private static void checkNewNameOfAllModules(Set<ResourceDto> modules, String stringToReplace, String replacementString, ComponentKeyUpdaterMapper mapper) {
for (ResourceDto module : modules) {
String newKey = computeNewKey(module.getKey(), stringToReplace, replacementString);
- checkArgument(isValidProjectKey(newKey), "Malformed key for '%s'. Allowed characters are alphanumeric, '-', '_', '.' and ':', with at least one non-digit.", newKey);
+ checkProjectKey(newKey);
if (mapper.countResourceByKey(newKey) > 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Impossible to update key: a component with key \"" + newKey + "\" already exists.");
ComponentDto project = db.components().insertPrivateProject();
- thrown.expectMessage("Malformed key for 'my?project?key'. Allowed characters are alphanumeric, '-', '_', '.' and ':', with at least one non-digit.");
+ thrown.expectMessage("Malformed key for ' '. Project key cannot be empty nor contain whitespaces.");
- underTest.bulkUpdateKey(dbSession, project.uuid(), project.getDbKey(), "my?project?key", doNotReturnAnyRekeyedResource());
+ underTest.bulkUpdateKey(dbSession, project.uuid(), project.getDbKey(), " ", doNotReturnAnyRekeyedResource());
- underTest.simulateBulkUpdateKey(dbSession, "A", "project", "project?");
+ underTest.simulateBulkUpdateKey(dbSession, "A", "project", " ");
private static void checkProjectOrModuleKeyFormat(String key) {
- checkRequest(isValidProjectKey(key), "Malformed key for '%s'. Allowed characters are alphanumeric, '-', '_', '.' and ':', with at least one non-digit.", key);
+ checkRequest(isValidProjectKey(key), "Malformed key for '%s'. It cannot be empty nor contain whitespaces.", key);
private void checkKeyFormat(String qualifier, String key) {
- checkRequest(isValidProjectKey(key),
- "Malformed key for %s: %s. Allowed characters are alphanumeric, '-', '_', '.' and ':', with at least one non-digit.", getQualifierToDisplay(qualifier), key);
+ checkRequest(isValidProjectKey(key), "Malformed key for %s: '%s'. It cannot be empty nor contain whitespaces.", getQualifierToDisplay(qualifier), key);
private void checkLegacyBranchFormat(String qualifier, @Nullable String branch) {
- expectedException.expectMessage("Malformed key for ''. Allowed characters are alphanumeric, '-', '_', '.' and ':', with at least one non-digit.");
+ expectedException.expectMessage("Malformed key for ''. It cannot be empty nor contain whitespaces.");
underTest.updateKey(dbSession, project, "");
- public void fail_if_new_key_is_not_formatted_correctly() {
+ public void fail_if_new_key_is_invalid() {
ComponentDto project = insertSampleRootProject();
- expectedException.expectMessage("Malformed key for 'sample?root'. Allowed characters are alphanumeric, '-', '_', '.' and ':', with at least one non-digit.");
+ expectedException.expectMessage("Malformed key for 'sample root'. It cannot be empty nor contain whitespaces.");
- underTest.updateKey(dbSession, project, "sample?root");
+ underTest.updateKey(dbSession, project, "sample root");
public void fail_when_key_has_bad_format() {
- expectedException.expectMessage("Malformed key for Project: 1234");
+ expectedException.expectMessage("Malformed key for Project: ' '");
- .setKey("1234")
+ .setKey(" ")
