<property name="changelog.file" location="${build.site}/changelog.html"/>
<property name="dist.dir" location="build/dist"/>
<property name="mavendist.dir" location="build/maven-dist"/>
+ <property name="mavendist.poi.dir" location="build/maven-dist/poi"/>
+ <property name="mavendist.oap.dir" location="build/maven-dist/org.apache.poi"/>
<property name="jar.name" value="poi"/>
<property name="version.id" value="3.0.1-alpha1"/>
<property name="halt.on.test.failure" value="true"/>
<mkdir dir="${jdepend.report.out.dir}"/>
<mkdir dir="${apidocs.report.dir}"/>
<mkdir dir="${dist.dir}"/>
- <mkdir dir="${mavendist.dir}"/>
<mkdir dir="${build.site.src}/${main.documentation}"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${mavendist.dir}"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${mavendist.poi.dir}"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${mavendist.poi.dir}/poms"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${mavendist.oap.dir}"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${mavendist.oap.dir}/jars"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${mavendist.oap.dir}/poms"/>
<copy todir="${build.site.src}/${main.documentation}">
<fileset dir="${main.documentation}"/>
description="Generates POI's website's contents"/>
- <target name="maven-dist" depends="clean,compile" description="Builds the jar files for a maven distribution, and the POM to go with them">
- <!-- Build a Jar of all the class files -->
- <jar destfile="${mavendist.dir}/${jar.name}-${version.id}.jar">
- <manifest>
- <attribute name="Built-By" value="${user.name}"/>
- <attribute name="Specification-Title" value="Apache POI"/>
- <attribute name="Specification-Version" value="${version.id}-${DSTAMP}"/>
- <attribute name="Specification-Vendor" value="Apache"/>
- <attribute name="Implementation-Title" value="Apache POI"/>
- <attribute name="Implementation-Version" value="${version.id}-${DSTAMP}"/>
- <attribute name="Implementation-Vendor" value="Apache"/>
- </manifest>
- <fileset dir="${main.output.dir}" />
- <fileset dir="${contrib.output.dir}" />
- <fileset dir="${scratchpad.output.dir}" />
- <fileset dir="legal/" />
- </jar>
+ <target name="maven-dist" depends="jar" description="Builds the POM files for a maven distribution, and copies these and the jars to the appropriate locations">
+ <!-- Copy the jar files into the maven jar directory -->
+ <copy
+ file="${dist.dir}/${jar.name}-${version.id}-${DSTAMP}.jar"
+ todir="${mavendist.oap.dir}/jars/" />
+ <copy
+ file="${dist.dir}/${jar.name}-contrib-${version.id}-${DSTAMP}.jar"
+ todir="${mavendist.oap.dir}/jars/" />
+ <copy
+ file="${dist.dir}/${jar.name}-scratchpad-${version.id}-${DSTAMP}.jar"
+ todir="${mavendist.oap.dir}/jars/" />
- <!-- Build a Jar file of all the source files -->
- <jar destfile="${mavendist.dir}/${jar.name}-${version.id}-sources.jar">
- <manifest>
- <attribute name="Built-By" value="${user.name}"/>
- <attribute name="Specification-Title" value="Apache POI"/>
- <attribute name="Specification-Version" value="${version.id}-${DSTAMP}"/>
- <attribute name="Specification-Vendor" value="Apache"/>
- <attribute name="Implementation-Title" value="Apache POI"/>
- <attribute name="Implementation-Version" value="${version.id}-${DSTAMP}"/>
- <attribute name="Implementation-Vendor" value="Apache"/>
- </manifest>
