grunt.registerTask( "generate_themes", function() {
- var download, files, done,
+ var download, files, done, configContent,
target = "dist/" + grunt.template.process( grunt.config( "files.themes" ), grunt.config() ) + "/",
- distFolder = "dist/" + grunt.template.process( grunt.config( "files.dist" ), grunt.config() );
+ distFolder = "dist/" + grunt.template.process( grunt.config( "files.dist" ), grunt.config() ),
+ configFile = "node_modules/download.jqueryui.com/config.json";
try {
require.resolve( "download.jqueryui.com" );
} catch( error ) {
// copy release files into download builder to avoid cloning again
grunt.file.expandFiles( distFolder + "/**" ).forEach(function( file ) {
- grunt.file.copy( file, "node_modules/download.jqueryui.com/release/" + file.replace(/^dist/, "") );
+ grunt.file.copy( file, "node_modules/download.jqueryui.com/release/" + file.replace(/^dist\/jquery-ui-/, "") );
+ // make it look for the right version
+ configContent = grunt.file.readJSON( configFile );
+ configContent.jqueryUi.stable.version = grunt.config( "pkg.version" );
+ grunt.file.write( configFile, JSON.stringify( configContent, null, "\t" ) + "\n" );
download = new ( require( "download.jqueryui.com" ) )();