public void properly_fail_when_key_contains_percent_character() {
- expectedException.expectMessage("Malformed key for Project: project%Key");
+ expectedException.expectMessage("Malformed key for Project: ' '");
- .setKey("project%Key")
+ .setKey(" ")
- expectedException.expectMessage("Malformed key for 'my?project'. Allowed characters are alphanumeric, '-', '_', '.' and ':', with at least one non-digit.");
+ expectedException.expectMessage("Malformed key for 'my aproject'. Project key cannot be empty nor contain whitespaces.");
- callByKey(MY_PROJECT_KEY, FROM, "my?");
+ callByKey(MY_PROJECT_KEY, FROM, "my a");
- expectedException.expectMessage("Malformed key for 'my?project'. Allowed characters are alphanumeric, '-', '_', '.' and ':', with at least one non-digit.");
+ expectedException.expectMessage("Malformed key for 'my aproject'. Project key cannot be empty nor contain whitespaces.");
- callDryRunByKey(MY_PROJECT_KEY, FROM, "my?");
+ callDryRunByKey(MY_PROJECT_KEY, FROM, "my a");
- public void properly_fail_when_project_key_contains_percent_character() {
+ public void properly_fail_when_invalid_project_key() {
userSession.addPermission(PROVISION_PROJECTS, db.getDefaultOrganization());
- expectedException.expectMessage("Malformed key for Project: project%Key. Allowed characters are alphanumeric, '-', '_', '.' and ':', with at least one non-digit.");
+ expectedException.expectMessage("Malformed key for Project: 'project Key'. It cannot be empty nor contain whitespaces.");
- .setKey("project%Key")
+ .setKey("project Key")
public static final int MAX_COMPONENT_KEY_LENGTH = 400;
- * Allowed characters are alphanumeric, '-', '_', '.' and ':', with at least one non-digit
+ * Must not be blank or empty
- private static final String VALID_PROJECT_KEY_REGEXP = "[\\p{Alnum}\\-_.:]*[\\p{Alpha}\\-_.:]+[\\p{Alnum}\\-_.:]*";
+ private static final String VALID_PROJECT_KEY_REGEXP = "[^\\p{javaWhitespace}]+";
private static final String VALID_PROJECT_KEY_ISSUES_MODE_REGEXP = "[\\p{Alnum}\\-_.:/]*[\\p{Alpha}\\-_.:/]+[\\p{Alnum}\\-_.:/]*";
* Allowed characters are alphanumeric, '-', '_', '.' and '/'
- * <p>Test if given parameter is valid for a project. Valid format is:</p>
- * <ul>
- * <li>Allowed characters:
- * <ul>
- * <li>Uppercase ASCII letters A-Z</li>
- * <li>Lowercase ASCII letters a-z</li>
- * <li>ASCII digits 0-9</li>
- * <li>Punctuation signs dash '-', underscore '_', period '.' and colon ':'</li>
- * </ul>
- * </li>
- * <li>At least one non-digit</li>
- * </ul>
+ * Test if given parameter is valid for a project. A key is valid if it doesn't contain whitespaces.
* @return <code>true</code> if <code>keyCandidate</code> can be used for a project
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the format is incorrect
public static void checkProjectKey(String keyCandidate) {
- checkArgument(isValidProjectKey(keyCandidate), "Malformed key for '%s'. Allowed characters are alphanumeric, '-', '_', '.' and ':', with at least one non-digit.",
- keyCandidate);
+ checkArgument(isValidProjectKey(keyCandidate), "Malformed key for '%s'. %s", keyCandidate, "Project key cannot be empty nor contain whitespaces.");
- * Same as {@link #isValidProjectKey(String)}, but allows additionally '/'.
