return result.toArray(new String[0]);\r
+ @Override\r
public String toString() {\r
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();\r
result.put( "in", "[$-0421]" );\r
result.put( "iw", "[$-40D]" );\r
+ // JDK 8 adds an empty locale-string, see also\r
+ result.put( "", "[$-0409]" );\r
+ \r
return result;\r
outputLocaleDataFormats(date, false, true, DateFormat.LONG, "Long" );
outputLocaleDataFormats(date, false, true, DateFormat.FULL, "Full" );
+ public void testJDK8EmptyLocale() {
+ // JDK 8 seems to add an empty locale-string to the list returned via DateFormat.getAvailableLocales()
+ // therefore we now cater for this special locale as well
+ DateFormatConverter.getPrefixForLocale(new Locale(""));
+ }