local argparse = require "argparse"
local rspamd_keypair = require "rspamd_cryptobox_keypair"
+local rspamd_crypto = require "rspamd_cryptobox"
local ucl = require "ucl"
-- Define command line options
:description "Generates a sign keypair instead of the encryption one"
generate:flag "-n --nist"
:description "Uses nist encryption algorithm"
+generate:option "-o --output"
+ :description "Write keypair to file"
+ :argname "<file>"
generate:flag "-j --json"
:description "Output JSON instead of UCL",
+local sign = parser:command "sign sig s"
+ :description "Signs a file using keypair"
+sign:option "-k --keypair"
+ :description "Keypair to use"
+ :argname "<file>"
+sign:option "-s --suffix"
+ :description "Suffix for signature"
+ :argname "<suffix>"
+ :default("sig")
+sign:argument "file"
+ :description "File to sign"
+ :argname "<file>"
+ :args "*"
-- Default command is generate, so duplicate options
parser:flag "-s --sign"
:description "Generates a sign keypair instead of the encryption one"
:description "Output UCL"
+parser:option "-o --output"
+ :description "Write keypair to file"
+ :argname "<file>"
local function handler(args)
local opts = parser:parse(args)
if opts.json then
format = 'json'
- io.write(ucl.to_format(kp, format))
+ if opts.output then
+ local out = io.open(opts.output, 'w')
+ if not out then
+ parser:error('cannot open output to write: ' .. opts.output)
+ end
+ out:write(ucl.to_format(kp, format))
+ out:close()
+ else
+ io.write(ucl.to_format(kp, format))
+ end
+ elseif command == 'sign' then
+ if opts.file then
+ if type(opts.file) == 'string' then
+ opts.file = {opts.file}
+ end
+ else
+ parser:error('no files to sign')
+ end
+ if not opts.keypair then
+ parser:error("no keypair specified")
+ end
+ local ucl_parser = ucl.parser()
+ local res,err = ucl_parser:parse_file(opts.keypair)
+ if not res then
+ parser:error(string.format('cannot load %s: %s', opts.keypair, err))
+ end
+ local kp = rspamd_keypair.load(ucl_parser:get_object())
+ if not kp then
+ parser:error("cannot load keypair: " .. opts.keypair)
+ end
+ for _,fname in ipairs(opts.file) do
+ local sig = rspamd_crypto.sign_file(kp, fname)
+ if not sig then
+ parser:error(string.format("cannot sign %s\n", fname))
+ end
+ local out = string.format('%s.%s', fname, opts.suffix or 'sig')
+ local of = io.open(out, 'w')
+ if not of then
+ parser:error('cannot open output to write: ' .. out)
+ end
+ of:write(sig:bin())
+ of:close()
+ io.write(string.format('signed %s -> %s (%s)\n', fname, out, sig:hex()))
+ end
parser:error('command %s is not yet implemented', command)