#### fixes\r
-- Fixed nullpointer on recursively calculating folder sizes when there is a named pipe in the hierarchy\r
+- Fixed nullpointer on recursively calculating folder sizes when there is a named pipe or symlink in the hierarchy\r
+- Fixed bug where permission changes were not visible in the web ui to a logged-in user until the user logged-out and then logged back in again (issue-186)\r
- Fixed nullpointer on creating a repository with mixed case (issue 185)\r
- Fixed nullpointer when using web.allowForking = true && git.cacheRepositoryList = false (issue 182)\r
- Build project models from the repository model cache, when possible, to reduce page load time (issue 172)\r
private void login() {\r
GitBlitWebSession session = GitBlitWebSession.get();\r
if (session.isLoggedIn() && !session.isSessionInvalidated()) {\r
- // already have a session\r
+ // already have a session, refresh usermodel to pick up\r
+ // any changes to permissions or roles (issue-186)\r
+ UserModel user = GitBlit.self().getUserModel(session.getUser().username);\r
+ session.setUser(user);\r