weight = -1.0;
description = "Mail comes from the whitelisted domain and has a valid SPF policy";
+ groups = ["spf"];
weight = 1.0;
description = "Mail comes from the whitelisted domain and has no valid SPF policy";
+ groups = ["spf"];
weight = -1.0;
description = "Mail comes from the whitelisted domain and has a valid DKIM signature";
+ groups = ["dkim"];
weight = 2.0;
description = "Mail comes from the whitelisted domain and has non-valid DKIM signature";
+ groups = ["dkim"];
weight = -3.0;
description = "Mail comes from the whitelisted domain and has valid SPF and DKIM policies";
+ groups = ["spf", "dkim"];
weight = 3.0;
description = "Mail comes from the whitelisted domain and has no valid SPF policy or a bad DKIM signature";
+ groups = ["spf", "dkim"];
weight = -7.0;
description = "Mail comes from the whitelisted domain and has valid DMARC and DKIM policies";
+ groups = ["dmarc", "spf", "dkim"];
weight = 6.0;
description = "Mail comes from the whitelisted domain and has failed DMARC and DKIM policies";
+ groups = ["dmarc", "spf", "dkim"];