**%VERSION%** ([go](http://code.google.com/p/gitblit/downloads/detail?name=%GO%) | [war](http://code.google.com/p/gitblit/downloads/detail?name=%WAR%) | [express](http://code.google.com/p/gitblit/downloads/detail?name=%EXPRESS%) | [fedclient](http://code.google.com/p/gitblit/downloads/detail?name=%FEDCLIENT%) | [manager](http://code.google.com/p/gitblit/downloads/detail?name=%MANAGER%) | [api](http://code.google.com/p/gitblit/downloads/detail?name=%API%)) based on [%JGIT%][jgit] *released %BUILDDATE%*\r
+#### changes\r
+- Added *clientLogger* bound variable to Groovy hook mechanism to allow custom info and error messages to be returned to the client (Github/jcrygier)\r
#### fixes\r
- Fixed absolute path/canonical path discrepancy between Gitblit and JGit regarding use of symlinks (issue 78)\r
- Fixed row layout on activity page (issue 79)\r
- Fixed Centos service script (Github/mohamedmansour)\r
+- Removed wrong char from EditRepositoryPage, which caused IE8 to not display the save button (Github/jonnybbb)\r
**0.9.1** *released 2012-03-27*\r
- initial release\r
-[jgit]: http://eclipse.org/jgit "Eclipse JGit Site"
\ No newline at end of file
+[jgit]: http://eclipse.org/jgit "Eclipse JGit Site"\r