]> source.dussan.org Git - nextcloud-server.git/commitdiff
Fix phpstorm complains in tests
authorJoas Schilling <nickvergessen@owncloud.com>
Mon, 30 Nov 2015 12:32:58 +0000 (13:32 +0100)
committerJoas Schilling <nickvergessen@owncloud.com>
Mon, 30 Nov 2015 12:36:22 +0000 (13:36 +0100)
tests/lib/systemtag/systemtagmanager.php [deleted file]
tests/lib/systemtag/systemtagmanagertest.php [new file with mode: 0644]
tests/lib/systemtag/systemtagobjectmapper.php [deleted file]
tests/lib/systemtag/systemtagobjectmappertest.php [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/tests/lib/systemtag/systemtagmanager.php b/tests/lib/systemtag/systemtagmanager.php
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 52bc33e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,407 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2015 Vincent Petry <pvince81@owncloud.com>
- * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
- * later.
- * See the COPYING-README file.
- *
-namespace Test\SystemTag;
-use OC\SystemTag\SystemTagManager;
-use OC\SystemTag\SystemTagObjectMapper;
-use OCP\SystemTag\ISystemTag;
-use \OCP\SystemTag\ISystemTagManager;
-use \OCP\IDBConnection;
- * Class TestSystemTagManager
- *
- * @group DB
- * @package Test\SystemTag
- */
-class TestSystemTagManager extends \Test\TestCase {
-       /**
-        * @var ISystemTagManager
-        **/
-       private $tagManager;
-       /**
-        * @var IDBConnection
-        */
-       private $connection;
-       public function setUp() {
-               parent::setUp();
-               $this->connection = \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection();
-               $this->tagManager = new SystemTagManager($this->connection);
-       } 
-       public function tearDown() {
-               $query = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder();
-               $query->delete(SystemTagObjectMapper::RELATION_TABLE)->execute();
-               $query->delete(SystemTagManager::TAG_TABLE)->execute();
-       }
-       public function getAllTagsDataProvider() {
-               return [
-                       [
-                               // no tags at all
-                               []
-                       ],
-                       [
-                               // simple
-                               [
-                                       ['one', false, false],
-                                       ['two', false, false],
-                               ]
-                       ],
-                       [
-                               // duplicate names, different flags
-                               [
-                                       ['one', false, false],
-                                       ['one', true, false],
-                                       ['one', false, true],
-                                       ['one', true, true],
-                                       ['two', false, false],
-                                       ['two', false, true],
-                               ]
-                       ]
-               ];
-       }
-       /**
-        * @dataProvider getAllTagsDataProvider
-        */
-       public function testGetAllTags($testTags) {
-               $testTagsById = [];
-               foreach ($testTags as $testTag) {
-                       $tag = $this->tagManager->createTag($testTag[0], $testTag[1], $testTag[2]);
-                       $testTagsById[$tag->getId()] = $tag;
-               }
-               $tagList = $this->tagManager->getAllTags();
-               $this->assertCount(count($testTags), $tagList);
-               foreach ($testTagsById as $testTagId => $testTag) {
-                       $this->assertTrue(isset($tagList[$testTagId]));
-                       $this->assertSameTag($tagList[$testTagId], $testTag);
-               }
-       }
-       public function getAllTagsFilteredDataProvider() {
-               return [
-                       [
-                               [
-                                       // no tags at all
-                               ],
-                               null,
-                               null,
-                               []
-                       ],
-                       // filter by visibile only
-                       [
-                               // none visible
-                               [
-                                       ['one', false, false],
-                                       ['two', false, false],
-                               ],
-                               true,
-                               null,
-                               []
-                       ],
-                       [
-                               // one visible
-                               [
-                                       ['one', true, false],
-                                       ['two', false, false],
-                               ],
-                               true,
-                               null,
-                               [
-                                       ['one', true, false],
-                               ]
-                       ],
-                       [
-                               // one invisible
-                               [
-                                       ['one', true, false],
-                                       ['two', false, false],
-                               ],
-                               false,
-                               null,
-                               [
-                                       ['two', false, false],
-                               ]
-                       ],
-                       // filter by name pattern
-                       [
-                               [
-                                       ['one', true, false],
-                                       ['one', false, false],
-                                       ['two', true, false],
-                               ],
-                               null,
-                               'on',
-                               [
-                                       ['one', true, false],
-                                       ['one', false, false],
-                               ]
-                       ],
-                       // filter by name pattern and visibility
-                       [
-                               // one visible
-                               [
-                                       ['one', true, false],
-                                       ['two', true, false],
-                                       ['one', false, false],
-                               ],
-                               true,
-                               'on',
-                               [
-                                       ['one', true, false],
-                               ]
-                       ],
-                       // filter by name pattern in the middle
-                       [
-                               // one visible
-                               [
-                                       ['abcdefghi', true, false],
-                                       ['two', true, false],
