--- /dev/null
+public aspect AdviceAndInjar {
+ pointcut p() : call(* *.*(..)) && !within(AdviceAndInjar);
+ before() : p() {
+ }
+ after() : p() {
+ }
+ pointcut p1() : execution(* *.*(..)) && !within(AdviceAndInjar);
+ Object around() : p1() {
+ return proceed();
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package pkg;
+public aspect AspectOnAspectPath {
+ pointcut p() : call(* *.*(..)) && !within(AspectOnAspectPath);
+ declare warning: p() : "blah";
+ before() : p() {
+ }
+ pointcut exec() : execution(* *.*(..)) && !within(AspectOnAspectPath);
+ declare warning : exec() : "blah2";
+ before() : exec() {
+ }
--- /dev/null
+public class ClassForAspectpath {
+ public void foo() {
+ bar();
+ }
+ public void bar() {
+ }
--- /dev/null
+public aspect DeclareAndInjar {
+ pointcut p() : call(* *.*(..)) && !within(DeclareAndInjar);
+ declare warning: p() : "warning";
+ pointcut exec() : execution(* *.*(..)) && !within(DeclareAndInjar);
+ declare error : exec() : "error";
--- /dev/null
+To regenerate the jars in this directory:
+1. ajc AspectOnAspectPath.aj -outjar jarForAspectPath.jar
+2. ajc DeclareAndInjar.aj -outjar declare.jar
+3. ajc AdviceAndInjar.aj -outjar advice.jar
+ ", but did not",top.getElement(handle2));
+ public void testTwoPiecesOfBeforeAdviceInInjarAspectHaveUniqueHandles_pr159896() {
+ runTest("advice with same name in injar aspect should have unique handles");
+ IHierarchy top = AsmManager.getDefault().getHierarchy();
+ String handle1 = top.findElementForLabel(top.getRoot(),
+ IProgramElement.Kind.ADVICE,"before(): p..").getHandleIdentifier();
+ String handle2 = top.findElementForLabel(top.getRoot(),
+ IProgramElement.Kind.ADVICE,"before(): exec..").getHandleIdentifier();
+ assertFalse("expected the two advice nodes to have unique handles but" +
+ " did not", handle1.equals(handle2));
+ }
+ public void testTwoDeclareWarningsInInjarAspectHaveUniqueHandles_pr159896() {
+ runTest("declare warnings in injar aspect should have unique handles");
+ IHierarchy top = AsmManager.getDefault().getHierarchy();
+ String handle1 = top.findElementForLabel(top.getRoot(),
+ IProgramElement.Kind.DECLARE_WARNING,"declare warning: \"blah\"").getHandleIdentifier();
+ String handle2 = top.findElementForLabel(top.getRoot(),
+ IProgramElement.Kind.DECLARE_WARNING,"declare warning: \"blah2\"").getHandleIdentifier();
+ assertFalse("expected the two declare warning nodes to have unique handles but" +
+ " did not", handle1.equals(handle2));
+ }
+ // if have one declare warning and one declare error statement within an injar
+ // aspect, neither of them should have a counter (i.e. "!2") at the end of
+ // their handle
+ public void testOnlyIncrementSameDeclareTypeFromInjar_pr159896() {
+ runTest("dont increment counter for different declares");
+ IHierarchy top = AsmManager.getDefault().getHierarchy();
+ String warning = top.findElementForLabel(top.getRoot(),
+ IProgramElement.Kind.DECLARE_WARNING,"declare warning: \"warning\"").getHandleIdentifier();
+ assertTrue("shouldn't have incremented counter for declare warning handle " +
+ "because only one declare warning statement",
+ warning.indexOf("!0") == -1 && warning.indexOf("!2") == -1);
+ String error = top.findElementForLabel(top.getRoot(),
+ IProgramElement.Kind.DECLARE_ERROR,"declare error: \"error\"").getHandleIdentifier();
+ assertTrue("shouldn't have incremented counter for declare error handle " +
+ "because only one declare error statement",
+ error.indexOf("!0") == -1 && error.indexOf("!2") == -1);
+ }
+ public void testOnlyIncrementSameAdviceKindFromInjar_pr159896() {
+ runTest("dont increment counter for different advice kinds");
+ IHierarchy top = AsmManager.getDefault().getHierarchy();
+ String before = top.findElementForLabel(top.getRoot(),
+ IProgramElement.Kind.ADVICE,"before(): p..").getHandleIdentifier();
+ assertTrue("shouldn't have incremented counter for before handle " +
+ "because only one before advice",
+ before.indexOf("!0") == -1 && before.indexOf("!2") == -1 && before.indexOf("!3") == -1 );
+ String after = top.findElementForLabel(top.getRoot(),
+ IProgramElement.Kind.ADVICE,"after(): p..").getHandleIdentifier();
+ assertTrue("shouldn't have incremented counter for after handle " +
+ "because only one after advice",
+ after.indexOf("!0") == -1 && after.indexOf("!2") == -1 && after.indexOf("!3") == -1 );
+ String around = top.findElementForLabel(top.getRoot(),
+ IProgramElement.Kind.ADVICE,"around(): p1..").getHandleIdentifier();
+ assertTrue("shouldn't have incremented counter for around handle " +
+ "because only one around advice",
+ around.indexOf("!0") == -1 && around.indexOf("!2") == -1 && around.indexOf("!3") == -1 );
+ }
//---------- following tests ensure we produce the same handles as jdt -----//
