@tokens.slice! 5..-1 if @tokens.size > 5
# strings used in sql like statement
like_tokens = @tokens.collect {|w| "%#{w.downcase}%"}
@results = []
+ @results_by_type = Hash.new {|h,k| h[k] = 0}
limit = 10
@scope.each do |s|
- @results += s.singularize.camelcase.constantize.search(like_tokens, projects_to_search,
+ r, c = s.singularize.camelcase.constantize.search(like_tokens, projects_to_search,
:all_words => @all_words,
:titles_only => @titles_only,
:limit => (limit+1),
:offset => offset,
:before => params[:previous].nil?)
+ @results += r
+ @results_by_type[s] += c
@results = @results.sort {|a,b| b.event_datetime <=> a.event_datetime}
if params[:previous].nil?
+ def type_label(t)
+ l("label_#{t.singularize}_plural")
+ end
def project_select_tag
options = [[l(:label_project_all), 'all']]
options << [l(:label_my_projects), 'my_projects'] unless User.current.memberships.empty?
options << [@project.name, ''] unless @project.nil?
select_tag('scope', options_for_select(options, params[:scope].to_s)) if options.size > 1
+ def render_results_by_type(results_by_type)
+ links = []
+ # Sorts types by results count
+ results_by_type.keys.sort {|a, b| results_by_type[b] <=> results_by_type[a]}.each do |t|
+ c = results_by_type[t]
+ next if c == 0
+ text = "#{type_label(t)} (#{c})"
+ links << link_to(text, :q => params[:q], :titles_only => params[:title_only], :all_words => params[:all_words], :scope => params[:scope], t => 1)
+ end
+ ('<ul>' + links.map {|link| content_tag('li', link)}.join(' ') + '</ul>') unless links.empty?
+ end
- acts_as_searchable :columns => ['subject', "#{table_name}.description"], :include => :project, :with => {:journal => :issue}
+ acts_as_searchable :columns => ['subject', "#{table_name}.description", "#{Journal.table_name}.notes"],
+ :include => [:project, :journals],
+ # sort by id so that limited eager loading doesn't break with postgresql
+ :order_column => "#{table_name}.id"
acts_as_event :title => Proc.new {|o| "#{o.tracker.name} ##{o.id}: #{o.subject}"},
:url => Proc.new {|o| {:controller => 'issues', :action => 'show', :id => o.id}}
has_many :details, :class_name => "JournalDetail", :dependent => :delete_all
attr_accessor :indice
- acts_as_searchable :columns => 'notes',
- :include => {:issue => :project},
- :project_key => "#{Issue.table_name}.project_id",
- :date_column => "#{Issue.table_name}.created_on",
- :permission => :view_issues
acts_as_event :title => Proc.new {|o| status = ((s = o.new_status) ? " (#{s})" : nil); "#{o.issue.tracker} ##{o.issue.id}#{status}: #{o.issue.subject}" },
:description => :notes,
:author => :user,
<% @object_types.each do |t| %>\r
-<label><%= check_box_tag t, 1, @scope.include?(t) %> <%= l("label_#{t.singularize}_plural")%></label>\r
+<label><%= check_box_tag t, 1, @scope.include?(t) %> <%= type_label(t) %></label>\r
<% end %>\r
<% if @results %>\r
- <h3><%= l(:label_result_plural) %></h3>\r
+ <div id="search-results-counts">\r
+ <%= render_results_by_type(@results_by_type) unless @scope.size == 1 %>\r
+ </div>\r
+ \r
+ <h3><%= l(:label_result_plural) %> (<%= @results_by_type.values.sum %>)</h3>\r
<dl id="search-results">\r
<% @results.each do |e| %>\r
<dt class="<%= e.event_type %>"><%= content_tag('span', h(e.project), :class => 'project') unless @project == e.project %> <%= link_to highlight_tokens(truncate(e.event_title, 255), @tokens), e.event_url %></dt>\r
<dd><span class="description"><%= highlight_tokens(e.event_description, @tokens) %></span>\r
- <span class="author"><%= format_time(e.event_datetime) %></span><dd>\r
+ <span class="author"><%= format_time(e.event_datetime) %></span></dd>\r
<% end %>\r
<% end %>\r
div#activity dt .time { color: #777; font-size: 80%; }
div#activity dd .description, #search-results dd .description { font-style: italic; }
div#activity span.project:after, #search-results span.project:after { content: " -"; }