-                               ],
-                               null,
-                               'def',
-                               [
-                                       ['abcdefghi', true, false],
-                               ]
-                       ]
-               ];
-       }
-       /**
-        * @dataProvider getAllTagsFilteredDataProvider
-        */
-       public function testGetAllTagsFiltered($testTags, $visibilityFilter, $nameSearch, $expectedResults) {
-               foreach ($testTags as $testTag) {
-                       $tag = $this->tagManager->createTag($testTag[0], $testTag[1], $testTag[2]);
-               }
-               $testTagsById = [];
-               foreach ($expectedResults as $expectedTag) {
-                       $tag = $this->tagManager->getTag($expectedTag[0], $expectedTag[1], $expectedTag[2]);
-                       $testTagsById[$tag->getId()] = $tag;
-               }
-               $tagList = $this->tagManager->getAllTags($visibilityFilter, $nameSearch);
-               $this->assertCount(count($testTagsById), $tagList);
-               foreach ($testTagsById as $testTagId => $testTag) {
-                       $this->assertTrue(isset($tagList[$testTagId]));
-                       $this->assertSameTag($tagList[$testTagId], $testTag);
-               }
-       }
-       public function oneTagMultipleFlagsProvider() {
-               return [
-                       ['one', false, false],
-                       ['one', true, false],
-                       ['one', false, true],
-                       ['one', true, true],
-               ];
-       }
-       /**
-        * @dataProvider oneTagMultipleFlagsProvider
-        * @expectedException \OCP\SystemTag\TagAlreadyExistsException
-        */
-       public function testCreateDuplicate($name, $userVisible, $userAssignable) {
-               try {
-                       $this->tagManager->createTag($name, $userVisible, $userAssignable);
-               } catch (\Exception $e) {
-                       $this->assertTrue(false, 'No exception thrown for the first create call');
-               }
-               $this->tagManager->createTag($name, $userVisible, $userAssignable);
-       }
-       /**
-        * @dataProvider oneTagMultipleFlagsProvider
-        */
-       public function testGetExistingTag($name, $userVisible, $userAssignable) {
-               $tag1 = $this->tagManager->createTag($name, $userVisible, $userAssignable);
-               $tag2 = $this->tagManager->getTag($name, $userVisible, $userAssignable);
-               $this->assertSameTag($tag1, $tag2);
-       }
-       /**
-        * @dataProvider oneTagMultipleFlagsProvider
-        */
-       public function testGetExistingTagById($name, $userVisible, $userAssignable) {
-               $tag1 = $this->tagManager->createTag('one', true, false);
-               $tag2 = $this->tagManager->createTag('two', false, true);
-               $tagList = $this->tagManager->getTagsById([$tag1->getId(), $tag2->getId()]);
-               $this->assertCount(2, $tagList);
-               $this->assertSameTag($tag1, $tagList[$tag1->getId()]);
-               $this->assertSameTag($tag2, $tagList[$tag2->getId()]);
-       }
-       /**
-        * @expectedException \OCP\SystemTag\TagNotFoundException
-        */
-       public function testGetNonExistingTag() {
-               $this->tagManager->getTag('nonexist', false, false);
-       }
-       /**
-        * @expectedException \OCP\SystemTag\TagNotFoundException
-        */
-       public function testGetNonExistingTagsById() {
-               $tag1 = $this->tagManager->createTag('one', true, false);
-               $this->tagManager->getTagsById([$tag1->getId(), 100, 101]);
-       }
-       /**
-        * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
-        */
-       public function testGetInvalidTagIdFormat() {
-               $tag1 = $this->tagManager->createTag('one', true, false);
-               $this->tagManager->getTagsById([$tag1->getId() . 'suffix']);
-       }
-       public function updateTagProvider() {
-               return [
-                       [
-                               // update name
-                               ['one', true, true],
-                               ['two', true, true]
-                       ],
-                       [
-                               // update one flag
-                               ['one', false, true],
-                               ['one', true, true]
-                       ],
-                       [
-                               // update all flags
-                               ['one', false, false],
-                               ['one', true, true]
-                       ],
-                       [
-                               // update all
-                               ['one', false, false],
-                               ['two', true, true]
-                       ],
-               ];
-       }
-       /**
-        * @dataProvider updateTagProvider
-        */
-       public function testUpdateTag($tagCreate, $tagUpdated) {
-               $tag1 = $this->tagManager->createTag(
-                       $tagCreate[0],
-                       $tagCreate[1],
-                       $tagCreate[2]
-               );
-               $this->tagManager->updateTag(
-                       $tag1->getId(),
-                       $tagUpdated[0],
-                       $tagUpdated[1],
-                       $tagUpdated[2]
-               );
-               $tag2 = $this->tagManager->getTag(
-                       $tagUpdated[0],
-                       $tagUpdated[1],
-                       $tagUpdated[2]
-               );
-               $this->assertEquals($tag2->getId(), $tag1->getId());
-               $this->assertEquals($tag2->getName(), $tagUpdated[0]);
-               $this->assertEquals($tag2->isUserVisible(), $tagUpdated[1]);
-               $this->assertEquals($tag2->isUserAssignable(), $tagUpdated[2]);
-       }
-       /**
-        * @dataProvider updateTagProvider
-        * @expectedException \OCP\SystemTag\TagAlreadyExistsException
-        */
-       public function testUpdateTagDuplicate($tagCreate, $tagUpdated) {
-               $this->tagManager->createTag(
-                       $tagCreate[0],
-                       $tagCreate[1],
-                       $tagCreate[2]
-               );
-               $tag2 = $this->tagManager->createTag(
-                       $tagUpdated[0],
-                       $tagUpdated[1],
-                       $tagUpdated[2]
-               );
-               // update to match the first tag
-               $this->tagManager->updateTag(
-                       $tag2->getId(),
-                       $tagCreate[0],
-                       $tagCreate[1],
-                       $tagCreate[2]
-               );
-       }
-       public function testDeleteTags() {
-               $tag1 = $this->tagManager->createTag('one', true, false);
-               $tag2 = $this->tagManager->createTag('two', false, true);
-               $this->tagManager->deleteTags([$tag1->getId(), $tag2->getId()]);
-               $this->assertEmpty($this->tagManager->getAllTags());
-       }