//---------- (apart from the prefix)
<compile files="Set.aj" options="-emacssym"/>
+ <ajc-test dir="features153/jdtlikehandleprovider" title="advice with same name in injar aspect should have unique handles">
+ <compile files="ClassForAspectpath.java" options="-emacssym" aspectpath="jarForAspectPath.jar">
+ <message kind="warning" text="blah"/>
+ <message kind="warning" text="blah2"/>
+ </compile>
+ </ajc-test>
+ <ajc-test dir="features153/jdtlikehandleprovider" title="declare warnings in injar aspect should have unique handles">
+ <compile files="ClassForAspectpath.java" options="-emacssym" aspectpath="jarForAspectPath.jar">
+ <message kind="warning" text="blah"/>
+ <message kind="warning" text="blah2"/>
+ </compile>
+ </ajc-test>
+ <ajc-test dir="features153/jdtlikehandleprovider" title="dont increment counter for different declares">
+ <compile files="ClassForAspectpath.java" options="-emacssym" aspectpath="declare.jar">
+ <message kind="warning" text="warning"/>
+ <message kind="error" text="error"/>
+ </compile>
+ </ajc-test>
+ <ajc-test dir="features153/jdtlikehandleprovider" title="dont increment counter for different advice kinds">
+ <compile files="ClassForAspectpath.java" options="-emacssym" aspectpath="advice.jar"/>
+ </ajc-test>
private void addChildNodes(IProgramElement parent, Collection children) {
+ int afterCtr = 1;
+ int aroundCtr = 1;
+ int beforeCtr = 1;
+ int deCtr = 1;
+ int dwCtr = 1;
for (Iterator iter = children.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
Object element = (Object) iter.next();
if (element instanceof DeclareErrorOrWarning) {
DeclareErrorOrWarning decl = (DeclareErrorOrWarning)element;
- IProgramElement deowNode = new ProgramElement(
- decl.isError() ? "declare error" : "declare warning",
- decl.isError() ? IProgramElement.Kind.DECLARE_ERROR : IProgramElement.Kind.DECLARE_WARNING,
- getBinarySourceLocation(decl.getSourceLocation()),
- decl.getDeclaringType().getModifiers(),
- null,null);
- deowNode.setDetails("\"" + AsmRelationshipUtils.genDeclareMessage(decl.getMessage()) + "\"");
- parent.addChild(deowNode);
+ int counter = 0;
+ if (decl.isError()) {
+ counter = deCtr++;
+ } else {
+ counter = dwCtr++;
+ }
+ parent.addChild(createDeclareErrorOrWarningChild(decl,counter));
} else if (element instanceof BcelAdvice) {
BcelAdvice advice = (BcelAdvice)element;
- IProgramElement adviceNode = new ProgramElement(
- advice.kind.getName(),
- IProgramElement.Kind.ADVICE,
- getBinarySourceLocation(advice.getSourceLocation()),
- advice.signature.getModifiers(),null,Collections.EMPTY_LIST);
- adviceNode.setDetails(AsmRelationshipUtils.genPointcutDetails(advice.getPointcut()));
- parent.addChild(adviceNode);
+ int counter = 0;
+ if (advice.getKind().equals(AdviceKind.Before)) {
+ counter = beforeCtr++;
+ } else if (advice.getKind().equals(AdviceKind.Around)){
+ counter = aroundCtr++;
+ } else {
+ counter = afterCtr++;
+ }
+ parent.addChild(createAdviceChild(advice,counter));
+ private IProgramElement createDeclareErrorOrWarningChild(
+ DeclareErrorOrWarning decl, int count) {
+ IProgramElement deowNode = new ProgramElement(
+ decl.getName(),
+ decl.isError() ? IProgramElement.Kind.DECLARE_ERROR : IProgramElement.Kind.DECLARE_WARNING,
+ getBinarySourceLocation(decl.getSourceLocation()),
+ decl.getDeclaringType().getModifiers(),
+ null,null);
+ deowNode.setDetails("\"" + AsmRelationshipUtils.genDeclareMessage(decl.getMessage()) + "\"");
+ if (count != -1) {
+ deowNode.setBytecodeName(decl.getName() + "_" + count);
+ }
+ return deowNode;
+ }
+ private IProgramElement createAdviceChild(BcelAdvice advice, int counter ) {
+ IProgramElement adviceNode = new ProgramElement(
+ advice.kind.getName(),
+ IProgramElement.Kind.ADVICE,
+ getBinarySourceLocation(advice.getSourceLocation()),
+ advice.signature.getModifiers(),null,Collections.EMPTY_LIST);
+ adviceNode.setDetails(AsmRelationshipUtils.genPointcutDetails(advice.getPointcut()));
+ if (counter != 1) {
+ adviceNode.setBytecodeName(advice.getKind().getName() + "$" + counter + "$");
+ }
+ return adviceNode;
+ }
* Returns the binarySourceLocation for the given sourcelocation. This
* isn't cached because it's used when faulting in the binary nodes
this.message = message;
+ /**
+ * returns "declare warning: <message>" or "declare error: <message>"
+ */
public String toString() {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
buf.append("declare ");
public String getNameSuffix() {
return "eow";
+ /**
+ * returns "declare warning" or "declare error"
+ */
+ public String getName() {
+ StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
+ buf.append("declare ");
+ if (isError) buf.append("error");
+ else buf.append("warning");
+ return buf.toString();
+ }