rescape = /[^\w\s.|`]/g,
rtypenamespace = /^([^\.]*)?(?:\.(.+))?$/,
rhoverHack = /\bhover(\.\S+)?/,
- rquickIs = /^([\w\-]+)?(?:#([\w\-]+))?(?:\.([\w\-]+))?(?:\[([\w+\-]+)=["']?([\w\-]*)["']?\])(:first-child|:last-child|:empty)?$/,
+ rquickIs = /^([\w\-]+)?(?:#([\w\-]+))?(?:\.([\w\-]+))?(?:\[([\w+\-]+)=["']?([\w\-]*)["']?\])?(:first-child|:last-child|:empty)?$/,
delegateTypeMap = {
focus: "focusin",
blur: "focusout",
// Handle multiple events separated by a space
// jQuery(...).bind("mouseover mouseout", fn);
- types = types.replace( rhoverHack, "mouseover$1 mouseout$1" ).split(" ");
+ types = types.replace( rhoverHack, "mouseover$1 mouseout$1" ).split( " " );
for ( t = 0; t < types.length; t++ ) {
tns = rtypenamespace.exec( types[t] ) || [];
type = tns[1];
- namespaces = (tns[2] || "").split(".").sort();
+ namespaces = (tns[2] || "").split( "." ).sort();
handleObj = jQuery.extend({
type: type,
data: data,
// Pre-analyze selector so we can process it quickly on event dispatch
- quick = handleObj.quick = rquickIs.exec(selector);
+ quick = handleObj.quick = rquickIs.exec( selector );
if ( quick ) {
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
// [ _, tag, id, class, attrName, attrValue, pseudo(:empty :first-child :last-child) ]
test("delegated events quickIs", function() {
- expect(1);
- ok( false, "write a unit test you lazy slob!" );
-//TODO: specific unit tests for quickIs selector cases
-//TODO: make a test to ensure == matches the null returned by getAttribute for [name]
-//ALSO: will quick[5] return undefined in all regexp impls? If not fix it
+ expect(23);
+ var markup = jQuery( '<div#quickis><p class="D">dead<b devo="cool">beat</b>club</p><quote id="famous">worked<em>or</em>borked?<em></em></quote></div>' ),
+ str,
+ check = function(el, expect){
+ str = "";
+ markup.find( el ).trigger( "blink" );
+ equals( str, expect, "On " + el );
+ },
+ func = function(e){
+ var tag = this.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+ str += (str && " ") + tag + "|" + e.handleObj.selector;
+ ok( e.handleObj.quick, "Selector "+ e.handleObj.selector + " on " + tag + " is a quickIs case" );
+ };
+ // tag#id.class[name=value]
+ markup
+ .appendTo( "body " )
+ .on( "blink", "em", func )
+ .on( "blink", ".D", func )
+ .on( "blink", ".d", func )
+ .on( "blink", "p.d", func )
+ .on( "blink", "[devo=cool]", func )
+ .on( "blink", "[devo='NO']", func )
+ .on( "blink", "#famous", func )
+ .on( "blink", "em:empty", func )
+ .on( "blink", ":first-child", func )
+ .on( "blink", "em:last-child", func );
+ check( "[devo=cool]", "b|[devo=cool] p|.D p|:first-child" );
+ check( "[devo='']", "" );
+ check( "p", "p|.D p|:first-child" );
+ check( "b", "b|[devo=cool] p|.D p|:first-child" );
+ check( "em", "em|em quote|#famous em|em em|em:empty em|em:last-child quote|#famous" );
+ markup.find( "b" ).attr( "devo", "NO" );
+ check( "b", "b|[devo='NO'] p|.D p|:first-child" );
+ markup.remove();