--- /dev/null
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+ Staging Repositories
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+Staging Repositories
+ Starting with Archiva 1.4, staging repositories are supported. A staging repository is a repository you use
+ to stage a release (while it undergoes testing and voting), before the release is officially announced and published
+ to a releases repository where users can obtain it.
+ With the support of staging repositories comes the ability to merge repositories from the web UI. By merging, we mean
+ promoting the artifacts in the staging repository to the managed repository. In the current
+ implementation, a user can create and attach a staging repository to an existing managed repository. An attached
+ staging repository is a shadow of its managed repository, meaning they would have the same configuration.
+ We append <<-stage>> to the managed repository's ID to identify its staging repository. For example, repository
+ <<<test>>> would have a staging repository called <<<test-stage>>>.
+ If you're creating a new managed repository, just tick the <<<Create stage repository>>> check box. Otherwise, if
+ you already have an existing managed repository and you want to create a staging repository, just edit the managed
+ repository's configuration and tick the <<<Create stage repository>>> checkbox, then save the configuration. A staging
+ repository will be created in the same directory as the managed repository.
+ <<<Note:>>> By un-ticking the <<<Create stage repository>>> checkbox, the user can delete the attached staging
+ repository. If the managed repository is deleted, then its attached staging repository is also deleted.
+ The <<<snapshots>>> and <<<internal>>> repositories configured in Archiva by default, are not configured with attached
+ staging repositories.
+* Merging Repositories
+ To merge or promote the artifacts in a staging repository to the managed repository, just click the <<<Merge>>> button
+ in the repository configuration page.
+[../images/repository-merge.png] Merge Button
+ Archiva will check for conflicting artifacts between the two repositories, and list them (if it finds conflicts).
+ The user will be asked to choose between two actions:
+ [[1]] <<<Merge All>>> - ignore all conflicting artifacts and perform merging for all.
+ [[2]] <<<Merge With Skip>>> - skip all conflicting artifacts and merge only the non-conflicting ones.
+ []
+[../images/conflicting-artifacts.png] Merge Actions
+ In future, we plan to enhance this by allowing a user to select only specific artifacts to merge.
<item name="Network Proxies" href="/adminguide/network-proxies.html" />
<item name="Legacy (Maven 1) Support" href="/adminguide/legacy.html" />
<item name="Consumers" href="/adminguide/consumers.html" />
+ <item name="Staging Repositories" href="/adminguide/staging-repositories.html"/>
<item name="Configuration Files" href="/adminguide/configuration-files.html" />
<item name="Log Files" href="/adminguide/logging.html" collapse="true">