# We set some reasonable defaults. Config file settings
# override these where present.
-$default_opts{desktop} = "edString($desktopName);
-$default_opts{auth} = "edString($xauthorityFile);
+$default_opts{desktop} = $desktopName;
+$default_opts{auth} = $xauthorityFile;
$default_opts{rfbwait} = 30000;
$default_opts{rfbauth} = "$vncUserDir/passwd";
$default_opts{rfbport} = $vncPort;
print XAUTH "add $host/unix:$displayNumber . $cookie\n";
+$ENV{XAUTHORITY} = $xauthorityFile;
# Now start the X VNC Server
+@cmd = ("xinit");
+push(@cmd, $Xsession, $session{'Exec'});
+push(@cmd, '--');
# We build up our Xvnc command with options
-$cmd = $exedir."Xvnc :$displayNumber";
+push(@cmd, $exedir."Xvnc", ":$displayNumber");
foreach my $k (sort keys %config) {
- $cmd .= " -$k $config{$k}";
+ push(@cmd, "-$k");
+ push(@cmd, $config{$k}) if $config{$k};
delete $default_opts{$k}; # file options take precedence
foreach my $k (sort keys %default_opts) {
- $cmd .= " -$k $default_opts{$k}";
-# Run $cmd and record the process ID.
-$pidFile = "$vncUserDir/$host:$displayNumber.pid";
-system("$cmd & echo \$! >$pidFile");
-# Give Xvnc a chance to start up
-if ($fontPath ne $defFontPath) {
- unless (kill 0, `cat $pidFile`) {
- if ($fpArgSpecified) {
- warn "\nWARNING: The first attempt to start Xvnc failed, probably because the font\n";
- warn "path you specified using the -fp argument is incorrect. Attempting to\n";
- warn "determine an appropriate font path for this system and restart Xvnc using\n";
- warn "that font path ...\n";
- } else {
- warn "\nWARNING: The first attempt to start Xvnc failed, possibly because the font\n";
- warn "catalog is not properly configured. Attempting to determine an appropriate\n";
- warn "font path for this system and restart Xvnc using that font path ...\n";
- }
- $cmd =~ s@-fp [^ ]+@@;
- $cmd .= " -fp $defFontPath" if ($defFontPath);
- system("$cmd & echo \$! >$pidFile");
- sleep(3);
- }
-unless (kill 0, `cat $pidFile`) {
- warn "Could not start Xvnc.\n\n";
- unlink $pidFile;
- open(LOG, "<$desktopLog");
- while (<LOG>) { print; }
- close(LOG);
- die "\n";
+ push(@cmd, "-$k");
+ push(@cmd, $default_opts{$k}) if $default_opts{$k};
warn "\nNew '$desktopName' desktop is $host:$displayNumber\n\n";
-# Run the X startup script.
warn "Starting desktop session $sessionname\n";
warn "Log file is $desktopLog\n\n";
-# If the unix domain socket exists then use that (DISPLAY=:n) otherwise use
-# TCP (DISPLAY=host:n)
-if (-e "/tmp/.X11-unix/X$displayNumber" ||
- -e "/usr/spool/sockets/X11/$displayNumber")
- $ENV{DISPLAY}= ":$displayNumber";
-} else {
- $ENV{DISPLAY}= "$host:$displayNumber";
-$ENV{VNCDESKTOP}= $desktopName;
+open STDOUT, "> $desktopLog"
+open STDERR, ">&STDOUT"
-system("$Xsession $session{'Exec'} >> " . "edString($desktopLog) . " 2>&1");
+die "Failed to start session.\n";
# Functions
return 1;
-# quotedString returns a string which yields the original string when parsed
-# by a shell.
-sub quotedString
- local ($in) = @_;
- $in =~ s/\'/\'\"\'\"\'/g;
- return "'$in'";
-# removeSlashes turns slashes into underscores for use as a file name.
-sub removeSlashes
- local ($in) = @_;
- $in =~ s|/|_|g;
- return "$in";
# Usage
- foreach $cmd ("uname","xauth") {
+ foreach $cmd ("uname","xauth","xinit") {
for (split(/:/,$ENV{PATH})) {
if (-x "$_/$cmd") {
next cmd;