-       /**
-        * @expectedException \OCP\SystemTag\TagNotFoundException
-        */
-       public function testDeleteNonExistingTag() {
-               $this->tagManager->deleteTags([100]);
-       }
-       public function testDeleteTagRemovesRelations() {
-               $tag1 = $this->tagManager->createTag('one', true, false);
-               $tag2 = $this->tagManager->createTag('two', true, true);
-               $tagMapper = new SystemTagObjectMapper($this->connection, $this->tagManager);
-               $tagMapper->assignTags(1, 'testtype', $tag1->getId());
-               $tagMapper->assignTags(1, 'testtype', $tag2->getId());
-               $tagMapper->assignTags(2, 'testtype', $tag1->getId());
-               $this->tagManager->deleteTags($tag1->getId());
-               $tagIdMapping = $tagMapper->getTagIdsForObjects(
-                       [1, 2],
-                       'testtype'
-               );
-               $this->assertEquals([
-                       1 => [$tag2->getId()],
-                       2 => [],
-               ], $tagIdMapping);
-       }
-       /**
-        * @param ISystemTag $tag1
-        * @param ISystemTag $tag2
-        */
-       private function assertSameTag($tag1, $tag2) {
-               $this->assertEquals($tag1->getId(), $tag2->getId());
-               $this->assertEquals($tag1->getName(), $tag2->getName());
-               $this->assertEquals($tag1->isUserVisible(), $tag2->isUserVisible());
-               $this->assertEquals($tag1->isUserAssignable(), $tag2->isUserAssignable());
-       }
diff --git a/tests/lib/systemtag/systemtagmanagertest.php b/tests/lib/systemtag/systemtagmanagertest.php
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..0a192f0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2015 Vincent Petry <pvince81@owncloud.com>
+ * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
+ * later.
+ * See the COPYING-README file.
+ *
+namespace Test\SystemTag;
+use OC\SystemTag\SystemTagManager;
+use OC\SystemTag\SystemTagObjectMapper;
+use OCP\IDBConnection;
+use OCP\SystemTag\ISystemTag;
+use OCP\SystemTag\ISystemTagManager;
+use Test\TestCase;
+ * Class TestSystemTagManager
+ *
+ * @group DB
+ * @package Test\SystemTag
+ */
+class SystemTagManagerTest extends TestCase {
+       /**
+        * @var ISystemTagManager
+        **/
+       private $tagManager;
+       /**
+        * @var IDBConnection
+        */
+       private $connection;
+       public function setUp() {
+               parent::setUp();
+               $this->connection = \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection();
+               $this->tagManager = new SystemTagManager($this->connection);
+       } 
+       public function tearDown() {
+               $query = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder();
+               $query->delete(SystemTagObjectMapper::RELATION_TABLE)->execute();
+               $query->delete(SystemTagManager::TAG_TABLE)->execute();
+       }
+       public function getAllTagsDataProvider() {
+               return [
+                       [
+                               // no tags at all
+                               []
+                       ],
+                       [
+                               // simple
+                               [
+                                       ['one', false, false],
+                                       ['two', false, false],
+                               ]
+                       ],
+                       [
+                               // duplicate names, different flags
+                               [
+                                       ['one', false, false],
+                                       ['one', true, false],
+                                       ['one', false, true],
+                                       ['one', true, true],
+                                       ['two', false, false],
+                                       ['two', false, true],
+                               ]
+                       ]
+               ];
+       }
+       /**
+        * @dataProvider getAllTagsDataProvider
+        */
+       public function testGetAllTags($testTags) {
+               $testTagsById = [];
+               foreach ($testTags as $testTag) {
+                       $tag = $this->tagManager->createTag($testTag[0], $testTag[1], $testTag[2]);
+                       $testTagsById[$tag->getId()] = $tag;
+               }
+               $tagList = $this->tagManager->getAllTags();
+               $this->assertCount(count($testTags), $tagList);
+               foreach ($testTagsById as $testTagId => $testTag) {
+                       $this->assertTrue(isset($tagList[$testTagId]));
+                       $this->assertSameTag($tagList[$testTagId], $testTag);
+               }
+       }
+       public function getAllTagsFilteredDataProvider() {
+               return [
+                       [
+                               [
+                                       // no tags at all
+                               ],
+                               null,
+                               null,
+                               []
+                       ],
+                       // filter by visibile only
+                       [
+                               // none visible
+                               [
+                                       ['one', false, false],
+                                       ['two', false, false],
+                               ],
+                               true,
+                               null,
+                               []
+                       ],
+                       [
+                               // one visible
+                               [
+                                       ['one', true, false],
+                                       ['two', false, false],
+                               ],
+                               true,
+                               null,
+                               [
+                                       ['one', true, false],
+                               ]
+                       ],
+                       [
+                               // one invisible
+                               [
+                                       ['one', true, false],
+                                       ['two', false, false],
+                               ],
+                               false,
+                               null,
+                               [
+                                       ['two', false, false],
+                               ]
+                       ],
+                       // filter by name pattern
+                       [
+                               [
+                                       ['one', true, false],
+                                       ['one', false, false],
+                                       ['two', true, false],
+                               ],
+                               null,
+                               'on',
+                               [
+                                       ['one', true, false],
+                                       ['one', false, false],
