And the HTTP status code should be "200"
And last share_id is included in the answer
+ Scenario: Sharee can see the filtered share
+ Given user "user0" exists
+ And user "user1" exists
+ And file "textfile0.txt" of user "user0" is shared with user "user1"
+ And file "textfile1.txt" of user "user0" is shared with user "user1"
+ And As an "user1"
+ When sending "GET" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares?shared_with_me=true&path=textfile1 (2).txt"
+ Then the OCS status code should be "100"
+ And the HTTP status code should be "200"
+ And last share_id is included in the answer
+ Scenario: Sharee can't see the share that is filtered out
+ Given user "user0" exists
+ And user "user1" exists
+ And file "textfile0.txt" of user "user0" is shared with user "user1"
+ And file "textfile1.txt" of user "user0" is shared with user "user1"
+ And As an "user1"
+ When sending "GET" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares?shared_with_me=true&path=textfile0 (2).txt"
+ Then the OCS status code should be "100"
+ And the HTTP status code should be "200"
+ And last share_id is not included in the answer
Scenario: Sharee can see the group share
Given As an "admin"
And user "user0" exists