path: "**/test-results/**/*.xml"
format: junit
- depends_on: build
- # Comment the following line and commit with message "DO NOT MERGE" in order to run
- # this task on your branch
- only_if: $CIRRUS_TAG == "nightly-build"
- gke_container:
- image: gradle:5.4.1-jdk11
- cluster_name: cirrus-euw3a-cluster
- zone: europe-west3-a
- namespace: default
- cpu: 1
- memory: 5Gb
- additional_containers:
- - name: mssql
- image:
- port: 1433
- cpu: 2
- memory: 5Gb
- env:
- MSSQL_PID: Developer # this is the default edition
- SA_PASSWORD: sonarqube!1
- gradle_cache:
- folder: ~/.gradle/caches
- script:
- - ./private/cirrus/ mssql2019
- cleanup_before_cache_script:
- - ./private/cirrus/
- on_failure:
- reports_artifacts:
- path: "**/build/reports/**/*"
- junit_artifacts:
- path: "**/test-results/**/*.xml"
- format: junit
# this is the oldest compatible version of PostgreSQL