==================================================================== */
package org.apache.poi.hdgf;
-import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
+import org.apache.poi.hdgf.pointers.Pointer;
+import org.apache.poi.hdgf.pointers.PointerFactory;
+import org.apache.poi.hdgf.streams.PointerContainingStream;
+import org.apache.poi.hdgf.streams.Stream;
+import org.apache.poi.hdgf.streams.StringsStream;
+import org.apache.poi.hdgf.streams.TrailerStream;
import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.DocumentEntry;
import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.POIFSFileSystem;
import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndian;
private short version;
private long docSize;
- private VisioPointer trailerPointer;
- private PointerBlock trailer;
+ private Pointer trailerPointer;
+ private TrailerStream trailer;
+ private PointerFactory ptrFactory;
public HDGFDiagram(POIFSFileSystem fs) throws IOException {
filesystem = fs;
docSize = LittleEndian.getUInt(_docstream, 0x1c);
// ??? 0x20 -> 0x23
+ // Create a Pointer Factory for the document version
+ ptrFactory = new PointerFactory(version);
// Grab the pointer to the trailer
- trailerPointer = VisioPointer.getPointerAt(_docstream, 0x24);
+ trailerPointer = ptrFactory.createPointer(_docstream, 0x24);
+ // Now grab the trailer
+ trailer = (TrailerStream)
+ Stream.createStream(trailerPointer, _docstream, ptrFactory);
- // And now grab the trailer
- trailer = new CompressedPointerBlock(trailerPointer, _docstream);
+ // Finally, find all our streams
+ trailer.findChildren(_docstream);
+ /**
+ * Returns the TrailerStream, which is at the root of the
+ * tree of Streams.
+ */
+ public TrailerStream getTrailerStream() { return trailer; }
+ /**
+ * Returns all the top level streams, which are the streams
+ * pointed to by the TrailerStream.
+ */
+ public Stream[] getTopLevelStreams() { return trailer.getPointedToStreams(); }
public void debug() throws IOException {
- System.err.println("Trailer is at " + trailerPointer.offset);
- System.err.println("Trailer has type " + trailerPointer.type);
- System.err.println("Trailer has length " + trailerPointer.length);
- System.err.println("Trailer has format " + trailerPointer.format);
- for(int i=0; i<trailer.getPointers().length; i++) {
- VisioPointer ptr = trailer.getPointers()[i];
+ System.err.println("Trailer is at " + trailerPointer.getOffset());
+ System.err.println("Trailer has type " + trailerPointer.getType());
+ System.err.println("Trailer has length " + trailerPointer.getLength());
+ System.err.println("Trailer has format " + trailerPointer.getFormat());
+ for(int i=0; i<trailer.getPointedToStreams().length; i++) {
+ Stream stream = trailer.getPointedToStreams()[i];
+ Pointer ptr = stream.getPointer();
System.err.println("Looking at pointer " + i);
- System.err.println("\tType is " + ptr.type + "\t\t" + Integer.toHexString(ptr.type));
- System.err.println("\tOffset is " + ptr.offset + "\t\t" + Long.toHexString(ptr.offset));
- System.err.println("\tAddress is " + ptr.address + "\t" + Long.toHexString(ptr.address));
- System.err.println("\tLength is " + ptr.length + "\t\t" + Long.toHexString(ptr.length));
- System.err.println("\tFormat is " + ptr.format + "\t\t" + Long.toHexString(ptr.format));
+ System.err.println("\tType is " + ptr.getType() + "\t\t" + Integer.toHexString(ptr.getType()));
+ System.err.println("\tOffset is " + ptr.getOffset() + "\t\t" + Long.toHexString(ptr.getOffset()));
+ System.err.println("\tAddress is " + ptr.getAddress() + "\t" + Long.toHexString(ptr.getAddress()));
