<p>See <link href="0.20.5/graphics.html#svg-scaling">SVG Scaling</link>.</p>
+ <faq id="svg-attribute-required">
+ <question>FOP fails with something like "The attribute "width" of the element <rect> is required". What's wrong?</question>
+ <answer>
+ <p>
+ This phenomenon occurs since FOP 0.92 beta. It surfaced due to a change in the handling of non-FO namespaces. It's not a
+ bug in FOP, but rather in the dependent packages: Apache Batik, Apache Xalan-J and SAXON. The bug in Apache Batik will be
+ fixed in the next release. In the latest release of Apache Xalan-J, the bug is already fixed. It only occurs in the Xalan
+ version bundled with Sun's JVM, because Sun uses a rather old version.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Bug description: In a namespace-enabled Level 3 DOM, an attribute in the default namespace must be set with
+ <code>"null"</code> as the value for the namespace URI. SAX, on the other side, uses an empty string ("") to designate
+ the default namespace. Many packages appear to not properly handle this difference in which case they still use the empty
+ string as the namespace URI parameter for <code>org.w3c.dom.Element.setAttributeNS()</code>.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Work-around: Use the latest version of Apache Xalan-J. Note that starting with JDK 1.4 it's not enough to replace Xalan-J
+ on the normal application classpath and you need to override the Xalan-J version bundled with the Sun JVM using the
+ <link href="http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/guide/standards/">Endorsed Standards Override Mechanism</link>, i.e.
+ you must place Xalan-J in the <code>"lib/endorsed"</code> directory of your JRE.
+ </p>
+ </answer>
+ </faq>
<part id="part-pdf">
<title>PDF specific (includes Acrobat peculiarities)</title>