import org.sonar.api.config.PropertyDefinition;
import org.sonar.api.resources.Qualifiers;
+import static org.sonar.api.PropertyType.BOOLEAN;
import static org.sonar.api.database.DatabaseProperties.PROP_PASSWORD;
public class CorePropertyDefinitions {
private static final String CATEGORY_ORGANIZATIONS = "organizations";
public static final String ORGANIZATIONS_ANYONE_CAN_CREATE = "sonar.organizations.anyoneCanCreate";
public static final String ORGANIZATIONS_CREATE_PERSONAL_ORG = "sonar.organizations.createPersonalOrg";
+ public static final String ONBOARDING_TUTORIAL_SHOW_TO_NEW_USERS = "sonar.onboardingTutorial.showToNewUsers";
private CorePropertyDefinitions() {
// only static stuff
- PropertyDefinition.builder(CoreProperties.SKIP_ONBOARDING_TUTORIAL)
- .name("Skip the onboarding tutorial")
- .type(PropertyType.BOOLEAN)
- .description("By default, each new user is lead through a tutorial, that explains how to analyze a first project, after logging in for the fist time. " +
- "By enabling this setting, the tutorial will not be shown automatically, but only be visible in the help.")
+ .name("Show an onboarding tutorial to new users")
+ .type(BOOLEAN)
+ .description("Show an onboarding tutorial to news, that explains how to analyze a first project, after logging in for the fist time.")
.name("Downcase login")
.description("Downcase login during user authentication, typically for Active Directory")
- .type(PropertyType.BOOLEAN)
+ .type(BOOLEAN)
.name("Ignore failures during authenticator startup")
- .type(PropertyType.BOOLEAN)
+ .type(BOOLEAN)
.name("Disable the SCM Sensor")
.description("Disable the retrieval of blame information from Source Control Manager")
- .type(PropertyType.BOOLEAN)
+ .type(BOOLEAN)
.name("Enable support of gravatars")
.description("Gravatars are profile pictures of users based on their email.")
- .type(PropertyType.BOOLEAN)
+ .type(BOOLEAN)
- .type(PropertyType.BOOLEAN)
+ .type(BOOLEAN)
.name("Allow any authenticated user to create organizations")
- .type(PropertyType.BOOLEAN)
+ .type(BOOLEAN)
.name("Create an organization for each new user")
- .type(PropertyType.BOOLEAN)
+ .type(BOOLEAN)
return defs;