* @return void
public function schedule(Message $iTipMessage) {
- // Not sending any emails if the system considers the update
- // insignificant.
+ // do not send imip messages if external system already did
+ /** @psalm-suppress UndefinedPropertyFetch */
+ if ($iTipMessage->message?->VEVENT?->{'X-NC-DISABLE-SCHEDULING'}?->getValue() === 'true') {
+ if (!$iTipMessage->scheduleStatus) {
+ $iTipMessage->scheduleStatus = '1.0;We got the message, but iMip messages are disabled for this event';
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // Not sending any emails if the system considers the update insignificant
if (!$iTipMessage->significantChange) {
if (!$iTipMessage->scheduleStatus) {
$iTipMessage->scheduleStatus = '1.0;We got the message, but it\'s not significant enough to warrant an email';
$this->assertEquals('1.1', $message->getScheduleStatus());
+ public function testImipDisabledForEvent(): void {
+ // construct iTip message with event and attendees
+ $calendar = new VCalendar();
+ $calendar->add('VEVENT', ['UID' => 'uid-1234']);
+ $event = $calendar->VEVENT;
+ $event->add('ORGANIZER', 'mailto:gandalf@wiz.ard');
+ $event->add('ATTENDEE', 'mailto:' . 'frodo@hobb.it', ['RSVP' => 'TRUE', 'CN' => 'Frodo']);
+ $event->add('X-NC-DISABLE-SCHEDULING', 'true');
+ $message = new Message();
+ $message->method = 'REQUEST';
+ $message->message = $calendar;
+ $message->sender = 'mailto:gandalf@wiz.ard';
+ $message->senderName = 'Mr. Wizard';
+ $message->recipient = 'mailto:' . 'frodo@hobb.it';
+ $this->plugin->schedule($message);
+ $this->assertEquals('1.0;We got the message, but iMip messages are disabled for this event', $message->scheduleStatus);
+ }