+import org.apache.ibatis.session.ResultContext;
+import org.apache.ibatis.session.ResultHandler;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSession;
import org.sonar.api.BatchComponent;
import org.sonar.api.ServerComponent;
public class IssueDao implements BatchComponent, ServerComponent {
+ private final static Integer MAX_RESULT = 10000;
private final MyBatis mybatis;
public IssueDao(MyBatis mybatis) {
return mapper.selectIssueAndComponentIds(query);
+ @VisibleForTesting
+ List<IssueDto> selectIssueAndProjectIds(IssueQuery query, Integer maxResults) {
+ SqlSession session = mybatis.openSession();
+ try {
+ return selectIssueAndProjectIds(query, maxResults, session);
+ } finally {
+ MyBatis.closeQuietly(session);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * The returned IssueDto list contains only the issue id and the project id
+ */
+ public List<IssueDto> selectIssueAndProjectIds(IssueQuery query, final Integer maxResults, SqlSession session) {
+ final List<IssueDto> issues = newArrayList();
+ ResultHandler resultHandler = new ResultHandler(){
+ @Override
+ public void handleResult(ResultContext context) {
+ issues.add((IssueDto) context.getResultObject());
+ if (issues.size() >= maxResults) {
+ context.stop();
+ }
+ }
+ };
+"selectIssueAndProjectIds", query, resultHandler);
+ return issues;
+ }
Collection<IssueDto> selectByIds(Collection<Long> ids, IssueQuery.Sort sort, Boolean asc) {
SqlSession session = mybatis.openSession();
import java.util.Set;
import static;
+import static;
public class AuthorizationDao implements ServerComponent {
public boolean isAuthorizedComponentId(int componentId, @Nullable Integer userId, String role) {
return keepAuthorizedComponentIds(Sets.newHashSet(componentId), userId, role).size() == 1;
+ public Set<Integer> selectAuthorizedRootProjectsIds(@Nullable Integer userId, String role) {
+ SqlSession session = mybatis.openSession();
+ try {
+ return selectAuthorizedRootProjectsIds(userId, role, session);
+ } finally {
+ MyBatis.closeQuietly(session);
+ }
+ }
+ public Set<Integer> selectAuthorizedRootProjectsIds(@Nullable Integer userId, String role, SqlSession session) {
+ String sql;
+ Map<String, Object> params = newHashMap();
+ if (userId == null) {
+ sql = "selectAuthorizedRootProjectsIdsForAnonymous";
+ params.put("role", role);
+ } else {
+ sql = "selectAuthorizedRootProjectsIdsForUser";
+ params.put("userId", userId);
+ params.put("role", role);
+ }
+ return Sets.newHashSet(session.<Integer>selectList(sql, params));
+ }
<include refid="selectQueryConditions"/>
+ <select id="selectIssueAndProjectIds" parameterType="map" resultType="Issue">
+ select, i.resource_id as resourceId
+ <include refid="selectQueryConditions"/>
+ </select>
<select id="select" parameterType="map" resultType="Issue">
<include refid="issueColumns"/>
+ <select id="selectAuthorizedRootProjectsIdsForUser" parameterType="map" resultType="int">
+ SELECT s.root_project_id
+ FROM group_roles gr, snapshots s
+ gr.role=#{role}
+ and (gr.group_id is null or gr.group_id in (select gu.group_id from groups_users gu where gu.user_id=#{userId}))
+ and gr.resource_id = s.root_project_id
+ and s.islast = ${_true}
+ SELECT s.root_project_id
+ FROM user_roles ur, snapshots s
+ ur.role=#{role}
+ and ur.user_id=#{userId} and s.project_id=ur.resource_id
+ and s.islast = ${_true}
+ </select>
+ <select id="selectAuthorizedRootProjectsIdsForAnonymous" parameterType="map" resultType="int">
+ SELECT s.root_project_id
+ FROM group_roles gr, snapshots s
+ gr.role=#{role}
+ and gr.group_id is null
+ and gr.resource_id = s.root_project_id
+ </select>
+ @Test
+ public void should_select_issue_and_project_ids() {
+ setupData("shared", "should_select_issue_and_project_ids");
+ IssueQuery query = IssueQuery.builder().build();
+ List<IssueDto> results = dao.selectIssueAndProjectIds(query, 5);
+ assertThat(results).hasSize(3);
+ results = dao.selectIssueAndProjectIds(query, 2);
+ assertThat(results).hasSize(2);
+ }
public void should_select_open_issues() {
setupData("shared", "should_select_open_issues");
null, "admin");
+ @Test
+ public void should_return_root_project_ids_for_user() {
+ setupData("should_return_root_project_ids_for_user");
+ AuthorizationDao authorization = new AuthorizationDao(getMyBatis());
+ Set<Integer> rootProjectIds = authorization.selectAuthorizedRootProjectsIds(USER, "user");
+ assertThat(rootProjectIds).containsOnly(PROJECT);
+ // user does not have the role "admin"
