# @TravisCI please provide the feature natively, like at AppVeyor or CircleCI ;-)
cancel_branch_build_with_pr || if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]; then exit 0; fi
-case "$TARGET" in
- git fetch --unshallow
- ./gradlew build --no-daemon --console plain
- # the '-' at the end is needed when using set -u (the 'nounset' flag)
- # see https://stackoverflow.com/a/9824943/641955
- if [[ -n "${NEXT_TOKEN-}" ]]; then
- if [[ "${TRAVIS_BRANCH}" == "master" ]]; then
- ./gradlew jacocoTestReport sonarqube --info --no-daemon --console plain \
- -Dsonar.projectKey=sonarqube \
- -Dsonar.host.url=https://next.sonarqube.com/sonarqube \
- -Dsonar.login="$NEXT_TOKEN"
- else
- ./gradlew jacocoTestReport sonarqube --info --no-daemon --console plain \
- -Dsonar.projectKey=sonarqube \
- -Dsonar.host.url=https://next.sonarqube.com/sonarqube \
- -Dsonar.login="$NEXT_TOKEN" \
- -Dsonar.branch.name="$TRAVIS_BRANCH"
- fi
- # Wait for 5mins, hopefully the report will be processed.
- sleep 5m
- ./.travis/run_iris.sh
+git fetch --unshallow
+./gradlew build --no-daemon --console plain
+# the '-' at the end is needed when using set -u (the 'nounset' flag)
+# see https://stackoverflow.com/a/9824943/641955
+if [[ -n "${NEXT_TOKEN-}" ]]; then
+ if [[ "${TRAVIS_BRANCH}" == "master" ]]; then
+ ./gradlew jacocoTestReport :server:sonar-web:yarn_validate-ci sonarqube --info --no-daemon --console plain \
+ -Dsonar.projectKey=sonarqube \
+ -Dsonar.host.url=https://next.sonarqube.com/sonarqube \
+ -Dsonar.login="$NEXT_TOKEN"
+ else
+ ./gradlew jacocoTestReport :server:sonar-web:yarn_validate-ci sonarqube --info --no-daemon --console plain \
+ -Dsonar.projectKey=sonarqube \
+ -Dsonar.host.url=https://next.sonarqube.com/sonarqube \
+ -Dsonar.login="$NEXT_TOKEN" \
+ -Dsonar.branch.name="$TRAVIS_BRANCH"
- ;;
- ./gradlew :server:sonar-web:yarn :server:sonar-web:yarn_validate --no-daemon --console plain
- ;;
- echo "Unexpected TARGET value: $TARGET"
- exit 1
- ;;
+ # Wait for 5mins, hopefully the report will be processed.
+ sleep 5m
+ ./.travis/run_iris.sh