#include "libutil/map_helpers.h"
#include "libmime/images.h"
#include "libserver/worker_util.h"
+#include "libserver/mempool_vars_internal.h"
#include "fuzzy_wire.h"
#include "utlist.h"
#include "ottery.h"
is_fuzzy = TRUE;
- if (is_fuzzy) {
- msg_info_task (
- "found fuzzy hash(%s) %*xs (%*xs requested) with weight: "
- "%.2f, probability %.2f, in list: %s:%d%s",
- type,
- (gint) sizeof (rep->digest), rep->digest,
- (gint) sizeof (cmd->digest), cmd->digest,
- nval,
- (gdouble) rep->v1.prob,
- symbol,
- rep->v1.flag,
- map == NULL ? "(unknown)" : "");
- }
- else {
- msg_info_task (
- "found exact fuzzy hash(%s) %*xs with weight: "
- "%.2f, probability %.2f, in list: %s:%d%s",
- type,
- (gint) sizeof (rep->digest), rep->digest,
- nval,
- (gdouble) rep->v1.prob,
- symbol,
- rep->v1.flag,
- map == NULL ? "(unknown)" : "");
- }
if (map != NULL || !session->rule->skip_unknown) {
+ GList *fuzzy_var;
+ rspamd_fstring_t *hex_result;
if (session->rule->skip_map) {
rspamd_encode_hex_buf (cmd->digest, sizeof (cmd->digest),
hexbuf, sizeof (hexbuf) - 1);
+ rspamd_encode_hex_buf (rep->digest, sizeof (rep->digest),
+ hexbuf, sizeof (hexbuf) - 1);
+ hexbuf[sizeof (hexbuf) - 1] = '\0';
+ if (is_fuzzy) {
+ msg_info_task (
+ "found fuzzy hash(%s) %s (%*xs requested) with weight: "
+ "%.2f, probability %.2f, in list: %s:%d%s",
+ type,
+ hexbuf,
+ (gint) sizeof (cmd->digest), cmd->digest,
+ nval,
+ (gdouble) rep->v1.prob,
+ symbol,
+ rep->v1.flag,
+ map == NULL ? "(unknown)" : "");
+ }
+ else {
+ msg_info_task (
+ "found exact fuzzy hash(%s) %s with weight: "
+ "%.2f, probability %.2f, in list: %s:%d%s",
+ type,
+ hexbuf,
+ nval,
+ (gdouble) rep->v1.prob,
+ symbol,
+ rep->v1.flag,
+ map == NULL ? "(unknown)" : "");
+ }
rspamd_snprintf (buf,
sizeof (buf),
- "%d:%*xs:%.2f:%s",
+ "%d:%*s:%.2f:%s",
- (gint)MIN(rspamd_fuzzy_hash_len, sizeof (rep->digest)), rep->digest,
+ (gint)MIN(rspamd_fuzzy_hash_len * 2, sizeof (rep->digest) * 2), hexbuf,
res->option = rspamd_mempool_strdup (task->task_pool, buf);
g_ptr_array_add (session->results, res);
+ /* Store hex string in pool variable */
+ hex_result = rspamd_mempool_alloc (task->task_pool,
+ sizeof (rspamd_fstring_t) + sizeof (hexbuf));
+ memcpy (hex_result->str, hexbuf, sizeof (hexbuf));
+ hex_result->len = sizeof (hexbuf) - 1;
+ hex_result->allocated = (gsize)-1;
+ fuzzy_var = rspamd_mempool_get_variable (task->task_pool,
+ if (fuzzy_var == NULL) {
+ fuzzy_var = g_list_prepend (NULL, hex_result);
+ rspamd_mempool_set_variable (task->task_pool,
+ (rspamd_mempool_destruct_t)g_list_free);
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Not very efficient, but we don't really use it intensively */
+ fuzzy_var = g_list_append (fuzzy_var, hex_result);
+ }