-#search-results dd { margin-bottom: 1em; padding-left: 20px; margin-left:0px;}
div#activity dd span.description, #search-results dd span.description { display:block; }
+#search-results dd { margin-bottom: 1em; padding-left: 20px; margin-left:0px; }
+div#search-results-counts {float:right;}
+div#search-results-counts ul { margin-top: 0.5em; }
+div#search-results-counts li { list-style-type:none; float: left; margin-left: 1em; }
dt.issue { background-image: url(../images/ticket.png); }
dt.issue-edit { background-image: url(../images/ticket_edit.png); }
dt.issue-closed { background-image: url(../images/ticket_checked.png); }
get :index, :q => 'recipe subproject commit', :submit => 'Search'
assert_response :success
assert_template 'index'
assert assigns(:results).include?(Issue.find(2))
assert assigns(:results).include?(Issue.find(5))
assert assigns(:results).include?(Changeset.find(101))
+ assert_tag :dt, :attributes => { :class => /issue/ },
+ :child => { :tag => 'a', :content => /Add ingredients categories/ },
+ :sibling => { :tag => 'dd', :content => /should be classified by categories/ }
+ assert assigns(:results_by_type).is_a?(Hash)
+ assert_equal 4, assigns(:results_by_type)['changesets']
+ assert_tag :a, :content => 'Changesets (4)'
def test_search_project_and_subprojects
def test_search_by_anonymous
User.current = nil
- r = Issue.search(@issue_keyword)
+ r = Issue.search(@issue_keyword).first
assert r.include?(@issue)
- r = Changeset.search(@changeset_keyword)
+ r = Changeset.search(@changeset_keyword).first
assert r.include?(@changeset)
# Removes the :view_changesets permission from Anonymous role
remove_permission Role.anonymous, :view_changesets
- r = Issue.search(@issue_keyword)
+ r = Issue.search(@issue_keyword).first
assert r.include?(@issue)
- r = Changeset.search(@changeset_keyword)
+ r = Changeset.search(@changeset_keyword).first
assert !r.include?(@changeset)
# Make the project private
@project.update_attribute :is_public, false
- r = Issue.search(@issue_keyword)
+ r = Issue.search(@issue_keyword).first
assert !r.include?(@issue)
- r = Changeset.search(@changeset_keyword)
+ r = Changeset.search(@changeset_keyword).first
assert !r.include?(@changeset)
User.current = User.find_by_login('rhill')
assert User.current.memberships.empty?
- r = Issue.search(@issue_keyword)
+ r = Issue.search(@issue_keyword).first
assert r.include?(@issue)
- r = Changeset.search(@changeset_keyword)
+ r = Changeset.search(@changeset_keyword).first
assert r.include?(@changeset)
# Removes the :view_changesets permission from Non member role
remove_permission Role.non_member, :view_changesets
- r = Issue.search(@issue_keyword)
+ r = Issue.search(@issue_keyword).first
assert r.include?(@issue)
- r = Changeset.search(@changeset_keyword)
+ r = Changeset.search(@changeset_keyword).first
assert !r.include?(@changeset)
# Make the project private
@project.update_attribute :is_public, false
- r = Issue.search(@issue_keyword)
+ r = Issue.search(@issue_keyword).first
assert !r.include?(@issue)
- r = Changeset.search(@changeset_keyword)
+ r = Changeset.search(@changeset_keyword).first
assert !r.include?(@changeset)
User.current = User.find_by_login('jsmith')
assert User.current.projects.include?(@project)
- r = Issue.search(@issue_keyword)
+ r = Issue.search(@issue_keyword).first
assert r.include?(@issue)
- r = Changeset.search(@changeset_keyword)
+ r = Changeset.search(@changeset_keyword).first
assert r.include?(@changeset)
# Make the project private
@project.update_attribute :is_public, false
- r = Issue.search(@issue_keyword)
+ r = Issue.search(@issue_keyword).first
assert r.include?(@issue)
- r = Changeset.search(@changeset_keyword)
+ r = Changeset.search(@changeset_keyword).first
assert r.include?(@changeset)
User.current = User.find_by_login('jsmith')
assert User.current.projects.include?(@project)
- r = Issue.search(@issue_keyword)
