+ "at http://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/enter_bug.cgi?product=AspectJ" + LangUtil.EOL
+ "To make the bug a priority, please include a test program" + LangUtil.EOL
+ "that can reproduce this exception." + LangUtil.EOL;
+ private static final String OUT_OF_MEMORY_MSG
+ = "AspectJ " + Version.text + " ran out of memory during compilation:" + LangUtil.EOL + LangUtil.EOL
+ + "Please increase the memory available to ajc by editing the ajc script " + LangUtil.EOL
+ + "found in your AspectJ installation directory. The -Xmx parameter value" + LangUtil.EOL
+ + "should be increased from 64M (default) to 128M or even 256M." + LangUtil.EOL + LangUtil.EOL
+ + "See the AspectJ FAQ available from the documentation link" + LangUtil.EOL
+ + "on the AspectJ home page at http://www.eclipse.org/aspectj";
/** @param args the String[] of command-line arguments */
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
- run(args, holder);
+ // make sure we handle out of memory gracefully...
+ try {
+ // byte[] b = new byte[100000000]; for testing OoME only!
+ run(args, holder);
+ } catch (OutOfMemoryError outOfMemory) {
+ IMessage outOfMemoryMessage = new Message(OUT_OF_MEMORY_MSG,null,true);
+ holder.handleMessage(outOfMemoryMessage);
+ systemExit(holder); // we can't reasonably continue from this point.
+ }
boolean skipExit = false;
if (useSystemExit && !LangUtil.isEmpty(args)) { // sigh - pluck -noExit