# @author Morris Jobke
# @copyright 2014 Morris Jobke <hey@morrisjobke.de>
+# @copyright 2016 Vincent Petry <pvince81@owncloud.com>
if ! command -v docker >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-container=`docker run -d -e USERNAME=test -e PASSWORD=test -p 8888:80 morrisjobke/webdav`
+if [ -n "$RUN_DOCKER_MYSQL" ]; then
+ echo "Fetch recent mysql docker image"
+ docker pull mysql
-# TODO find a way to determine the successful initialization inside the docker container
-echo "Waiting 30 seconds for Webdav initialization ... "
-sleep 30
+ echo "Setup MySQL ..."
+ # user/password will be read by ENV variables in owncloud container (they are generated by docker)
+ databaseContainer=`docker run -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mysupersecretpassword -d mysql`
+ containerName=`docker inspect $databaseContainer | grep Name | grep _ | cut -d \" -f 4 | cut -d / -f 2`
-# get mapped port on host for internal port 80 - output is IP:PORT - we need to extract the port with 'cut'
-port=`docker port $container 80 | cut -f 2 -d :`
+ parameter="--link $containerName:db"
+container=`docker run -P $parameter -d -e USERNAME=test -e PASSWORD=test morrisjobke/webdav`
+host=`docker inspect --format="{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}" $container`
+echo -n "Waiting for Apache initialization on ${host}:${port}"
+if ! "$thisFolder"/env/wait-for-connection ${host} 80 60; then
+ echo "[ERROR] Waited 60 seconds, no response" >&2
+ exit 1
+# wait at least 5 more seconds - sometimes the webserver still needs some additional time
+sleep 5
cat > $thisFolder/config.webdav.php <<DELIM
return array(
- 'host'=>'localhost:$port/webdav/',
+ 'host'=>'${host}:80/webdav/',