|xref:#documentation[Documentation] |xref:faq/faq.adoc#faq[FAQ], xref:dist/doc/quick5.pdf[Quick
Reference (AspectJ 5)], xref:dist/doc/quick.pdf[Quick Reference (1.2.1)],
-xref:adk15notebook/adk15notebook.adoc[AspectJ 5 Developer's Notebook],
+xref:adk15notebook/index.adoc[AspectJ 5 Developer's Notebook],
xref:devguide/index.adoc[development] and
xref:pdguide/index.adoc[problem diagnosis] guides,
|xref:dist/doc/quick.pdf[AspectJ Quick Reference] |This is a two-page quick
reference for the AspectJ language.
-|xref:adk15notebook/adk15notebook.adoc[AspectJ 5 Developer's Notebook] +
-(printable xref:adk15notebook/printable.html[html]) |This describes the
+|xref:adk15notebook/index.adoc[AspectJ 5 Developer's Notebook] +
+(xref:adk15notebook/adk15notebook.adoc[single page]) |This describes the
changes to the AspectJ language and tools introduced in the AspectJ 5
Development Kit. These changes are additive, and are not yet reflected
in the programming guide or quick reference.
|xref:progguide/index.adoc[Programming Guide] +
-(printable xref:progguide/printable.html[html]) |This introduces AOP and the
+(xref:progguide/progguide.adoc[single page]) |This introduces AOP and the
AspectJ language. xref:progguide/gettingstarted.adoc[Getting Started]
describes basic semantics, and shows development- and production-time
applications. xref:progguide/language.adoc[The AspectJ Language]
the current version is limited to code the compiler controls.
|xref:devguide/index.adoc[Development Environment Guide] +
-(printable xref:devguide/printable.html[html]) |This is a guide to
+(xref:devguide/devguide.adoc[single page]) |This is a guide to
xref:devguide/ajc.adoc[ajc], the command-line compiler;
and the
xref:devguide/antsupport.adoc[Ant tasks] for building AspectJ programs.
features and implement JavaBean properties, the Observer pattern, a
tracing library, and a game application where aspects handle display
+| xref:developer/index.adoc[AspectJ Design Overview] +
+(xref:developer/design-overview.adoc[single page]) |Introductory information about
+AspectJ language design, developer guides, module structure