+                               ]
+                       ],
+                       // filter by name pattern and visibility
+                       [
+                               // one visible
+                               [
+                                       ['one', true, false],
+                                       ['two', true, false],
+                                       ['one', false, false],
+                               ],
+                               true,
+                               'on',
+                               [
+                                       ['one', true, false],
+                               ]
+                       ],
+                       // filter by name pattern in the middle
+                       [
+                               // one visible
+                               [
+                                       ['abcdefghi', true, false],
+                                       ['two', true, false],
+                               ],
+                               null,
+                               'def',
+                               [
+                                       ['abcdefghi', true, false],
+                               ]
+                       ]
+               ];
+       }
+       /**
+        * @dataProvider getAllTagsFilteredDataProvider
+        */
+       public function testGetAllTagsFiltered($testTags, $visibilityFilter, $nameSearch, $expectedResults) {
+               foreach ($testTags as $testTag) {
+                       $this->tagManager->createTag($testTag[0], $testTag[1], $testTag[2]);
+               }
+               $testTagsById = [];
+               foreach ($expectedResults as $expectedTag) {
+                       $tag = $this->tagManager->getTag($expectedTag[0], $expectedTag[1], $expectedTag[2]);
+                       $testTagsById[$tag->getId()] = $tag;
+               }
+               $tagList = $this->tagManager->getAllTags($visibilityFilter, $nameSearch);
+               $this->assertCount(count($testTagsById), $tagList);
+               foreach ($testTagsById as $testTagId => $testTag) {
+                       $this->assertTrue(isset($tagList[$testTagId]));
+                       $this->assertSameTag($tagList[$testTagId], $testTag);
+               }
+       }
+       public function oneTagMultipleFlagsProvider() {
+               return [
+                       ['one', false, false],
+                       ['one', true, false],
+                       ['one', false, true],
+                       ['one', true, true],
+               ];
+       }
+       /**
+        * @dataProvider oneTagMultipleFlagsProvider
+        * @expectedException \OCP\SystemTag\TagAlreadyExistsException
+        */
+       public function testCreateDuplicate($name, $userVisible, $userAssignable) {
+               try {
+                       $this->tagManager->createTag($name, $userVisible, $userAssignable);
+               } catch (\Exception $e) {
+                       $this->assertTrue(false, 'No exception thrown for the first create call');
+               }
+               $this->tagManager->createTag($name, $userVisible, $userAssignable);
+       }
+       /**
+        * @dataProvider oneTagMultipleFlagsProvider
+        */
+       public function testGetExistingTag($name, $userVisible, $userAssignable) {
+               $tag1 = $this->tagManager->createTag($name, $userVisible, $userAssignable);
+               $tag2 = $this->tagManager->getTag($name, $userVisible, $userAssignable);
+               $this->assertSameTag($tag1, $tag2);
+       }
+       public function testGetExistingTagById() {
+               $tag1 = $this->tagManager->createTag('one', true, false);
+               $tag2 = $this->tagManager->createTag('two', false, true);
+               $tagList = $this->tagManager->getTagsById([$tag1->getId(), $tag2->getId()]);
+               $this->assertCount(2, $tagList);
+               $this->assertSameTag($tag1, $tagList[$tag1->getId()]);
+               $this->assertSameTag($tag2, $tagList[$tag2->getId()]);
+       }
+       /**
+        * @expectedException \OCP\SystemTag\TagNotFoundException
+        */
+       public function testGetNonExistingTag() {
+               $this->tagManager->getTag('nonexist', false, false);
+       }
+       /**
+        * @expectedException \OCP\SystemTag\TagNotFoundException
+        */
+       public function testGetNonExistingTagsById() {
+               $tag1 = $this->tagManager->createTag('one', true, false);
+               $this->tagManager->getTagsById([$tag1->getId(), 100, 101]);
+       }
+       /**
+        * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
+        */
+       public function testGetInvalidTagIdFormat() {
+               $tag1 = $this->tagManager->createTag('one', true, false);
+               $this->tagManager->getTagsById([$tag1->getId() . 'suffix']);
+       }
+       public function updateTagProvider() {
+               return [
+                       [
+                               // update name
+                               ['one', true, true],
+                               ['two', true, true]
+                       ],
+                       [
+                               // update one flag
+                               ['one', false, true],
+                               ['one', true, true]
+                       ],
+                       [
+                               // update all flags
+                               ['one', false, false],
+                               ['one', true, true]
+                       ],
+                       [
+                               // update all
+                               ['one', false, false],
+                               ['two', true, true]
+                       ],
+               ];
+       }
+       /**
+        * @dataProvider updateTagProvider
+        */
+       public function testUpdateTag($tagCreate, $tagUpdated) {
+               $tag1 = $this->tagManager->createTag(
+                       $tagCreate[0],
+                       $tagCreate[1],
+                       $tagCreate[2]
+               );
+               $this->tagManager->updateTag(
+                       $tag1->getId(),
+                       $tagUpdated[0],
+                       $tagUpdated[1],
+                       $tagUpdated[2]
+               );
+               $tag2 = $this->tagManager->getTag(
+                       $tagUpdated[0],
+                       $tagUpdated[1],
+                       $tagUpdated[2]
+               );
+               $this->assertEquals($tag2->getId(), $tag1->getId());
+               $this->assertEquals($tag2->getName(), $tagUpdated[0]);
+               $this->assertEquals($tag2->isUserVisible(), $tagUpdated[1]);
+               $this->assertEquals($tag2->isUserAssignable(), $tagUpdated[2]);
+       }
+       /**
+        * @dataProvider updateTagProvider
+        * @expectedException \OCP\SystemTag\TagAlreadyExistsException
+        */
+       public function testUpdateTagDuplicate($tagCreate, $tagUpdated) {
+               $this->tagManager->createTag(
+                       $tagCreate[0],
+                       $tagCreate[1],
+                       $tagCreate[2]
