<release version="3.7-beta3" date="2010-??-??">
+ <action dev="POI-DEVELOPERS" type="fix">49725 - fixed FormulaParser to correctly process defined names with underscore</action>
<action dev="POI-DEVELOPERS" type="add">48526 - added implementation for RANDBETWEEN()</action>
<action dev="POI-DEVELOPERS" type="fix">49725 - avoid exception in OperandResolver.parseDouble when input is minus ("-")</action>
<action dev="POI-DEVELOPERS" type="fix">49723 - fixed OperandResolver to correctly handle inputs with leading decimal place</action>
- // bug 38396 : Formula with exponential numbers not parsed correctly.
+ /** bug 49725, defined names with underscore */
+ public void testNamesWithUnderscore() {
+ HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); //or new XSSFWorkbook();
+ HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("NamesWithUnderscore");
+ HSSFName nm;
+ nm = wb.createName();
+ nm.setNameName("DA6_LEO_WBS_Number");
+ nm.setRefersToFormula("33");
+ nm = wb.createName();
+ nm.setNameName("DA6_LEO_WBS_Name");
+ nm.setRefersToFormula("33");
+ nm = wb.createName();
+ nm.setNameName("A1_");
+ nm.setRefersToFormula("22");
+ nm = wb.createName();
+ nm.setNameName("_A1");
+ nm.setRefersToFormula("11");
+ nm = wb.createName();
+ nm.setNameName("A_1");
+ nm.setRefersToFormula("44");
+ nm = wb.createName();
+ nm.setNameName("A_1_");
+ nm.setRefersToFormula("44");
+ HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow(0);
+ HSSFCell cell = row.createCell(0);
+ cell.setCellFormula("DA6_LEO_WBS_Number*2");
+ assertEquals("DA6_LEO_WBS_Number*2", cell.getCellFormula());
+ cell.setCellFormula("(A1_*_A1+A_1)/A_1_");
+ assertEquals("(A1_*_A1+A_1)/A_1_", cell.getCellFormula());
+ cell.setCellFormula("INDEX(DA6_LEO_WBS_Name,MATCH($A3,DA6_LEO_WBS_Number,0))");
+ assertEquals("INDEX(DA6_LEO_WBS_Name,MATCH($A3,DA6_LEO_WBS_Number,0))", cell.getCellFormula());
+ }
+ // bug 38396 : Formula with exponential numbers not parsed correctly.
public void testExponentialParsing() {
confirmTokenClasses("1.3E21/2", NumberPtg.class, IntPtg.class, DividePtg.class);
confirmTokenClasses("1322E21/2", NumberPtg.class, IntPtg.class, DividePtg.class);