require __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php';
use Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\BeforeScenarioScope;
+use PHPUnit\Framework\Assert;
class CommandLineContext implements \Behat\Behat\Context\Context {
use CommandLine;
$davPath = rtrim($davPath, '/') . $this->lastTransferPath;
+ /**
+ * @Then /^transfer folder name contains "([^"]+)"$/
+ */
+ public function transferFolderNameContains($text) {
+ Assert::assertContains($text, $this->lastTransferPath);
+ }
And using received transfer folder of "user1" as dav path
And as "user1" the folder "/test" exists
+ Scenario: transferring ownership from user with risky display name
+ Given user "user0" with displayname "user0 \"risky\"? ヂspḷay 'na|\/|e':.#" exists
+ And user "user1" exists
+ And User "user0" created a folder "/test"
+ And User "user0" uploads file "data/textfile.txt" to "/test/somefile.txt"
+ When transferring ownership from "user0" to "user1"
+ And the command was successful
+ And As an "user1"
+ And using received transfer folder of "user1" as dav path
+ Then Downloaded content when downloading file "/test/somefile.txt" with range "bytes=0-6" should be "This is"
+ And transfer folder name contains "transferred from user0 -risky- ヂspḷay -na|-|e- on"
+ And using old dav path
+ And as "user0" the folder "/test" does not exist
+ And using received transfer folder of "user1" as dav path
+ And as "user1" the folder "/test" exists
Scenario: transferring ownership of file shares
Given user "user0" exists
And user "user1" exists
And using received transfer folder of "user1" as dav path
And as "user1" the folder "/test" exists
+ Scenario: transferring ownership from user with risky display name
+ Given user "user0" with displayname "user0 \"risky\"? ヂspḷay 'na|\/|e':.#" exists
+ And user "user1" exists
+ And User "user0" created a folder "/test"
+ And User "user0" uploads file "data/textfile.txt" to "/test/somefile.txt"
+ When transferring ownership of path "test" from "user0" to "user1"
+ And the command was successful
+ And As an "user1"
+ And using received transfer folder of "user1" as dav path
+ Then Downloaded content when downloading file "/test/somefile.txt" with range "bytes=0-6" should be "This is"
+ And transfer folder name contains "transferred from user0 -risky- ヂspḷay -na|-|e- on"
+ And using old dav path
+ And as "user0" the folder "/test" does not exist
+ And using received transfer folder of "user1" as dav path
+ And as "user1" the folder "/test" exists
Scenario: transferring ownership of file shares
Given user "user0" exists
And user "user1" exists