+ * <p>Test if given parameter is valid for a project. Valid format is:</p>
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>Allowed characters:
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>Uppercase ASCII letters A-Z</li>
+ * <li>Lowercase ASCII letters a-z</li>
+ * <li>ASCII digits 0-9</li>
+ * <li>Punctuation signs dash '-', underscore '_', period '.', colon ':' and slash '/'</li>
+ * </ul>
+ * </li>
+ * <li>At least one non-digit</li>
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * @return <code>true</code> if <code>keyCandidate</code> can be used for a project in issues mode
public static boolean isValidProjectKeyIssuesMode(String keyCandidate) {
return keyCandidate.matches(VALID_PROJECT_KEY_ISSUES_MODE_REGEXP);
- public void isValidModuleKey() {
- assertThat(ComponentKeys.isValidProjectKey("")).isFalse();
+ public void isValidProjectKey() {
- assertThat(ComponentKeys.isValidProjectKey("0123")).isFalse();
- assertThat(ComponentKeys.isValidProjectKey("ab 12")).isFalse();
+ assertThat(ComponentKeys.isValidProjectKey("0123")).isTrue();
- assertThat(ComponentKeys.isValidProjectKey("ab/12")).isFalse();
+ assertThat(ComponentKeys.isValidProjectKey("ab/12")).isTrue();
+ assertThat(ComponentKeys.isValidProjectKey("코드품질")).isTrue();
+ assertThat(ComponentKeys.isValidProjectKey("")).isFalse();
+ assertThat(ComponentKeys.isValidProjectKey(" ")).isFalse();
+ assertThat(ComponentKeys.isValidProjectKey("ab 12")).isFalse();
+ assertThat(ComponentKeys.isValidProjectKey(" ab")).isFalse();
+ assertThat(ComponentKeys.isValidProjectKey("ab ")).isFalse();
- public void checkModuleKey_with_correct_keys() {
+ public void checkProjectKey_with_correct_keys() {
- public void checkModuleKey_fail_if_only_digit() {
- expectedException.expect(IllegalArgumentException.class);
- expectedException.expectMessage("Malformed key for '0123'. Allowed characters are alphanumeric, '-', '_', '.' and ':', with at least one non-digit.");
- ComponentKeys.checkProjectKey("0123");
- }
- @Test
- public void checkModuleKey_fail_if_key_is_empty() {
+ public void checkProjectKey_fail_if_key_is_empty() {
- public void checkModuleKey_fail_if_space() {
+ public void checkProjectKey_fail_if_space() {
ComponentKeys.checkProjectKey("ab 12");
- @Test
- public void checkModuleKey_fail_if_special_characters_not_allowed() {
- expectedException.expect(IllegalArgumentException.class);
- ComponentKeys.checkProjectKey("ab/12");
- }
private static void validateModule(ProjectDefinition moduleDef, List<String> validationMessages) {
if (!ComponentKeys.isValidProjectKey(moduleDef.getKey())) {
- validationMessages.add(format("\"%s\" is not a valid project or module key. "
- + "Allowed characters are alphanumeric, '-', '_', '.' and ':', with at least one non-digit.", moduleDef.getKey()));
+ validationMessages.add(format("\"%s\" is not a valid project or module key. It cannot be empty nor contain whitespaces.", moduleDef.getKey()));
public void allow_slash_issues_mode() {
- when(mode.isIssues()).thenReturn(false);
- thrown.expect(MessageException.class);
- thrown.expectMessage("is not a valid project or module key");
- underTest.validate(createProjectReactor("project/key"));
public void fail_with_invalid_key() {
- ProjectReactor reactor = createProjectReactor("foo$bar");
- thrown.expect(MessageException.class);
- thrown.expectMessage("\"foo$bar\" is not a valid project or module key");
- underTest.validate(reactor);
- }
- @Test
- public void fail_with_backslash_in_key() {
- ProjectReactor reactor = createProjectReactor("foo\\bar");
+ ProjectReactor reactor = createProjectReactor(" ");
- thrown.expectMessage("\"foo\\bar\" is not a valid project or module key");
+ thrown.expectMessage("\" \" is not a valid project or module key");
- @Test
- public void fail_with_only_digits() {
- ProjectReactor reactor = createProjectReactor("12345");
- thrown.expect(MessageException.class);
- thrown.expectMessage("\"12345\" is not a valid project or module key");
- underTest.validate(reactor);
- }
public void fail_when_branch_name_is_specified_but_branch_plugin_not_present() {
ProjectDefinition def = ProjectDefinition.create().setProperty(CoreProperties.PROJECT_KEY_PROPERTY, "foo");