attachments += obj.attachments if obj.respond_to?(:attachments)
if attachments.present?
- text.gsub!(/src="([^\/"]+\.(bmp|gif|jpg|jpe|jpeg|png|webp))"(\s+alt="([^"]*)")?/i) do |m|
- filename, ext, alt, alttext = $1, $2, $3, $4
+ title_and_alt_re = /\s+(title|alt)="([^"]*)"/i
+ text.gsub!(/src="([^\/"]+\.(bmp|gif|jpg|jpe|jpeg|png|webp))"([^>]*)/i) do |m|
+ filename, ext, other_attrs = $1, $2, $3
# search for the picture in attachments
if found = Attachment.latest_attach(attachments, CGI.unescape(filename))
image_url = download_named_attachment_url(found, found.filename, :only_path => only_path)
desc = found.description.to_s.delete('"')
- if !desc.blank? && alttext.blank?
- alt = " title=\"#{desc}\" alt=\"#{desc}\""
- end
- "src=\"#{image_url}\"#{alt} loading=\"lazy\""
+ # remove title and alt attributes after extracting them
+ title_and_alt = other_attrs.scan(title_and_alt_re).to_h
+ other_attrs.gsub!(title_and_alt_re, '')
+ title_and_alt_attrs = if !desc.blank? && title_and_alt['alt'].blank?
+ " title=\"#{desc}\" alt=\"#{desc}\""
+ else
+ # restore original title and alt attributes
+ " #{ { |k, v| %[#{k}="#{v}"] }.join(' ')}"
+ end
+ "src=\"#{image_url}\"#{title_and_alt_attrs} loading=\"lazy\"#{other_attrs}"
attachments = Attachment.all
with_settings text_formatting: 'textile' do
# When alt text is set
- assert_match %r[<img src=".+?" title="This is a logo" alt="This is a logo" loading=".+?" title="alt text" alt="alt text" />],
+ assert_match %r[<img src=".+?" title="alt text" alt="alt text" loading=".+?" />],
textilizable('!logo.gif(alt text)!', attachments: attachments)
# When alt text and style are set
- assert_match %r[<img src=".+?" title="This is a logo" alt="This is a logo" loading=".+?" style="width:100px;" title="alt text" alt="alt text" />],
+ assert_match %r[<img src=".+?" title="alt text" alt="alt text" loading=".+?" style="width:100px;" />],
textilizable('!{width:100px}logo.gif(alt text)!', attachments: attachments)
# When alt text is not set