+++ /dev/null
-= Contributing to Redmine with git and github
-(This is a beta document.)
-The mirror repository is at http://github.com/edavis10/redmine
-* master - is automatically mirrored to svn trunk.
-* [0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0,...]-stable - is automatically mirrored to svn release branches. DO NOT COMMIT OR MERGE INTO THIS BRANCH
-== Branch naming standards
-Redmine has two kinds of development:
-* bug fixes
-* new feature development
-Both bug fixes and new feature development should be done in a branch named after the issue number on Redmine.org. So if you are fixing Issue #6244 your branch should be named:
-* 6244
-* 6244-sort-people-by-display-name (optional description)
-* issue/6244 (optional "issue" prefix)
-* issue/6244-sort-people-by-display-name (optional prefix and description)
-That way when the branch is merged into the Redmine core, the correct issue can be updated.
-Longer term feature development might require multiple branches. Just your best judgment and try to keep the issue id in the name.
-If you don't have an issue for your patch, create an issue on redmine.org and say it's a placeholder issue for your work. Better yet, add a brief overview of what you are working on to the issue and you might get some help with it.
-== Coding Standards
-Follow the coding standards on the Redmine wiki: http://www.redmine.org/wiki/redmine/Coding_Standards#Commits. Make sure you commit logs conform to the standards, otherwise someone else will have to rewrite them for you and you might lose attribution during the conversion to svn.