<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='5;url=<%= home_path -%>'>
<div class="notice migration" style="padding:10px">
- <%= image_tag 'accept.png' -%>
- <b>Database is up-to-date.</b>
+ <%= image_tag 'accept.png' -%> <b>Database is up-to-date.</b>
- You will be redirected shortly to Sonar.
+ You will be redirected shortly to SonarQube.
- <i>(if this doesn't happen, you can <a href="<%= home_path -%>">click here to be redirected</a>.)</i>
+ <i>(if this does not happen, you can <a href="<%= home_path -%>">click here to be redirected</a>)</i>
\ No newline at end of file