new Change("6.4", "Analysis date has been added to the response"),
new Change("6.4", "The field 'id' is deprecated in the response"),
new Change("6.4", "The 'visibility' field is added to the response"),
- new Change("6.5", "Leak period date is added to the response"))
+ new Change("6.5", "Leak period date is added to the response"),
+ new Change("6.6", "'branch' is added to the response"))
tuple("6.4", "Analysis date has been added to the response"),
tuple("6.4", "The field 'id' is deprecated in the response"),
tuple("6.4", "The 'visibility' field is added to the response"),
- tuple("6.5", "Leak period date is added to the response"));
+ tuple("6.5", "Leak period date is added to the response"),
+ tuple("6.6", "'branch' is added to the response"));
assertThat(action.params()).extracting(WebService.Param::key).containsExactlyInAnyOrder("component", "componentId", "branch");
WebService.Param componentId = action.param(PARAM_COMPONENT_ID);