api.issue(:id => time_entry.issue_id) unless time_entry.issue.nil?
api.user(:id => time_entry.user_id, :name => time_entry.user.name) unless time_entry.user.nil?
api.activity(:id => time_entry.activity_id, :name => time_entry.activity.name) unless time_entry.activity.nil?
- api.hours time_entry.hours
+ api.hours time_entry.hours.round(2).to_f
api.comments time_entry.comments
api.spent_on time_entry.spent_on
api.created_on time_entry.created_on
api.issue(:id => @time_entry.issue_id) unless @time_entry.issue.nil?
api.user(:id => @time_entry.user_id, :name => @time_entry.user.name) unless @time_entry.user.nil?
api.activity(:id => @time_entry.activity_id, :name => @time_entry.activity.name) unless @time_entry.activity.nil?
- api.hours @time_entry.hours
+ api.hours @time_entry.hours.round(2).to_f
api.comments @time_entry.comments
api.spent_on @time_entry.spent_on
api.created_on @time_entry.created_on
get '/time_entries.xml', :headers => credentials('jsmith')
assert_response :success
assert_equal 'application/xml', @response.media_type
- assert_select 'time_entries[type=array] time_entry id', :text => '2'
+ assert_select 'time_entries[type=array] time_entry id', :text => '4'
+ assert_select 'time_entry:has(id:contains(4)) hours', :text => '7.65'
+ assert_select 'time_entry:has(id:contains(3)) hours', :text => '1.0'
test "GET /time_entries.xml with limit should return limited results" do
test "GET /time_entries/:id.xml should return the time entry" do
- get '/time_entries/2.xml', :headers => credentials('jsmith')
+ get '/time_entries/4.xml', :headers => credentials('jsmith')
assert_response :success
assert_equal 'application/xml', @response.media_type
- assert_select 'time_entry id', :text => '2'
+ assert_select 'time_entry id', :text => '4'
+ assert_select 'time_entry hours', :text => '7.65'
test "GET /time_entries/:id.xml on closed project should return the time entry" do