+               );
+               $tag2 = $this->tagManager->createTag(
+                       $tagUpdated[0],
+                       $tagUpdated[1],
+                       $tagUpdated[2]
+               );
+               // update to match the first tag
+               $this->tagManager->updateTag(
+                       $tag2->getId(),
+                       $tagCreate[0],
+                       $tagCreate[1],
+                       $tagCreate[2]
+               );
+       }
+       public function testDeleteTags() {
+               $tag1 = $this->tagManager->createTag('one', true, false);
+               $tag2 = $this->tagManager->createTag('two', false, true);
+               $this->tagManager->deleteTags([$tag1->getId(), $tag2->getId()]);
+               $this->assertEmpty($this->tagManager->getAllTags());
+       }
+       /**
+        * @expectedException \OCP\SystemTag\TagNotFoundException
+        */
+       public function testDeleteNonExistingTag() {
+               $this->tagManager->deleteTags([100]);
+       }
+       public function testDeleteTagRemovesRelations() {
+               $tag1 = $this->tagManager->createTag('one', true, false);
+               $tag2 = $this->tagManager->createTag('two', true, true);
+               $tagMapper = new SystemTagObjectMapper($this->connection, $this->tagManager);
+               $tagMapper->assignTags(1, 'testtype', $tag1->getId());
+               $tagMapper->assignTags(1, 'testtype', $tag2->getId());
+               $tagMapper->assignTags(2, 'testtype', $tag1->getId());
+               $this->tagManager->deleteTags($tag1->getId());
+               $tagIdMapping = $tagMapper->getTagIdsForObjects(
+                       [1, 2],
+                       'testtype'
+               );
+               $this->assertEquals([
+                       1 => [$tag2->getId()],
+                       2 => [],
+               ], $tagIdMapping);
+       }
+       /**
+        * @param ISystemTag $tag1
+        * @param ISystemTag $tag2
+        */
+       private function assertSameTag($tag1, $tag2) {
+               $this->assertEquals($tag1->getId(), $tag2->getId());
+               $this->assertEquals($tag1->getName(), $tag2->getName());
+               $this->assertEquals($tag1->isUserVisible(), $tag2->isUserVisible());
+               $this->assertEquals($tag1->isUserAssignable(), $tag2->isUserAssignable());
+       }
diff --git a/tests/lib/systemtag/systemtagobjectmapper.php b/tests/lib/systemtag/systemtagobjectmapper.php
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c57e61d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2015 Vincent Petry <pvince81@owncloud.com>
- * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
- * later.
- * See the COPYING-README file.
- *
-namespace Test\SystemTag;
-use OC\SystemTag\SystemTagManager;
-use OC\SystemTag\SystemTagObjectMapper;
-use \OCP\SystemTag\ISystemTag;
-use \OCP\SystemTag\ISystemTagManager;
-use \OCP\SystemTag\ISystemTagObjectMapper;
-use \OCP\SystemTag\TagNotFoundException;
-use \OCP\IDBConnection;
-use \OC\SystemTag\SystemTag;
-use Test\TestCase;
- * Class TestSystemTagObjectMapper
- *
- * @group DB
- * @package Test\SystemTag
- */
-class TestSystemTagObjectMapper extends TestCase {
-       /**
-        * @var ISystemTagManager
-        **/
-       private $tagManager;
-       /**
-        * @var ISystemTagObjectMapper
-        **/
-       private $tagMapper;
-       /**
-        * @var IDBConnection
-        */
-       private $connection;
-       /**
-        * @var ISystemTag
-        */
-       private $tag1;
-       /**
-        * @var ISystemTag
-        */
-       private $tag2;
-       /**
-        * @var ISystemTag
-        */
-       private $tag3;
-       public function setUp() {
-               parent::setUp();
-               $this->connection = \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection();
-               $this->tagManager = $this->getMockBuilder('OCP\SystemTag\ISystemTagManager')
-                       ->getMock();
-               $this->tagMapper = new SystemTagObjectMapper($this->connection, $this->tagManager);
-               $this->tag1 = new SystemTag(1, 'testtag1', false, false);
-               $this->tag2 = new SystemTag(2, 'testtag2', true, false);
-               $this->tag3 = new SystemTag(3, 'testtag3', false, false);
-               $this->tagManager->expects($this->any())
-                       ->method('getTagsById')
-                       ->will($this->returnCallback(function($tagIds) {
-                               $result = [];
-                               if (in_array(1, $tagIds)) {
-                                       $result[1] = $this->tag1;
-                               }
-                               if (in_array(2, $tagIds)) {
-                                       $result[2] = $this->tag2;
-                               }
-                               if (in_array(3, $tagIds)) {
-                                       $result[3] = $this->tag3;
-                               }
-                               return $result;
-                       }));
-               $this->tagMapper->assignTags(1, 'testtype', $this->tag1->getId());
-               $this->tagMapper->assignTags(1, 'testtype', $this->tag2->getId());
-               $this->tagMapper->assignTags(2, 'testtype', $this->tag1->getId());
-               $this->tagMapper->assignTags(3, 'anothertype', $this->tag1->getId());
-       } 
-       public function tearDown() {
-               $query = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder();
-               $query->delete(SystemTagObjectMapper::RELATION_TABLE)->execute();
-               $query->delete(SystemTagManager::TAG_TABLE)->execute();
-       }
-       public function testGetTagsForObjects() {
-               $tagIdMapping = $this->tagMapper->getTagIdsForObjects(
-                       [1, 2, 3, 4],
-                       'testtype'
-               );
-               $this->assertEquals([
-                       1 => [$this->tag1->getId(), $this->tag2->getId()],
-                       2 => [$this->tag1->getId()],
-                       3 => [],
-                       4 => [],
-               ], $tagIdMapping);
-       }
-       public function testGetObjectsForTags() {
-               $objectIds = $this->tagMapper->getObjectIdsForTags(
-                       [$this->tag1->getId(), $this->tag2->getId(), $this->tag3->getId()],
-                       'testtype'
-               );
-               $this->assertEquals([
-                       1,
-                       2,
-               ], $objectIds);
-       }
-       /**
-        * @expectedException \OCP\SystemTag\TagNotFoundException
-        */
-       public function testGetObjectsForNonExistingTag() {
-               $this->tagMapper->getObjectIdsForTags(
-                       [100],
-                       'testtype'
-               );
-       }
-       public function testAssignUnassignTags() {
-               $this->tagMapper->unassignTags(1, 'testtype', [$this->tag1->getId()]);
-               $tagIdMapping = $this->tagMapper->getTagIdsForObjects(1, 'testtype');
-               $this->assertEquals([
-                       1 => [$this->tag2->getId()],
