# This configuration was generated by
# `rubocop --auto-gen-config --exclude-limit 20 --no-offense-counts --no-auto-gen-timestamp`
-# using RuboCop version 0.80.1.
+# using RuboCop version 0.81.0.
# The point is for the user to remove these configuration records
# one by one as the offenses are removed from the code base.
# Note that changes in the inspected code, or installation of new
Enabled: false
# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: AllowUnusedKeywordArguments, IgnoreEmptyMethods.
+# Configuration parameters: AllowUnusedKeywordArguments, IgnoreEmptyMethods, IgnoreNotImplementedMethods.
Enabled: false
- 'app/models/setting.rb'
- 'lib/redmine/configuration.rb'
-# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
-# SupportedStyles: inline, group
- Exclude:
- - 'app/controllers/application_controller.rb'
- - 'app/controllers/repositories_controller.rb'
- - 'app/models/group_builtin.rb'
- - 'app/models/issue.rb'
- - 'app/models/query.rb'
- - 'app/models/repository.rb'
- - 'app/models/repository/bazaar.rb'
- - 'app/models/repository/cvs.rb'
- - 'app/models/repository/git.rb'
- - 'app/models/repository/mercurial.rb'
- - 'app/models/user.rb'
- - 'app/models/user_preference.rb'
- - 'app/models/wiki_page.rb'
- - 'lib/redmine/field_format.rb'
- - 'lib/redmine/plugin.rb'
- - 'lib/redmine/scm/adapters/bazaar_adapter.rb'
- - 'lib/redmine/scm/adapters/cvs_adapter.rb'
- - 'lib/redmine/scm/adapters/mercurial_adapter.rb'
- - 'test/functional/issues_controller_test.rb'
- - 'test/unit/lib/redmine/helpers/gantt_test.rb'
# Cop supports --auto-correct.
# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
# SupportedStyles: prefer_alias, prefer_alias_method
gem 'capybara', (RUBY_VERSION < '2.4' ? '~> 3.15.1' : '~> 3.31.0')
gem "selenium-webdriver"
# RuboCop
- gem 'rubocop', '~> 0.80.0'
+ gem 'rubocop', '~> 0.81.0'
gem 'rubocop-performance', '~> 1.5.0'
gem 'rubocop-rails', '~> 2.5.0'