+ System.err.println("\tLength is " + ptr.getLength() + "\t\t" + Long.toHexString(ptr.getLength()));
+ System.err.println("\tFormat is " + ptr.getFormat() + "\t\t" + Long.toHexString(ptr.getFormat()));
System.err.println("\tCompressed is " + ptr.destinationCompressed());
+ System.err.println("\tStream is " + stream.getClass());
- if(ptr.destinationHasPointers()) {
- PointerBlock pb = PointerBlock.createAppropriateBlock(ptr, _docstream);
+ if(stream instanceof PointerContainingStream) {
+ PointerContainingStream pcs = (PointerContainingStream)stream;
- if(pb.getPointers() != null && pb.getPointers().length > 0) {
- System.err.println("\tContains " + pb.getPointers().length + " other pointers");
- for(int j=0; j<pb.getPointers().length; j++) {
- VisioPointer sptr = pb.getPointers()[j];
- System.err.println("\t\t" + j + " - Type is " + sptr.type + "\t\t" + Integer.toHexString(sptr.type));
- System.err.println("\t\t" + j + " - Length is " + sptr.length + "\t\t" + Long.toHexString(sptr.length));
+ if(pcs.getPointedToStreams() != null && pcs.getPointedToStreams().length > 0) {
+ System.err.println("\tContains " + pcs.getPointedToStreams().length + " other pointers/streams");
+ for(int j=0; j<pcs.getPointedToStreams().length; j++) {
+ Stream ss = pcs.getPointedToStreams()[j];
+ Pointer sptr = ss.getPointer();
+ System.err.println("\t\t" + j + " - Type is " + sptr.getType() + "\t\t" + Integer.toHexString(sptr.getType()));
+ System.err.println("\t\t" + j + " - Length is " + sptr.getLength() + "\t\t" + Long.toHexString(sptr.getLength()));
- if(ptr.destinationHasStrings()) {
- System.err.println("**strings**");
- PointerBlock pb = PointerBlock.createAppropriateBlock(ptr, _docstream);
- System.err.println(pb.contents.length);
+ if(stream instanceof StringsStream) {
+ System.err.println("\t\t**strings**");
+ StringsStream ss = (StringsStream)stream;
+ System.err.println("\t\t" + ss._getContentsLength());
- /**
- * Will only work on Test_Visio-Some_Random_Text.vsd !
- */
- public void debugTestFile() throws Exception {
- System.err.println();
- VisioPointer p61ee = trailer.pointers[8];
- System.err.println(p61ee.type + " " + Integer.toHexString(p61ee.type));
- PointerBlock pb61ee = PointerBlock.createAppropriateBlock(p61ee, _docstream);
- VisioPointer p4524 = pb61ee.pointers[4];
- System.err.println(p4524.type + " " + Integer.toHexString(p4524.type));
- PointerBlock pb4524 = PointerBlock.createAppropriateBlock(p4524, _docstream);
- VisioPointer p44d3 = pb4524.pointers[5];
- System.err.println(p44d3.type + " " + Integer.toHexString(p44d3.type));
- PointerBlock pb44d3 = PointerBlock.createAppropriateBlock(p44d3, _docstream);
- VisioPointer p4312 = pb44d3.pointers[1];
- System.err.println(p4312.type + " " + Integer.toHexString(p4312.type));
- PointerBlock pb4312 = PointerBlock.createAppropriateBlock(p4312, _docstream);
- VisioPointer p347f = pb4312.pointers[0];
- System.err.println();
- System.err.println(p347f.type + " " + Integer.toHexString(p347f.type));
- System.err.println(p347f.offset + " " + Long.toHexString(p347f.offset));
- System.err.println(p347f.length + " " + Long.toHexString(p347f.length));
- System.err.println("Has Strings - " + p347f.destinationHasStrings());
- System.err.println("Compressed - " + p347f.destinationCompressed());
- PointerBlock pb347f = PointerBlock.createAppropriateBlock(p347f, _docstream);
- }
* For testing only
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
HDGFDiagram hdgf = new HDGFDiagram(new POIFSFileSystem(new FileInputStream(args[0])));
- hdgf.debugTestFile();
- }
- /**
- * A block containing lots of pointers to other blocks.
