def new
- # Prefills the form with 'Non member' role permissions
+ # Prefills the form with 'Non member' role permissions by default
@role = Role.new(params[:role] || {:permissions => Role.non_member.permissions})
+ if params[:copy].present? && @copy_from = Role.find_by_id(params[:copy])
+ @role.copy_from(@copy_from)
+ end
@roles = Role.sorted.all
:in => ISSUES_VISIBILITY_OPTIONS.collect(&:first),
:if => lambda {|role| role.respond_to?(:issues_visibility)}
+ # Copies attributes from another role, arg can be an id or a Role
+ def copy_from(arg, options={})
+ return unless arg.present?
+ role = arg.is_a?(Role) ? arg : Role.find_by_id(arg.to_s)
+ self.attributes = role.attributes.dup.except("id", "name", "position", "builtin", "permissions")
+ self.permissions = role.permissions.dup
+ self
+ end
def permissions=(perms)
perms = perms.collect {|p| p.to_sym unless p.blank? }.compact.uniq if perms
write_attribute(:permissions, perms)
<p><%= f.select :issues_visibility, Role::ISSUES_VISIBILITY_OPTIONS.collect {|v| [l(v.last), v.first]} %></p>
<% if @role.new_record? && @roles.any? %>
<p><label for="copy_workflow_from"><%= l(:label_copy_workflow_from) %></label>
-<%= select_tag(:copy_workflow_from, content_tag("option") + options_from_collection_for_select(@roles, :id, :name)) %></p>
+<%= select_tag(:copy_workflow_from, content_tag("option") + options_from_collection_for_select(@roles, :id, :name, params[:copy_workflow_from] || @copy_from.try(:id))) %></p>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<td class="buttons">
+ <%= link_to l(:button_copy), new_role_path(:copy => role), :class => 'icon icon-copy' %>
<%= delete_link role_path(role) unless role.builtin? %>
assert_template 'new'
+ def test_new_with_copy
+ copy_from = Role.find(2)
+ get :new, :copy => copy_from.id.to_s
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template 'new'
+ role = assigns(:role)
+ assert_equal copy_from.permissions, role.permissions
+ assert_select 'form' do
+ # blank name
+ assert_select 'input[name=?][value=]', 'role[name]'
+ # edit_project permission checked
+ assert_select 'input[type=checkbox][name=?][value=edit_project][checked=checked]', 'role[permissions][]'
+ # add_project permission not checked
+ assert_select 'input[type=checkbox][name=?][value=add_project]', 'role[permissions][]'
+ assert_select 'input[type=checkbox][name=?][value=add_project][checked=checked]', 'role[permissions][]', 0
+ # workflow copy selected
+ assert_select 'select[name=?]', 'copy_workflow_from' do
+ assert_select 'option[value=2][selected=selected]'
+ end
+ end
+ end
def test_create_with_validaton_failure
post :create, :role => {:name => '',
:permissions => ['add_issues', 'edit_issues', 'log_time', ''],
assert_equal Role.all.reject(&:builtin?).sort, Role.builtin(false).all.sort
+ def test_copy_from
+ role = Role.find(1)
+ copy = Role.new.copy_from(role)
+ assert_nil copy.id
+ assert_equal '', copy.name
+ assert_equal role.permissions, copy.permissions
+ copy.name = 'Copy'
+ assert copy.save
+ end
def test_copy_workflows
source = Role.find(1)
assert_equal 90, source.workflow_rules.size