used to exclude some test files from analysis. They apply to every project and cannot be overridden.
property.category.exclusions.files.description=Configure which source code and tests you want to be omitted from analysis. Most of these parameters can also be configured at individual project level in each application's project settings.<h2>Wildcards</h2>\<h2>Wildcards</h2>\
<p>Following rules are applied:</p>\
<table class="data">\
<thead><tr><th colspan="2"></th></tr></thead>\
property.category.exclusions.issues.description=Configure which issues should not be reported.
-property.category.exclusions.duplications.description=Configure files which should not be checked for duplicated code
+property.category.exclusions.duplications.description=Configure files which should not be checked for duplicated code.
property.error.notBoolean=Valid options are "true" and "false"
property.error.notInteger=Only digits are allowed
property.error.notFloat=Not a floating point number