- <!--
- Profiling of HTTP requests. Set level to DEBUG in order to log all the HTTP and SQL requests.
- Example of command-line to get the HTTP requests with execution time greater than 10s :
- grep 'rails Completed in [0-9]\{5,\}ms' < profiling.log
- -->
+ <!-- Display Rails warnings and errors in the standard Sonar log -->
<logger name="rails" additivity="false">
<level value="WARN"/>
+ <appender-ref ref="SONAR_FILE"/>
+ </logger>
+ <!--
+ Profiling of HTTP and SQL requests in Rails:
+ <logger name="rails" additivity="false">
+ <level value="DEBUG"/>
<appender-ref ref="PROFILING_FILE"/>
+ Example of command-line to get the HTTP requests with execution time greater than 10s :
+ grep 'rails Completed in [0-9]\{5,\}ms' < profiling.log
+ -->
<logger name="org.hibernate.cache.ReadWriteCache">
<!-- removing "An item was expired by the cache while it was locked (increase your cache timeout)" msg -->
widget_body=render :inline => widget.java_definition.getTarget().getTemplate(), :locals => {:widget_properties => widget.properties_as_hash, :widget => widget, :dashboard_configuration => @dashboard_configuration}
rescue => error
logger.error(message('dashboard.cannot_render_widget_x', :params => [widget.java_definition.getId(), error]))
- logger.error(error.backtrace.join('\n'))
+ error.backtrace.each { |line| logger.error(' ' + line) }
widget_body=render :inline => @widget_definition.getTarget().getTemplate(), :locals => {:widget_properties => @widget.properties_as_hash, :widget => @widget, :dashboard_configuration => @dashboard_configuration}
rescue => error
logger.error(message('dashboard.cannot_render_widget_x', :params => [@widget_definition.getId(), error]))
- logger.error(error.backtrace.join("\n"))
+ error.backtrace.each { |line| logger.error(' ' + line) }