private FbsInputStream openFbsFile(FbsEntryPoint entryPoint)
throws IOException {
- return null;
+ // Make sure the protocol is HTTP.
+ if (!fbkURL.getProtocol().equalsIgnoreCase("http") ||
+ !fbsURL.getProtocol().equalsIgnoreCase("http")) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ // Prepare URLConnection to the right part of the .fbk file.
+ URLConnection fbkConn = fbkURL.openConnection();
+ long firstByteOffset = entryPoint.key_fpos;
+ long lastByteOffset = entryPoint.key_fpos + entryPoint.key_size - 1;
+ String rangeSpec = "bytes=" + firstByteOffset + "-" + lastByteOffset;
+ System.err.println("Range: " + rangeSpec);
+ fbkConn.setRequestProperty("Range", rangeSpec);
+ fbkConn.connect();
+ DataInputStream is = new DataInputStream(fbkConn.getInputStream());
+ // Load keyframe data from the .fbk file.
+ int keyDataSize = is.readInt();
+ byte[] keyData = new byte[keyDataSize];
+ is.readFully(keyData);
+ is.close();
+ // Open the FBS stream.
+ URLConnection fbsConn = fbsURL.openConnection();
+ fbsConn.connect();
+ return new FbsInputStream(fbsConn.getInputStream(), entryPoint.timestamp,
+ keyData, entryPoint.fbs_skip);
protected int bufferPos;
/** The number of bytes to skip in the beginning of the next data block. */
- protected int nextBlockOffset;
+ protected long nextBlockOffset;
protected Observer obs;
* from <code>in</code>.
FbsInputStream(InputStream in, long timeOffset, byte[] buffer,
- int nextBlockOffset) {
+ long nextBlockOffset) {
this.in = in;
startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - timeOffset;