-               ], $tagIdMapping);
-               $this->tagMapper->assignTags(1, 'testtype', [$this->tag1->getId()]);
-               $this->tagMapper->assignTags(1, 'testtype', $this->tag3->getId());
-               $tagIdMapping = $this->tagMapper->getTagIdsForObjects(1, 'testtype');
-               $this->assertEquals([
-                       1 => [$this->tag1->getId(), $this->tag2->getId(), $this->tag3->getId()],
-               ], $tagIdMapping);
-       }
-       public function testReAssignUnassignTags() {
-               // reassign tag1
-               $this->tagMapper->assignTags(1, 'testtype', [$this->tag1->getId()]);
-               // tag 3 was never assigned
-               $this->tagMapper->unassignTags(1, 'testtype', [$this->tag3->getId()]);
-               $this->assertTrue(true, 'No error when reassigning/unassigning');
-       }
-       /**
-        * @expectedException \OCP\SystemTag\TagNotFoundException
-        */
-       public function testAssignNonExistingTags() {
-               $this->tagMapper->assignTags(1, 'testtype', [100]);
-       }
-       public function testAssignNonExistingTagInArray() {
-               $caught = false;
-               try {
-                       $this->tagMapper->assignTags(1, 'testtype', [100, $this->tag3->getId()]);
-               } catch (TagNotFoundException $e) {
-                       $caught = true;
-               }
-               $this->assertTrue($caught, 'Exception thrown');
-               $tagIdMapping = $this->tagMapper->getTagIdsForObjects(
-                       [1],
-                       'testtype'
-               );
-               $this->assertEquals([
-                       1 => [$this->tag1->getId(), $this->tag2->getId()],
-               ], $tagIdMapping, 'None of the tags got assigned');
-       }
-       /**
-        * @expectedException \OCP\SystemTag\TagNotFoundException
-        */
-       public function testUnassignNonExistingTags() {
-               $this->tagMapper->unassignTags(1, 'testtype', [100]);
-       }
-       public function testUnassignNonExistingTagsInArray() {
-               $caught = false;
-               try {
-                       $this->tagMapper->unassignTags(1, 'testtype', [100, $this->tag1->getId()]);
-               } catch (TagNotFoundException $e) {
-                       $caught = true;
-               }
-               $this->assertTrue($caught, 'Exception thrown');
-               $tagIdMapping = $this->tagMapper->getTagIdsForObjects(
-                       [1],
-                       'testtype'
-               );
-               $this->assertEquals([
-                       1 => [$this->tag1->getId(), $this->tag2->getId()],
-               ], $tagIdMapping, 'None of the tags got unassigned');
-       }
-       public function testHaveTagAllMatches() {
-               $this->assertTrue(
-                       $this->tagMapper->haveTag(
-                               [1],
-                               'testtype',
-                               $this->tag1->getId(),
-                               true
-                       ),
-                       'object 1 has the tag tag1'
-               );
-               $this->assertTrue(
-                       $this->tagMapper->haveTag(
-                               [1, 2],
-                               'testtype',
-                               $this->tag1->getId(),
-                               true
-                       ),
-                       'object 1 and object 2 ALL have the tag tag1'
-               );
-               $this->assertFalse(
-                       $this->tagMapper->haveTag(
-                               [1, 2],
-                               'testtype',
-                               $this->tag2->getId(),
-                               true
-                       ),
-                       'object 1 has tag2 but not object 2, so not ALL of them'
-               );
-               $this->assertFalse(
-                       $this->tagMapper->haveTag(
-                               [2],
-                               'testtype',
-                               $this->tag2->getId(),
-                               true
-                       ),
-                       'object 2 does not have tag2'
-               );
-               $this->assertFalse(
-                       $this->tagMapper->haveTag(
-                               [3],
-                               'testtype',
-                               $this->tag2->getId(),
-                               true
-                       ),
-                       'object 3 does not have tag1 due to different type'
-               );
-       }
-       public function testHaveTagAtLeastOneMatch() {
-               $this->assertTrue(
-                       $this->tagMapper->haveTag(
-                               [1],
-                               'testtype',
-                               $this->tag1->getId(),
-                               false
-                       ),
-                       'object1 has the tag tag1'
-               );
-               $this->assertTrue(
-                       $this->tagMapper->haveTag(
-                               [1, 2],
-                               'testtype',
-                               $this->tag1->getId(),
-                               false
-                       ),
-                       'object 1  and object 2 both the tag tag1'
-               );
-               $this->assertTrue(
-                       $this->tagMapper->haveTag(
-                               [1, 2],
-                               'testtype',
-                               $this->tag2->getId(),
-                               false
-                       ),
-                       'at least object 1 has the tag tag2'
-               );
-               $this->assertFalse(
-                       $this->tagMapper->haveTag(
-                               [2],
-                               'testtype',
-                               $this->tag2->getId(),
-                               false
-                       ),
-                       'object 2 does not have tag2'
-               );
-               $this->assertFalse(
-                       $this->tagMapper->haveTag(
-                               [3],
-                               'testtype',
-                               $this->tag2->getId(),
-                               false
-                       ),
-                       'object 3 does not have tag1 due to different type'
-               );
-       }
-       /**
-        * @expectedException \OCP\SystemTag\TagNotFoundException
-        */
-       public function testHaveTagNonExisting() {
-               $this->tagMapper->haveTag(
-                       [1],
-                       'testtype',
-                       100
-               );
-       }
diff --git a/tests/lib/systemtag/systemtagobjectmappertest.php b/tests/lib/systemtag/systemtagobjectmappertest.php
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a4312fa
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2015 Vincent Petry <pvince81@owncloud.com>
+ * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
+ * later.
