Component properties are directly mapped to the attributes of the HTML elements
according to the names of the properties. Attributes are written in lower-case
letters and dash is used for word separation instead of upper-case letters in
-the Java methods, so that [literal]#++input-prompt++# attribute is equivalent to
+the Java methods, so that [literal]#++placeholder++# attribute is equivalent to
For example, the __caption__ property, which you can set with
[methodname]#setCaption()#, is represented as [literal]#++caption++# attribute.
[source, html]
-<vaadin-text-field caption="Name" input-prompt="Enter Name"/>
+<vaadin-text-field caption="Name" placeholder="Enter Name"/>
server, as described in
an Application">>. Deploying reads the servlet classes annotated with the
-[literal]#++@WebServlet++# annotation (Servlet 3.0) or the [filename]#web.xml#
-deployment descriptor (Servlet 2.4) in the application to register servlets for
+[literal]#++@WebServlet++# annotation or the [filename]#web.xml#
+deployment descriptor in the application to register servlets for
specific URL paths and loads the classes. Deployment does not yet normally run
any code in the application, although static blocks in classes are executed when
they are loaded.
To add custom functionality around request handling, you can override the
[methodname]#service()# method.
-To use the custom servlet class in a Servlet 2.4 project, you need to define it
-in the [filename]#web.xml# deployment descriptor instead of the regular
-[classname]#VaadinServlet# class, as described in
-a web.xml Deployment Descriptor">>.
-=== Customizing Vaadin Portlet
-__To Be Done__
-If using Servlet 2.4, you need to configure the custom servlet class in the
-[parameter]#servlet-class# parameter in the [filename]#web.xml# descriptor
-instead of the [classname]#VaadinServlet#, as described in
-a web.xml Deployment Descriptor">>.
== Loading a UI