- <fileset dir="${main.src}" includes="**/*.java" />
- <fileset dir="${contrib.src}" includes="**/*.java" />
- <fileset dir="${scratchpad.src}" includes="**/*.java" />
- <fileset dir="legal/" />
- </jar>
+ <!-- Build the org.apache.poi poms -->
+ <!-- Copy from the base file, substituting in the version and -->
+ <!-- artificat, plus doing the core poi dependency as needed -->
<!-- Build the main pom -->
- <!-- Copy from the base file, and substitute in the version -->
- <filter token="VERSION" value="${version.id}" />
- filtering="true"
- tofile="${mavendist.dir}/${jar.name}-${version.id}.pom"
- />
- <!-- Build the poi => org.apache.poi redirect pom -->
- <!-- Copy from the base file, and substitute in the version -->
- <filter token="VERSION" value="${version.id}" />
+ tofile="${mavendist.oap.dir}/poms/${jar.name}-${version.id}.pom"
+ >
+ <filterchain>
+ <replacetokens>
+ <token key="VERSION" value="${version.id}" />
+ <token key="ARTIFICAT" value="poi" />
+ </replacetokens>
+ <tokenfilter>
+ <filetokenizer/>
+ <replaceregex pattern="START_NON_MAIN.*END_NON_MAIN_DEPENDENCY" replace="No POI dependency on the main jar" flags="s" />
+ </tokenfilter>
+ </filterchain>
+ </copy>
+ <!-- And the contrib pom -->
+ <copy
+ file="poi.pom"
+ tofile="${mavendist.oap.dir}/poms/${jar.name}-contrib-${version.id}.pom"
+ >
+ <filterchain>
+ <replacetokens>
+ <token key="VERSION" value="${version.id}" />
+ <token key="ARTIFICAT" value="poi-contrib" />
+ </replacetokens>
+ <tokenfilter>
+ <replaceregex pattern="..-- START_NON_MAIN_DEPENDENCY --." replace="" flags="s"/>
+ <replaceregex pattern="..-- END_NON_MAIN_DEPENDENCY --." replace="" flags="s"/>
+ </tokenfilter>
+ </filterchain>
+ </copy>
+ <!-- And the scratchpad pom -->
+ <copy
+ file="poi.pom"
+ tofile="${mavendist.oap.dir}/poms/${jar.name}-scratchpad-${version.id}.pom"
+ >
+ <filterchain>
+ <replacetokens>
+ <token key="VERSION" value="${version.id}" />
+ <token key="ARTIFICAT" value="poi-scratchpad" />
+ </replacetokens>
+ <tokenfilter>
+ <replaceregex pattern="..-- START_NON_MAIN_DEPENDENCY --." replace="" flags="s"/>
+ <replaceregex pattern="..-- END_NON_MAIN_DEPENDENCY --." replace="" flags="s"/>
+ </tokenfilter>
+ </filterchain>
+ </copy>
+ <!-- Build the poi => org.apache.poi redirect poms -->
+ <!-- Copy from the base file, substituting in the version+artifact -->
+ <copy
+ file="poi-redirect.pom"
+ tofile="${mavendist.poi.dir}/poms/${jar.name}-${version.id}.pom"
+ >
+ <filterchain><replacetokens>
+ <token key="VERSION" value="${version.id}" />
+ <token key="ARTIFICAT" value="poi" />
+ </replacetokens></filterchain>
+ </copy>
+ <copy
+ file="poi-redirect.pom"
+ tofile="${mavendist.poi.dir}/poms/${jar.name}-contrib-${version.id}.pom"
+ >
+ <filterchain><replacetokens>
+ <token key="VERSION" value="${version.id}" />
+ <token key="ARTIFICAT" value="poi-contrib" />
+ </replacetokens></filterchain>
+ </copy>
- filtering="true"
- tofile="${mavendist.dir}/${jar.name}-${version.id}-redirect.pom"
- />
+ tofile="${mavendist.poi.dir}/poms/${jar.name}-scratchpad-${version.id}.pom"
+ >
+ <filterchain><replacetokens>
+ <token key="VERSION" value="${version.id}" />
+ <token key="ARTIFICAT" value="poi-scratchpad" />
+ </replacetokens></filterchain>
+ </copy>
+ <!-- And that's it for maven -->
<target name="jar" depends="compile" description="Creates jar files for distribution">