element = $( "#qunit-fixture li:eq(0)" );
+ // move the first li to the right of the second li in the first ul
element.simulate( "drag", {
- dx: 51,
+ dx: 55,
moves: 15
equal( changeCount, 1, "change fired only once (no jitters) when dragging a floated sortable in it's own container" );
+ // move the first li ( which is now in the second spot )
+ // through the first spot in the second ul to the second spot in the second ul
element.simulate( "drag", {
- dx: 50,
+ dx: 100,
moves: 15
element.find( "li" ).eq( 0 ).simulate( "drag", {
handle: "corner",
- dx: -1,
- dy: 114,
+ dy: 120,
moves: 1