+* Quick Search
The contents of all the files in the repository that matches the above configuration will be indexed during repository
scan. So when you type a word in the search box, Archiva will search the index for that query string and return all the
- search hits in the form of a list of artifacts. For example you typed in 'classworlds', the search result would contain
- the list of artifacts that use or reference 'classworlds'.
+ search hits in the form of a paginated list of artifacts. For example you typed in 'ant', the search result
+ would contain the list of artifacts that use or reference 'ant'.
+ Archiva can also search the index for java classes, packages, and methods and return a list of artifacts containing the
+ query string. To do a quick search of java classes, packages, or methods, append the word 'bytecode:' before the query
+ string in the search box. For example, 'bytecode:myMethod'.
+ The 'Search Results Only' option saves the previous search criteria and use it together with the new query string for
+ searching. When the user types a word in the search box, 'launcher' for example, Archiva will search the query string
+ from the previous list of search hits and return a new paginated list of artifacts.
- Below is a sample screenshot of the search results:
+ Below is a sample screenshot of the search results with 'Search Results Only' option selected:
[../images/search-results.jpg] Search Results
page (the same page from the Repository Browse). Otherwise if it is not a pom file (ex. metadata.xml), the file will
appear as a file to be downloaded from the browser.
+* Advanced Search
+ The Advanced Search feature allows user to narrow down the search by specifying the criteria such as group id,
+ artifact id, version, class or package, and the repository to be searched. This feature also provides the user the
+ option to configure the pagination of results by specifying the number of hits to be displayed in each page.
+ Below is a sample screenshot of Advanced Search:
+[../images/advanced-search.jpg] Advanced Search screen
* Security
The Search functionality respects the repository permissions. If the user is not logged in to Archiva and does a search,