+ r = Issue.search(@issue_keyword).first
assert r.include?(@issue)
- r = Changeset.search(@changeset_keyword)
+ r = Changeset.search(@changeset_keyword).first
assert !r.include?(@changeset)
# Make the project private
@project.update_attribute :is_public, false
- r = Issue.search(@issue_keyword)
+ r = Issue.search(@issue_keyword).first
assert r.include?(@issue)
- r = Changeset.search(@changeset_keyword)
+ r = Changeset.search(@changeset_keyword).first
assert !r.include?(@changeset)
+ def test_search_issue_with_multiple_hits_in_journals
+ i = Issue.find(1)
+ assert_equal 2, i.journals.count(:all, :conditions => "notes LIKE '%notes%'")
+ r = Issue.search('%notes%').first
+ assert_equal 1, r.size
+ assert_equal i, r.first
+ end
def remove_permission(role, permission)
module ClassMethods
+ # Options:
+ # * :columns - a column or an array of columns to search
+ # * :project_key - project foreign key (default to project_id)
+ # * :date_column - name of the datetime column (default to created_on)
+ # * :sort_order - name of the column used to sort results (default to :date_column or created_on)
+ # * :permission - permission required to search the model (default to :view_"objects")
def acts_as_searchable(options = {})
return if self.included_modules.include?(Redmine::Acts::Searchable::InstanceMethods)
raise 'No date column defined defined.'
+ searchable_options[:order_column] ||= searchable_options[:date_column]
# Permission needed to search this model
searchable_options[:permission] = "view_#{self.name.underscore.pluralize}".to_sym unless searchable_options.has_key?(:permission)
module ClassMethods
- # Search the model for the given tokens
+ # Searches the model for the given tokens
# projects argument can be either nil (will search all projects), a project or an array of projects
+ # Returns the results and the results count
def search(tokens, projects=nil, options={})
tokens = [] << tokens unless tokens.is_a?(Array)
projects = [] << projects unless projects.nil? || projects.is_a?(Array)
find_options = {:include => searchable_options[:include]}
- find_options[:limit] = options[:limit] if options[:limit]
- find_options[:order] = "#{searchable_options[:date_column]} " + (options[:before] ? 'DESC' : 'ASC')
+ find_options[:order] = "#{searchable_options[:order_column]} " + (options[:before] ? 'DESC' : 'ASC')
+ limit_options = {}
+ limit_options[:limit] = options[:limit] if options[:limit]
+ if options[:offset]
+ limit_options[:conditions] = "(#{searchable_options[:date_column]} " + (options[:before] ? '<' : '>') + "'#{connection.quoted_date(options[:offset])}')"
+ end
columns = searchable_options[:columns]
columns.slice!(1..-1) if options[:titles_only]
sql = (['(' + token_clauses.join(' OR ') + ')'] * tokens.size).join(options[:all_words] ? ' AND ' : ' OR ')
- if options[:offset]
- sql = "(#{sql}) AND (#{searchable_options[:date_column]} " + (options[:before] ? '<' : '>') + "'#{connection.quoted_date(options[:offset])}')"
- end
find_options[:conditions] = [sql, * (tokens * token_clauses.size).sort]
project_conditions = []
Project.allowed_to_condition(User.current, searchable_options[:permission]))
project_conditions << "#{searchable_options[:project_key]} IN (#{projects.collect(&:id).join(',')})" unless projects.nil?
- results = with_scope(:find => {:conditions => project_conditions.join(' AND ')}) do
- find(:all, find_options)
- end
- if searchable_options[:with] && !options[:titles_only]
- searchable_options[:with].each do |model, assoc|
- results += model.to_s.camelcase.constantize.search(tokens, projects, options).collect {|r| r.send assoc}
+ results = []
+ results_count = 0
+ with_scope(:find => {:conditions => project_conditions.join(' AND ')}) do
+ with_scope(:find => find_options) do
+ results_count = count(:all)
+ results = find(:all, limit_options)
- results.uniq!
- results
+ [results, results_count]