+ Our installation is fairly well self-contained, but it does need to know
+ where Java lives. To do this you must set the environment variable named
+ JAVA_HOME. This variable should point to something like
+ c:\apps\jdk1.3.1_04
+ /usr/java
+ /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/CurrentJDK/Home
+ depending on your system. You may either do this globally, or you may
+ edit the appropriate setpaths script:
+ setpaths.bat (under Windows)
+ setpaths.sh (if you run bash/sh/ksh, like most Linux setups)
+ setpaths.csh (if you run csh, like most MacOS X setups)
+ Also, if you installed into a directory other than "c:\" or "~/", then you
+ need to change the EXTRACTION environment variable in the setpaths script.
+2. Test
+ Open a new command shell and change to the "aj-@aj.event@/" directory.
+ We have provided a "setpaths" script to set permissions and various paths
+ variables, so run this script:
+ > setpaths.bat (under Windows)
+ > source setpaths.sh (if you run bash/sh/ksh, like most Linux setups)
+ > source setpaths.csh (if you run csh, like most MacOS X setups)
+ You must remember to run this script every time you open a new command
+ shell.
+ Now, compile the core system with ajc:
+ > ajc -argfile guibase.lst
+ This should compile the figures application (source code in the figures
+ directory) as well as a single unit test (source code in the tests
+ directory).
+ See if the compile was successful by running the gui figures app you just
+ compiled:
+ > java figures.gui.Main
+ And, after quitting out of the gui figures app, run the unit test:
+ > java tests.Test
+ ....
+ Time: 0.076
+ OK (4 tests)