unless no_html
label = content_tag('strong', label)
old_value = content_tag("i", h(old_value)) if detail.old_value
- old_value = content_tag("strike", old_value) if detail.old_value and detail.value.blank?
+ old_value = content_tag("del", old_value) if detail.old_value and detail.value.blank?
if detail.property == 'attachment' && !value.blank? && atta = Attachment.find_by_id(detail.prop_key)
# Link to the attachment if it has not been removed
value = link_to_attachment(atta, :download => true, :only_path => options[:only_path])
<% end %>
<span id="attachments_fields">
- <%= file_field_tag 'attachments[1][file]', :size => 30, :id => nil, :class => 'file',
+ <%= file_field_tag 'attachments[1][file]', :id => nil, :class => 'file',
:onchange => "checkFileSize(this, #{Setting.attachment_max_size.to_i.kilobytes}, '#{escape_javascript(l(:error_attachment_too_big, :max_size => number_to_human_size(Setting.attachment_max_size.to_i.kilobytes)))}');" -%>
<%= text_field_tag 'attachments[1][description]', '', :id => nil, :class => 'description', :maxlength => 255, :placeholder => l(:label_optional_description) %>
<%= link_to_function(image_tag('delete.png'), 'removeFileField(this)', :title => (l(:button_delete))) %>
- :attachments
+ :attachments,
+ :versions
def setup
html = show_detail(@detail, false)
assert_include '<strong>% Done</strong>', html
- assert_include '<strike><i>50</i></strike>', html
+ assert_include '<del><i>50</i></del>', html