import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.apache.poi.util.IOUtils;
import org.apache.poi.util.TempFile;
+import org.junit.Assume;
+import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
for (Property cp : p) { count++; }
return count;
+ /**
+ * To ensure we can create a file >2gb in size, as well as to
+ * extend existing files past the 2gb boundary.
+ *
+ * Note that to run this test, you will require 2.5+gb of free
+ * space on your TMP/TEMP partition/disk
+ *
+ * TODO Fix this to work
+ * TODO Update this to use a "create as new file" constructor too
+ */
+ @Test
+ @Ignore("Work in progress test for #60670")
+ public void CreationAndExtensionPast2GB() throws Exception {
+ File big = TempFile.createTempFile("poi-test-", ".ole2");
+ Assume.assumeTrue("2.5gb of free space is required on your tmp/temp " +
+ "partition/disk to run large file tests",
+ big.getFreeSpace() > 2.5*1024*1024*1024);
+ int s100mb = 100*1024*1024;
+ int s512mb = 512*1024*1024;
+ DocumentEntry entry;
+ // TODO Provide a create method that takes a file
+ // Create a just-sub 2gb file
+ NPOIFSFileSystem fs = new NPOIFSFileSystem();
+ fs.writeFilesystem(new FileOutputStream(big));
+ fs.close();
+ fs = new NPOIFSFileSystem(big, false);
+ for (int i=0; i<19; i++) {
+ fs.createDocument(new DummyDataInputStream(s100mb), "Entry"+i);
+ }
+ fs.writeFilesystem();
+ fs.close();
+ // Extend it past the 2gb mark
+ fs = new NPOIFSFileSystem(big, false);
+ for (int i=0; i<19; i++) {
+ entry = (DocumentEntry)fs.getRoot().getEntry("Entry"+i);
+ assertNotNull(entry);
+ assertEquals(s100mb, entry.getSize());
+ }
+ fs.createDocument(new DummyDataInputStream(s512mb), "Bigger");
+ fs.writeFilesystem();
+ fs.close();
+ // Check it still works
+ fs = new NPOIFSFileSystem(big, false);
+ for (int i=0; i<19; i++) {
+ entry = (DocumentEntry)fs.getRoot().getEntry("Entry"+i);
+ assertNotNull(entry);
+ assertEquals(s100mb, entry.getSize());
+ }
+ entry = (DocumentEntry)fs.getRoot().getEntry("Bigger");
+ assertNotNull(entry);
+ assertEquals(s512mb, entry.getSize());
+ // Tidy
+ fs.close();
+ big.delete();
+ // Create a >2gb file
+ fs = new NPOIFSFileSystem();
+ fs.writeFilesystem(new FileOutputStream(big));
+ fs.close();
+ fs = new NPOIFSFileSystem(big, false);
+ for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ fs.createDocument(new DummyDataInputStream(s512mb), "Entry"+i);
+ }
+ fs.writeFilesystem();
+ fs.close();
+ // Read it
+ fs = new NPOIFSFileSystem(big, false);
+ for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ entry = (DocumentEntry)fs.getRoot().getEntry("Entry"+i);
+ assertNotNull(entry);
+ assertEquals(s512mb, entry.getSize());
+ }
+ // Extend it
+ fs.createDocument(new DummyDataInputStream(s512mb), "Entry4");
+ fs.writeFilesystem();
+ fs.close();
+ // Check it worked
+ fs = new NPOIFSFileSystem(big, false);
+ for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {
+ entry = (DocumentEntry)fs.getRoot().getEntry("Entry"+i);
+ assertNotNull(entry);
+ assertEquals(s512mb, entry.getSize());
+ }
+ // Tidy
+ fs.close();
+ big.delete();
+ // Create a file with a 2gb entry
+ // TODO Check we get a helpful error about the max size
+ }
+ protected static class DummyDataInputStream extends InputStream {
+ protected final int maxSize;
+ protected int size;
+ public DummyDataInputStream(int maxSize) {
+ this.maxSize = maxSize;
+ this.size = 0;
+ }
+ public int read() throws IOException {
+ if (size >= maxSize) return -1;
+ size++;
+ return size % 128;
+ }
+ public int read(byte[] b) throws IOException {
+ return read(b, 0, b.length);
+ }
+ public int read(byte[] b, int offset, int len) throws IOException {
+ if (size >= maxSize) return -1;
+ int sz = Math.min(len, maxSize-size);
+ for (int i=0; i<sz; i++) {
+ b[i+offset] = (byte)((size+i) % 128);
+ }
+ size += sz;
+ return sz;
+ }
+ }