- */
- public static class PointerBlock {
- protected VisioPointer pointer;
- private byte[] contents;
- protected VisioPointer[] pointers;
- protected PointerBlock(VisioPointer pointer) {
- this.pointer = pointer;
- }
- protected PointerBlock(VisioPointer pointer, byte[] data) {
- this(pointer);
- processData(data, (int)pointer.offset, (int)pointer.length);
- }
- protected static PointerBlock createAppropriateBlock(VisioPointer pointer, byte[] data) throws IOException {
- if(pointer.destinationCompressed()) {
- return new CompressedPointerBlock(pointer,data);
- } else {
- return new PointerBlock(pointer,data);
- }
- }
- public VisioPointer[] getPointers() { return pointers; }
- /**
- * Splits the data up into header + contents, and processes
- */
- protected void processData(byte[] data, int offset, int len) {
- if(len > data.length - offset) {
- len = data.length - offset;
- }
- if(offset < 0) { len = 0; }
- contents = new byte[len];
- if(len > 0)
- System.arraycopy(data, offset, contents, 0, contents.length);
- // If we're of type 20, we have child pointers
- if(len > 0 && (pointer.type == 20 || pointer.destinationHasPointers())) {
- // Grab the offset to the number of pointers
- int nPointersAt = (int)LittleEndian.getUInt(contents, 0);
- int numPointers = (int)LittleEndian.getUInt(contents, nPointersAt);
- int unknownA = (int)LittleEndian.getUInt(contents, nPointersAt+4);
- pointers = new VisioPointer[numPointers];
- int pos = nPointersAt + 8;
- for(int i=0; i<numPointers; i++) {
- pointers[i] = VisioPointer.getPointerAt(contents, pos);
- pos += 18;
- }
- }
- // If we have strings, try to make sense of them
- if(len > 0 && (pointer.destinationHasStrings())) {
- for(int i=0; i<64; i+=1) {
- short s = LittleEndian.getShort(contents, i);
- long l = LittleEndian.getUInt(contents, i);
- System.err.println(i + "\t" + s + "\t" + Integer.toHexString(s));
- System.err.println(i + "\t" + l + "\t" + Long.toHexString(l));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * A block containing lots of pointers to other blocks, that
- * is itself compressed
- */
- public static class CompressedPointerBlock extends PointerBlock {
- protected byte[] compressedContents;
- private byte[] blockHeader = new byte[4];
- protected CompressedPointerBlock(VisioPointer pointer, byte[] data) throws IOException {
- super(pointer);
- compressedContents = new byte[(int)pointer.length];
- System.arraycopy(data, (int)pointer.offset, compressedContents, 0, compressedContents.length);
- // Decompress
- ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(compressedContents);
-// TIFFLZWDecoder lzw = new TIFFLZWDecoder();
-// byte[] out = new byte[4096];
-// contents = lzw.decode(compressedContents, out);
- LZW4HDGF lzw = new LZW4HDGF();
- byte[] decomp = lzw.decode(bais);
- System.arraycopy(decomp, 0, blockHeader, 0, 4);
- processData(decomp, 4, decomp.length-4);
- }
- }
- /**
- * A visio pointer, for visio versions 6+
- */
- public static class VisioPointer {
- private int type;
- private long address;
- private long offset;
- private long length;
- private short format;
- public boolean destinationHasStrings() {
- return (0x40 <= format && format < 0x50);
- }
- public boolean destinationHasPointers() {
- if(format == 0x1d || format == 0x1e) return true;
- return (0x50 <= format && format < 0x60);
- }
- public boolean destinationHasChunks() {
- return (0xd0 <= format && format < 0xd0);
- }
- public boolean destinationCompressed() {
- // Apparently, it's the second least significant bit
- return (format & 2) > 0;
- }
- public static VisioPointer getPointerAt(byte[] data, int offset) {
- VisioPointer p = new VisioPointer();
- p.type = LittleEndian.getInt(data, offset+0);
- p.address = LittleEndian.getUInt(data, offset+4);
- p.offset = LittleEndian.getUInt(data, offset+8);
- p.length = LittleEndian.getUInt(data, offset+12);
- p.format = LittleEndian.getShort(data, offset+16);
- return p;
- }
--- /dev/null
+/* ====================================================================
+ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+==================================================================== */
+package org.apache.poi.hdgf;
+import java.io.FileInputStream;
+import org.apache.poi.hdgf.streams.PointerContainingStream;
+import org.apache.poi.hdgf.streams.TrailerStream;
+import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.POIFSFileSystem;
+import junit.framework.TestCase;
+public class TestHDGFCore extends TestCase {
+ POIFSFileSystem fs;
+ protected void setUp() throws Exception {
+ String dirname = System.getProperty("HDGF.testdata.path");
+ String filename = dirname + "/Test_Visio-Some_Random_Text.vsd";
+ fs = new POIFSFileSystem(new FileInputStream(filename));
+ }
+ public void testCreate() throws Exception {
+ new HDGFDiagram(fs);
+ }
+ public void testTrailer() throws Exception {
+ HDGFDiagram hdgf = new HDGFDiagram(fs);
+ assertNotNull(hdgf);
+ assertNotNull(hdgf.getTrailerStream());
+ // Check it has what we'd expect
+ TrailerStream trailer = hdgf.getTrailerStream();
+ assertEquals(0x8a94, trailer.getPointer().getOffset());
+ assertNotNull(trailer.getPointedToStreams());
+ assertEquals(20, trailer.getPointedToStreams().length);
+ assertEquals(20, hdgf.getTopLevelStreams().length);
+ // 9th one should have children
+ assertNotNull(trailer.getPointedToStreams()[8]);
+ assertNotNull(trailer.getPointedToStreams()[8].getPointer());
+ PointerContainingStream ps8 = (PointerContainingStream)
+ trailer.getPointedToStreams()[8];
+ assertNotNull(ps8.getPointedToStreams());
+ assertEquals(8, ps8.getPointedToStreams().length);
+ }