+ * See the COPYING-README file.
+ *
+namespace Test\SystemTag;
+use OC\SystemTag\SystemTagManager;
+use OC\SystemTag\SystemTagObjectMapper;
+use \OCP\SystemTag\ISystemTag;
+use \OCP\SystemTag\ISystemTagManager;
+use \OCP\SystemTag\ISystemTagObjectMapper;
+use \OCP\SystemTag\TagNotFoundException;
+use \OCP\IDBConnection;
+use \OC\SystemTag\SystemTag;
+use Test\TestCase;
+ * Class TestSystemTagObjectMapper
+ *
+ * @group DB
+ * @package Test\SystemTag
+ */
+class SystemTagObjectMapperTest extends TestCase {
+       /**
+        * @var ISystemTagManager
+        **/
+       private $tagManager;
+       /**
+        * @var ISystemTagObjectMapper
+        **/
+       private $tagMapper;
+       /**
+        * @var IDBConnection
+        */
+       private $connection;
+       /**
+        * @var ISystemTag
+        */
+       private $tag1;
+       /**
+        * @var ISystemTag
+        */
+       private $tag2;
+       /**
+        * @var ISystemTag
+        */
+       private $tag3;
+       public function setUp() {
+               parent::setUp();
+               $this->connection = \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection();
+               $this->tagManager = $this->getMockBuilder('OCP\SystemTag\ISystemTagManager')
+                       ->getMock();
+               $this->tagMapper = new SystemTagObjectMapper($this->connection, $this->tagManager);
+               $this->tag1 = new SystemTag(1, 'testtag1', false, false);
+               $this->tag2 = new SystemTag(2, 'testtag2', true, false);
+               $this->tag3 = new SystemTag(3, 'testtag3', false, false);
+               $this->tagManager->expects($this->any())
+                       ->method('getTagsById')
+                       ->will($this->returnCallback(function($tagIds) {
+                               $result = [];
+                               if (in_array(1, $tagIds)) {
+                                       $result[1] = $this->tag1;
+                               }
+                               if (in_array(2, $tagIds)) {
+                                       $result[2] = $this->tag2;
+                               }
+                               if (in_array(3, $tagIds)) {
+                                       $result[3] = $this->tag3;
+                               }
+                               return $result;
+                       }));
+               $this->tagMapper->assignTags(1, 'testtype', $this->tag1->getId());
+               $this->tagMapper->assignTags(1, 'testtype', $this->tag2->getId());
+               $this->tagMapper->assignTags(2, 'testtype', $this->tag1->getId());
+               $this->tagMapper->assignTags(3, 'anothertype', $this->tag1->getId());
+       } 
+       public function tearDown() {
+               $query = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder();
+               $query->delete(SystemTagObjectMapper::RELATION_TABLE)->execute();
+               $query->delete(SystemTagManager::TAG_TABLE)->execute();
+       }
+       public function testGetTagsForObjects() {
+               $tagIdMapping = $this->tagMapper->getTagIdsForObjects(
+                       [1, 2, 3, 4],
+                       'testtype'
+               );
+               $this->assertEquals([
+                       1 => [$this->tag1->getId(), $this->tag2->getId()],
+                       2 => [$this->tag1->getId()],
+                       3 => [],
+                       4 => [],
+               ], $tagIdMapping);
+       }
+       public function testGetObjectsForTags() {
+               $objectIds = $this->tagMapper->getObjectIdsForTags(
+                       [$this->tag1->getId(), $this->tag2->getId(), $this->tag3->getId()],
+                       'testtype'
+               );
+               $this->assertEquals([
+                       1,
+                       2,
+               ], $objectIds);
+       }
+       /**
+        * @expectedException \OCP\SystemTag\TagNotFoundException
+        */
+       public function testGetObjectsForNonExistingTag() {
+               $this->tagMapper->getObjectIdsForTags(
+                       [100],
+                       'testtype'
+               );
+       }
+       public function testAssignUnassignTags() {
+               $this->tagMapper->unassignTags(1, 'testtype', [$this->tag1->getId()]);
+               $tagIdMapping = $this->tagMapper->getTagIdsForObjects(1, 'testtype');
+               $this->assertEquals([
+                       1 => [$this->tag2->getId()],
+               ], $tagIdMapping);
+               $this->tagMapper->assignTags(1, 'testtype', [$this->tag1->getId()]);
+               $this->tagMapper->assignTags(1, 'testtype', $this->tag3->getId());
+               $tagIdMapping = $this->tagMapper->getTagIdsForObjects(1, 'testtype');
+               $this->assertEquals([
+                       1 => [$this->tag1->getId(), $this->tag2->getId(), $this->tag3->getId()],
+               ], $tagIdMapping);
+       }
+       public function testReAssignUnassignTags() {
+               // reassign tag1
+               $this->tagMapper->assignTags(1, 'testtype', [$this->tag1->getId()]);
+               // tag 3 was never assigned
+               $this->tagMapper->unassignTags(1, 'testtype', [$this->tag3->getId()]);
+               $this->assertTrue(true, 'No error when reassigning/unassigning');
+       }
+       /**
+        * @expectedException \OCP\SystemTag\TagNotFoundException
+        */
+       public function testAssignNonExistingTags() {
+               $this->tagMapper->assignTags(1, 'testtype', [100]);
+       }
+       public function testAssignNonExistingTagInArray() {
+               $caught = false;
+               try {