+ rootProjectIds = authorization.selectAuthorizedRootProjectsIds(USER, "admin");
+ assertThat(rootProjectIds).isEmpty();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void should_return_root_project_ids_for_group() {
+ // but user is not in an authorized group
+ setupData("should_return_root_project_ids_for_group");
+ AuthorizationDao authorization = new AuthorizationDao(getMyBatis());
+ Set<Integer> rootProjectIds = authorization.selectAuthorizedRootProjectsIds(USER, "user");
+ assertThat(rootProjectIds).containsOnly(PROJECT);
+ // user does not have the role "admin"
+ rootProjectIds = authorization.selectAuthorizedRootProjectsIds(USER, "admin");
+ assertThat(rootProjectIds).isEmpty();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void should_return_root_project_ids_for_anonymous() {
+ setupData("should_return_root_project_ids_for_anonymous");
+ AuthorizationDao authorization = new AuthorizationDao(getMyBatis());
+ Set<Integer> rootProjectIds = authorization.selectAuthorizedRootProjectsIds(null, "user");
+ assertThat(rootProjectIds).containsOnly(PROJECT);
+ // group does not have the role "admin"
+ rootProjectIds = authorization.selectAuthorizedRootProjectsIds(null, "admin");
+ assertThat(rootProjectIds).isEmpty();
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ <!-- rule 500 -->
+ <issues
+ id="100"
+ kee="ABCDE-1"
+ resource_id="401"
+ rule_id="500"
+ severity="BLOCKER"
+ manual_severity="[false]"
+ message="[null]"
+ line="200"
+ effort_to_fix="4.2"
+ status="OPEN"
+ resolution="FIXED"
+ checksum="XXX"
+ reporter="arthur"
+ assignee="perceval"
+ author_login="[null]"
+ attributes="JIRA=FOO-1234"
+ issue_creation_date="2013-04-16"
+ issue_update_date="2013-04-16"
+ issue_close_date="2013-04-16"
+ created_at="2013-04-16"
+ updated_at="2013-04-16"
+ />
+ <issues
+ id="101"
+ kee="ABCDE-2"
+ resource_id="401"
+ rule_id="500"
+ severity="BLOCKER"
+ manual_severity="[false]"
+ message="[null]"
+ line="200"
+ effort_to_fix="4.2"
+ status="OPEN"
+ resolution="FIXED"
+ checksum="XXX"
+ reporter="arthur"
+ assignee="perceval"
+ author_login="[null]"
+ attributes="JIRA=FOO-1234"
+ issue_creation_date="2013-04-16"
+ issue_update_date="2013-04-16"
+ issue_close_date="2013-04-16"
+ created_at="2013-04-16"
+ updated_at="2013-04-16"
+ />
+ <!-- rule 501 -->
+ <issues
+ id="102"
+ kee="ABCDE-3"
+ resource_id="401"
+ rule_id="501"
+ severity="BLOCKER"
+ manual_severity="[false]"
+ message="[null]"
+ line="200"
+ effort_to_fix="4.2"
+ status="OPEN"
+ resolution="FIXED"
+ checksum="XXX"
+ reporter="arthur"
+ assignee="perceval"
+ author_login="[null]"
+ attributes="JIRA=FOO-1234"
+ issue_creation_date="2013-04-16"
+ issue_update_date="2013-04-16"
+ issue_close_date="2013-04-16"
+ created_at="2013-04-16"
+ updated_at="2013-04-16"
+ />
--- /dev/null
+ <user_roles id="1" user_id="100" resource_id="999" role="user"/>
+ <groups_users user_id="100" group_id="200"/>
+ <group_roles id="1" group_id="[null]" resource_id="300" role="user"/>
+ <snapshots id="1" project_id="300" root_project_id="300" islast="[true]"/>
+ <snapshots id="2" project_id="301" root_project_id="300" islast="[true]"/>
+ <snapshots id="3" project_id="302" root_project_id="300" islast="[true]"/>
+ <snapshots id="4" project_id="303" root_project_id="301" islast="[true]"/>
--- /dev/null
+ <!-- user 100 has no direct grant access, but is in the group 200 that has the role "user"
+ on the project 300 -->
+ <user_roles id="1" user_id="100" resource_id="999" role="user"/>
+ <groups_users user_id="100" group_id="200"/>
+ <group_roles id="1" group_id="200" resource_id="300" role="user"/>
+ <snapshots id="1" project_id="300" root_project_id="300" islast="[true]"/>
+ <snapshots id="2" project_id="301" root_project_id="300" islast="[true]"/>
+ <snapshots id="3" project_id="302" root_project_id="300" islast="[true]"/>
+ <snapshots id="4" project_id="303" root_project_id="301" islast="[true]"/>
--- /dev/null
+ <!-- user 100 has the role "user" on the project 300 and in group 200 -->
+ <user_roles id="1" user_id="100" resource_id="300" role="user"/>
+ <groups_users user_id="100" group_id="200"/>
+ <group_roles id="1" group_id="200" resource_id="999" role="user"/>
+ <snapshots id="1" project_id="300" root_project_id="300" islast="[true]"/>
+ <snapshots id="2" project_id="301" root_project_id="300" islast="[true]"/>
+ <snapshots id="3" project_id="302" root_project_id="300" islast="[true]"/>
+ <snapshots id="4" project_id="303" root_project_id="301" islast="[true]"/>