+                       $this->tagMapper->assignTags(1, 'testtype', [100, $this->tag3->getId()]);
+               } catch (TagNotFoundException $e) {
+                       $caught = true;
+               }
+               $this->assertTrue($caught, 'Exception thrown');
+               $tagIdMapping = $this->tagMapper->getTagIdsForObjects(
+                       [1],
+                       'testtype'
+               );
+               $this->assertEquals([
+                       1 => [$this->tag1->getId(), $this->tag2->getId()],
+               ], $tagIdMapping, 'None of the tags got assigned');
+       }
+       /**
+        * @expectedException \OCP\SystemTag\TagNotFoundException
+        */
+       public function testUnassignNonExistingTags() {
+               $this->tagMapper->unassignTags(1, 'testtype', [100]);
+       }
+       public function testUnassignNonExistingTagsInArray() {
+               $caught = false;
+               try {
+                       $this->tagMapper->unassignTags(1, 'testtype', [100, $this->tag1->getId()]);
+               } catch (TagNotFoundException $e) {
+                       $caught = true;
+               }
+               $this->assertTrue($caught, 'Exception thrown');
+               $tagIdMapping = $this->tagMapper->getTagIdsForObjects(
+                       [1],
+                       'testtype'
+               );
+               $this->assertEquals([
+                       1 => [$this->tag1->getId(), $this->tag2->getId()],
+               ], $tagIdMapping, 'None of the tags got unassigned');
+       }
+       public function testHaveTagAllMatches() {
+               $this->assertTrue(
+                       $this->tagMapper->haveTag(
+                               [1],
+                               'testtype',
+                               $this->tag1->getId(),
+                               true
+                       ),
+                       'object 1 has the tag tag1'
+               );
+               $this->assertTrue(
+                       $this->tagMapper->haveTag(
+                               [1, 2],
+                               'testtype',
+                               $this->tag1->getId(),
+                               true
+                       ),
+                       'object 1 and object 2 ALL have the tag tag1'
+               );
+               $this->assertFalse(
+                       $this->tagMapper->haveTag(
+                               [1, 2],
+                               'testtype',
+                               $this->tag2->getId(),
+                               true
+                       ),
+                       'object 1 has tag2 but not object 2, so not ALL of them'
+               );
+               $this->assertFalse(
+                       $this->tagMapper->haveTag(
+                               [2],
+                               'testtype',
+                               $this->tag2->getId(),
+                               true
+                       ),
+                       'object 2 does not have tag2'
+               );
+               $this->assertFalse(
+                       $this->tagMapper->haveTag(
+                               [3],
+                               'testtype',
+                               $this->tag2->getId(),
+                               true
+                       ),
+                       'object 3 does not have tag1 due to different type'
+               );
+       }
+       public function testHaveTagAtLeastOneMatch() {
+               $this->assertTrue(
+                       $this->tagMapper->haveTag(
+                               [1],
+                               'testtype',
+                               $this->tag1->getId(),
+                               false
+                       ),
+                       'object1 has the tag tag1'
+               );
+               $this->assertTrue(
+                       $this->tagMapper->haveTag(
+                               [1, 2],
+                               'testtype',
+                               $this->tag1->getId(),
+                               false
+                       ),
+                       'object 1  and object 2 both the tag tag1'
+               );
+               $this->assertTrue(
+                       $this->tagMapper->haveTag(
+                               [1, 2],
+                               'testtype',
+                               $this->tag2->getId(),
+                               false
+                       ),
+                       'at least object 1 has the tag tag2'
+               );
+               $this->assertFalse(
+                       $this->tagMapper->haveTag(
+                               [2],
+                               'testtype',
+                               $this->tag2->getId(),
+                               false
+                       ),
+                       'object 2 does not have tag2'
+               );
+               $this->assertFalse(
+                       $this->tagMapper->haveTag(
+                               [3],
+                               'testtype',
+                               $this->tag2->getId(),
+                               false
+                       ),
+                       'object 3 does not have tag1 due to different type'
+               );
+       }
+       /**
+        * @expectedException \OCP\SystemTag\TagNotFoundException
+        */
+       public function testHaveTagNonExisting() {
+               $this->tagMapper->haveTag(
+                       [1],
+                       'testtype',
+                       100
+               );
+       }